Hey 5'7" females!



  • bmcnulty1990
    bmcnulty1990 Posts: 17 Member
    Age 25
    Height 5'7
    CW 135
    GW maintain not to worried about weight more worried about my appearance
    Calories I'm doing IIFYM I'm on 108 grams protein 47 grams of fat 250 grams of carbs
    Haven't tried this method but I work out mostly everyday besides 1 rest day per week
    And I'm not getting anywhere with my toning
    I have had 2 kids c sections so my stomach is not tightening at all it seems
    And just generally not toned.
    Need help !!
  • edanielsson1
    edanielsson1 Posts: 3 Member
    Age: 23
    Hight 5'8"
    CW: 187
    GW: 150-154.
    Calories: 1700.

    I currently eat some of my exerciser calories but am trying to avoid eating all of it.

    I used to be closer to my goal weight, but then the last 2 years of college and all the stress made my weight suddenly spike "without warning". I half tried do this a year ago,
    but then went abroad for my Internship and yeah... that was that haha. I am back now, and actually putting effort into it. I am not comfortable right now, especially as I used to be in
    the Swedish National team and all in Kayaking. My injury stops me from getting back to that level, but it wont stop me from getting back to my tones self :smiley: !!

  • erika010
    erika010 Posts: 28 Member
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'8"
    CW: 160
    GW: 145
    Calories: 1400

    Honestly, I've only been back on the bandwagon for a week but I'm already just feeling "different". Just taking it one meal at a time. Making clean, healthy choices 90% of the time. Focusing on 3-4 moderate/intense workouts a week with 1-2 walks with my toddler on the weekend :-). Down 4 pounds already. I have a goal of June 1st to stay on track. I do eat back my exercise calories sometimes, but not all of them - I just dip into that deficit. I got to my highest weight in 2010 (220) and then did Weight Watchers - got to my goal of 160 in 2012, then got pregnant end of 2013, and ballooned right back up to 220. I've been on and off the bandwagon since January 2015 and finally got back down to 160. Would like to lose 15 more to just feel better and get rid of extra pudge :-)
  • CBCelest
    CBCelest Posts: 3 Member
    Age: 32
    Height: 5'7"
    CW: 179
    GW: 145 and build muscle again
    Calorie set: 1450

    Have not started exercising again yet.
    I lost a good amount of weight at the beginning of last year, but had a car accident and stopped losing for awhile. Started back at it a couple weeks ago.
    Have been struggling with getting back on track but I am determined. It just may not be as fast as I would like.
  • MlleKelly
    MlleKelly Posts: 356 Member
    Age: 30
    Start Weight (circa 2006): 226
    Lowest Since (mid-2014 to mid-2015): 162
    Current: 170.9
    Goal: 155-160, maybe even 150

    What I really want to do is flatten my belly and lose inches around my hips. I weight train 3x weekly for 30-40 minutes and do cardio 5-6 days each week, walking, running, spin class, Just Dance...

    I'm set up to lose 1.5lb/week and my calories are at 1400. I generally stay within 100 calories above or below, and I don't purposefully eat back my excersize calories. Sometimes I'll let myself have wine and go over the 1400, but other than that, not really.
  • coliekopatz
    coliekopatz Posts: 4 Member
    Age: 35
    CW: 161
    GW: 124
    Calorie set: 1200

    I have been eating my exercise calories back, but the scale is not moving one bit after a month+ of logging every day and working out 3-5x a week. I guess I will try to keep it at 1200.
  • pennyjean75
    pennyjean75 Posts: 41 Member
    Wraps are where it's at! My quick go to dinner lately has been a small pita with a little garlic hummus, half ounce of light cheddar, salsa, some chicken and tons of veggies. Satisfies me every time! And all for around 350 calories with tons of good stuff. Any other good dinner suggestions (sadly, I don't like eggs which sucks because they give you so many great options!)?

    Just back from Mexico and brought back 6 lbs on my stomach. Worst. Souvenir. Ever. Anyway, time to get some focus back.
  • EmPersson
    EmPersson Posts: 768 Member
    Age: 33 (34 next month)
    Height 5'7.5"
    CW: 160ish
    GW: 140-138

    I was 138 all through high school, college, and first few years of marriage. The desk job and daily enjoyment of alcohol in the evenings is catching up with me *very* quickly - and has since I turned 30! It's hard because when I get home from work each day, I want a drink while making dinner, one with dinner, one after dinner, then a night cap... you see how it can add up! We recently put all our work out stuff in one room in the basement: our "home gym." I'm getting on the treadmill each morning for at least a half hour, but the scale isn't going down, and sometimes creeps up. I know it's "diet AND exercise" so I think my biggest obstacle will be to cut out the alcoholic calories in the evenings before I will start to see a change. At this point, I'd be happy to get back down to 155!

