So, what's your game plan?



  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    im really interested in seeing how the people who are dpoing 22 min hc get on as im trying to decide whether or not to get the programme!
  • mystcfolly
    mystcfolly Posts: 19 Member
    I'm on vacation starting tomorrow, so I'm actually starting out in maintenance. I will be continuing my work outs, but I'm going to assume that I will maintain my weight through the two weeks I'm gone. Then when I get back, I will adjust my numbers after my body gets used to the time change and getting back to work. I'm very sensitive to any stressors, which usually stalls (or causes weight gain) my weight loss, so just maintaining during this period will help my health... and having ya'll to help will be much appreciated. <3
  • Crys8021
    Crys8021 Posts: 13 Member
    It took some thinking to come up with a game plan for this challenge, but I have a plan!

    Goal: Lose 5 lbs by the end of the challenge, gain confidence in my abilities and change my outlook on calorie counting. I've been looking at MFP as the end all be all. So, when that number is red at the end of the day, I'm really hard on myself. This time, I will focus on preventing/limiting unhealthy habits and use MFP only as a guide. However, I vow to complete my diary each of the 30 days. I also plan to drink 3 Yetis (90 oz) of water daily. The one thing that is currently holding me back is evening stress eating induced my 2 sweet children.. I am going to overcome this by planning healthy meals for myself, doing some kind of transition activity with my kids before arriving home after work such as a walk down the street or playing outside for a few minutes. I will keep gum and my yeti closeby. I find that having gum and a drink on the kitchen counter help when I get the urge to snack.

    I plan to keep my fitness routine pretty much the same. I do bootcamp 2x a week, usually cycle once and run 2-3 times. I'm going to add to this by walking at work on days that I can't get anything else in.

    I'm looking forward to this challenge and getting to know all of you.
  • blancoms
    blancoms Posts: 165 Member
    Right after I wanted to join this challenge I found out I was pregnant. YAY. Also, what a mind game going from a huge deficit to trying to maintain! Soon I will have to deal with (and be okay with) the scale going up. I'm waiting on other tests coming later this week and dont want to jump in too hard and jeopardize anything.

    My goals:

    Diet: Eat at a .5lb/week deficit to maintenance. After being comfortable eating at 1200cal, its hard to start eating 1500 let alone 1800 calories (or more). I want to maintain my weight of 157 for my first trimester (or the duration of this challenge).

    Fitness: My doctor is extremely conservative and only suggests low aerobic exercise (below 140bpm). I've also read about high core/body temperature being a risk to baby.
    Primarily my goal is going to be strength/resistance training throughout this challenge and my pregnancy. I can't lose weight (safely) but I can certainly get stronger. Again, my doctor doesn't want me lifting over like 40 pounds, but I believe I can ease into a program and do it safely. I have an older, simple weight machine (once I re-cable two sections) that I will use for mainly upper body.

    I will do a minimum of 6 workouts/week.
    2+ cardio days/week (Zumba 20 or 40 minute classes)
    2 upper body days/week (weight machine/free weights/Ripped in 30)
    2 core days/week (Jillian Michael's Killer Abs and some body weight)
    2 lower body days/week (weight machine/body weight/Killer Buns&Thighs)

    The first week I'm going to start with at least one upper/core/lower strength days and if I feel its to much I will just add more cardio to replace the workouts I don't complete.

    If anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them!
  • HotMermaid729
    HotMermaid729 Posts: 806 Member
    Simple goal.....gonna get on my treadmill daily to get in those HIITs and at least 15K "steps". That's it. That's all. I'm gonna KEEP IT SIMPLE and see where that takes me. B)
  • TexasJohnnyBravo
    TexasJohnnyBravo Posts: 25 Member
    My goal for the month is to Row at least 2000m a day on my Concept2 Rower. It just arrived on Friday the 8th so it came just in time. My first 2000m row on the 10th was done in 9 minutes 56 seconds. I would love to drop a minute off that by the end of the month. Also I will upping my daily step goal to 15,000 steps a day.

    As far as my eating habits go, I'm one of those crazy Ketoers, it works for me and I feel much better than I have in years plus it's done wonders for my lipid panels.

    I would like to drop about 5-7 lbs this month or maybe just a couple inches off my total body size would be good as well.
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    My goal for this challenge is to hit my 15,000 step goal daily. Start jogging/running 2 or 3 times a week for as long as I can.
    Nutrition: this is my struggle: I let stress get to me and I am a stress eater. I also get really hard on myself if I have a bad day and it leads to several. I need to get back into the routine of eating more protein and be cautious of what I eat and log. My goal is to lose 5-8 lbs for this challenge. That might seem ambitious but since I have gained 5 lbs in 2 weeks I feel like once I get my sodium back in check I will lose water weight.
  • superhockeymom
    superhockeymom Posts: 2,000 Member
    My goal is to get through PT
    I have to switch from running to walking but I intend to add more work with weights
    Nutrition try to stick with my low carb plan cut out the wine!!
  • silentretz
    silentretz Posts: 24 Member
    I have been on and off exercising. I have given up on myself multiple times. In order to take it one step at a time in going to do weekly goals.

    For the week of 4/11:

    1) meet my garmin's step goal for the whole week.
    2) start p90x and do it for 5/7 days. - part of this is I'm moving, and already packed some stuff that I would had needed for body beast.
    3) track and guesstimate as close as possible everything that I eat. I'm going to attempt to follow the meal plan for p90x but I also packed a good part of my kitchen tools.
    4) get my butt out of bed early to work out before getting ready for work at least 2/7 days
  • bookchiq
    bookchiq Posts: 3 Member
    I'm keeping my challenge goal simple, because I already have a lot of fitness goals I'm working towards.