    Anyone else find they drink their calories? Or am I *that* terrible?! :-P
  • juliaschulz510
    juliaschulz510 Posts: 6 Member
    Age: 23
    Height: 5'7
    CW: 145lbs
    GW: around 135lbs (but mostly just increase muscle mass and reduce fat, then the number on the scale doesn't matter too much)

    I'm on 1560 calories per day with a weekly cheat-Saturday when alcohol and eating out is okay. Ideally, me and my boyfriend lift weights 3 times a week but life tends to get in the way so it's often just twice a week. Maintaining this routine helps me lose weight very slowly which is fine by me. I notice that I can even go over my cals once or twice a week and still not put on weight. Once I have dropped a few pounds, I will probably up my intake to 1700 which is quite close to my maintenance.

    I never eat my exercise calories back as I cannot really track squats, deadlifts etc. It's incredibly inaccurate on MFP. I find I'm quite strict with my food and tracking on gym days. I don't want to ruin all the effort I put into my workout.
  • Nadvicza
    Nadvicza Posts: 21 Member
    Height: 5'8

    I'm on a 1720 calories per day, with weekly cheat days ususallly friday or saturday. I workout 5 days a week and take weekends off, sometime I only work out 4 times a week. It all depends on how my week goes. I've been trying to lose this weight for almost a year. I didnt make much progress during the winter months, pretty much just maintained.. I've lost about 6 to 7 pounds now, since I've started tracking my carb intake. The stairmaster is my best friend and my worst enemy...lol.
  • Working2BBetter
    Working2BBetter Posts: 219 Member
    43 years
    CW: 138
    GW: ?? It was 136, But now that I'm close I feel it could be lower... 132???
    Calorie set: 1350 5x per week 500 2x per week (Intermittent fasting)

    I never eat my exercise calories. I Work out 6x per week and burn 420 - 600 calories... (cardio and weight training). If I eat more than 1500 I gain weight! It is so frustrating!
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,762 Member
    Age: 42
    Height: 5'7" (171cm)
    CW:138 (63.3kg)
    GW: 136 (62kg)
    I eat 1650-1850 depending on how hungry I am. I'm a runner so am pretty lean and "toned". Just want to take off the last few pounds because it will make me faster! I've actually been maintaining for the past two years. I eat most of my exercise calories back but not all as they're a bit generous. Current dietary motivation is to cut back on added sugar - my blood sugar is surprisingly high and I need to get it down a notch or two. Basically I'm cutting out cake and biscuits (cookies), which has been way easier than I imagined.
  • sgutierrez687
    sgutierrez687 Posts: 1 Member
    edited April 2016
    AGE: 30
    Height: 5' 7"
    CW: 140
    GW: 132

    My calories are set to 1200 but I am currently eating in terms of macros (220 Carbs/150 protein/50 fat) which places me at 1700 cal/day. I do crossfit 3x/week and either running 2+ miles or body weight workouts 2 other times a week. I am currently trying to lose fat while gaining muscle. It's been extremely hard for me to add healthy carbs & protein to my diet while keeping fat low!

    Prior to tracking my meals, I didn't understand why I wasn't building muscle or losing weight. When I was told to track, I realized that I was unintentionally starving myself. 1200 cals is extremely low for me and adding healthy macros has already made a HUGE difference in my muscle tone/weight loss. m9m3x2dhu95e.jpg
  • WicklowWanderer
    WicklowWanderer Posts: 247 Member
    Age: 40
    Height: 5' 7"
    CW: 155
    GW: 135

    Hi all. When I started properly with MFP August 2015 I was 180 pounds. I did my best to stick to 1200 calories per day, became more active and hit 155 by Christmas. Great! BUT... I have been pretty much stuck there since, bouncing between 152 and 156. Working out my average daily energy expenditure with the help of a Fitbit, it looked like I might be eating too little so upped my calories to 1400. Still no loss! So upped to 1600 and still bouncing between the 154 and 156. Sighhhh... Not sure what to do now.

    I'm generally sedentary but work out up to 6 hours a week- roller derby twice a week (a mix of cardio and resistance), the odd weekly gym session (HIIT treadmill/cross trainer and some weights) and maybe a YouTube kettlebell workout or Jillian Michaels Shred at home. My macros are set to 40% carb, 30% fat and 30% protein. I sometimes eat into my exercise calories but not always and I log every thing every day- there wouldn't be much that gets missed and I do my best to measure and weigh.

    Would love to hear from other people who might be or have been in the same boat.

  • lavrn03
    lavrn03 Posts: 235 Member
    Great job so far!! You are at my goal weight right now. I started at 230 and now at 168. When u eat at a deficit your body gets use to it and adjusts to that Amt to survive. Bless you for eating that little that wasn't much especially with exercising.
    Try to calorie cycle throughout the week. For example: M-F alternate 1400/1600 calories a day and on weekends eat a little more 1900. Obviously not sure of your specific numbers and goals but you get the idea.
    Your body will not think you are depriving yourself and adapt to lower numbers. It keeps your metabolism high rather then lowering it.
    Good luck!!!
  • WicklowWanderer
    WicklowWanderer Posts: 247 Member
    lavrn03 wrote: »
    Great job so far!! You are at my goal weight right now. I started at 230 and now at 168. When u eat at a deficit your body gets use to it and adjusts to that Amt to survive. Bless you for eating that little that wasn't much especially with exercising.
    Try to calorie cycle throughout the week. For example: M-F alternate 1400/1600 calories a day and on weekends eat a little more 1900. Obviously not sure of your specific numbers and goals but you get the idea.
    Your body will not think you are depriving yourself and adapt to lower numbers. It keeps your metabolism high rather then lowering it.
    Good luck!!!

    Thank you! It was an easier journey than I had imagined to get there but I think I got little complacent assuming the loss would continue. I tried not to let it get to me when it stopped. When I think back, the loss slowed to nothing when I increased my activity levels and threw in a 30 Day Shred before Christmas. With the calories at that time a bit low, I may have given my body a fright. Now that you mention the calorie cycling, pretty sure I've been doing that most weekends the last couple of months but neglected to say- so around 1600 five days and easily 1800-2000 weekends (including some booze). I've seen lots of stuff on "Eat More 2 Weigh Less" but I'm scared to really increase my calories to what they're saying I should eat! I'm back to work next week after a 6 month career break so hoping to reintroduce daily walking morning and evening, something I was doing when I lost the weight at the start. I'll see what happens!

    Congratulations yourself! That's amazing progress- you must feel and look great!
  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    SW 155
    CW 131.3

    I stayed the same weight no matter how much exercising I did. This included what I thought was a healthy diet. It wasnt until I cut back the carbs significantly that I started to lose weight. Iwent from 155 to my current weight in 3 months. Now I am not so strict with my diet but I still keep track of my carbs. Some days I do better than others. On good days I am below 20 carbs. On bad days I am below 50 grams.
  • niciabrighteyes
    niciabrighteyes Posts: 33 Member
    Age: 29
    CW: 178
    GW: 145
    Trying to have a calorie deficit of 1000. I do a lot of cardio at the gym and beginning my journey as a new runner. I document everything in my blog.
  • Emmamolloy252
    Emmamolloy252 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5ft7.5 and yes the .5 counts!
    I was down to 130 but after 3 weeks on holiday I'm back up.to 136
    My starting weight was 168lbs after 2 difficult pregnancies and a prolapse so basically no exercising and eating to stop myself.feeling like crap.
    Goal weight is 125 but I am focusing more on body fat percentage and hopefully building some.muscle to tone up. I'm hoping to be the shape I want for next February when we have a big family hoiday planned
  • mawalsh11
    mawalsh11 Posts: 14 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hey everyone!

    Age: 24
    Height: 5'7"
    SW: 160
    CW: 154
    GW: 140

    I started losing back in January and then maintained throughout March- got back on the wagon in April! My calories are set around 1600- which I usually come under without exercise. When I do exercise I try not to eat no more than 50% of the calories back. Just looking to lean out. I have a moderately active job- I'm a Leasing Agent at an apartment community so I spend a lot of my day up showing apartments. I'm heading to Mexico for vacation in late July so that's a good motivator! I do yoga once a week and do road cycling when the weather is nice. Love hearing about everyone's success!