    For the challenge, I'm doing a 30-day plank challenge. Planks appeal to me because they're effective but not time-consuming, they don't require equipment, and also, I'm terrible at them. ;)

    (My other goals I'll be keeping up with: 10K+ steps/day, logging all my food, and staying on track with 1 lb/week weight loss to reach my DietBet and HealthyWage targets.)
  • HotMermaid729
    HotMermaid729 Posts: 806 Member
    My goal for the month is to Row at least 2000m a day on my Concept2 Rower. It just arrived on Friday the 8th so it came just in time. My first 2000m row on the 10th was done in 9 minutes 56 seconds. I would love to drop a minute off that by the end of the month. Also I will upping my daily step goal to 15,000 steps a day.

    As far as my eating habits go, I'm one of those crazy Ketoers, it works for me and I feel much better than I have in years plus it's done wonders for my lipid panels.

    I would like to drop about 5-7 lbs this month or maybe just a couple inches off my total body size would be good as well.

    Hey.....we should ROW together. I have an erg hanging out in my basement gym. The display crapped out on me, but I usually get a good rythm going and can figure out how many stores per minute, etc....then I can calculate that into miles.

    Thanks for the ROW idea....I'm gonna alternate my rowing and my treadmill running.

    I think I'll row today!!! B)
  • HotMermaid729
    HotMermaid729 Posts: 806 Member
    That was supposed to be STROKES per minute
    Bah.....and not the ones where you have brain trauma either and land in the hospital. Not that kinda stroke. Lol B)
  • HotMermaid729
    HotMermaid729 Posts: 806 Member
    bookchiq wrote: »
    I'm keeping my challenge goal simple, because I already have a lot of fitness goals I'm working towards.

    For the challenge, I'm doing a 30-day plank challenge. Planks appeal to me because they're effective but not time-consuming, they don't require equipment, and also, I'm terrible at them. ;)

    (My other goals I'll be keeping up with: 10K+ steps/day, logging all my food, and staying on track with 1 lb/week weight loss to reach my DietBet and HealthyWage targets.)

    Oooh.....I like the PLANK thing too. I might add that as well.

    You guys all got great plans! B)
  • Weights4me
    Weights4me Posts: 43 Member
    Thank you John for taking the time to put this together!
    I just came off of a 12-week personal challenge, so coming up with a plan for this was rather difficult, because really I just want to buy a pint of ice-cream and eat it all in one sitting.

    So my challenge is to actually MAINTAIN a healthy eating life-style for 30 days. I’ll be cutting out all processed foods (anything with more than 5 ingredients on the label) with the only exception of Ezkeial bread. Also (I think it’s a given but will mention it anyway) no alcohol as well.

    I want to establish and reinforce good habits. Obviously in doing that I need forgiveness built in, so IF NEEDED, I’m added 4 cheat experiences. I can’t say meal or day, because I don’t know what the future holds, but I’m going to hold myself accountable to make sure that it’s not because of a craving, it will be my excuse if no healthy options are available to me.

    I hope to gain better muscle tone, drop a couple of pounds, and increase muscle mass!

    Good luck to all of you and I’ll be looking forward to reading all of your updates to stay motivated and gain inspiration!
  • jlc102980
    jlc102980 Posts: 137 Member
    edited April 2016
    I really wanted to do this challenge - but I am having some trouble formulating my game plan since I have a very atypical month ahead. Ultimately, I think my goal needs to be making the best choices given the situation with which I am presented.

    The trouble:
    --I'll be out of the country for most of week 2 - no internet connection and although I *should* have gym access, constant dining out and those delicious little umbrella drinks will be difficult.
    -I will also be out of town for a few days here and there in weeks 1 and 3 - all of which makes setting and following a plan difficult.

    The plan:
    --continue logging and focus on my macros when I am home and really challenge myself to make good food choices when I am traveling (weeks 2 & 3 will be rough). I'm going to be completely honest and tell you that I am going to be drinking and celebrating a lot during weeks 2 & 3 and I have ZERO intentions of tempering that (it is rare for me to really cut loose) but I KNOW I can make good choices for my meals.
    --Workouts 5 days a week (weeks 2 & 3 will be a challenge -- but hoping to go for a few runs on the beach, swim and catch some early a.m. yoga to balance out the party vibe in week 2. At a loss for week 3 - will just have to see how it goes.)
    --I'd like to lose about 3-5 pounds, but I'm going to be realistic and say my goal is just to maintain!
  • Weights4me
    Weights4me Posts: 43 Member
    jlc102980 wrote: »
    I really wanted to do this challenge - but I am having some trouble formulating my game plan since I have a very atypical month ahead. Ultimately, I think my goal needs to be making the best choices given the situation with which I am presented.

    The trouble:
    --I'll be out of the country for most of week 2 - no internet connection and although I *should* have gym access, constant dining out and those delicious little umbrella drinks will be difficult.
    -I will also be out of town for a few days here and there in weeks 1 and 3 - all of which makes setting and following a plan difficult.

    The plan:
    --continue logging and focus on my macros when I am home and really challenge myself to make good food choices when I am traveling (weeks 2 & 3 will be rough). I'm going to be completely honest and tell you that I am going to be drinking and celebrating a lot during weeks 2 & 3 and I have ZERO intentions of tempering that (it is rare for me to really cut loose) but I KNOW I can make good choices for my meals.
    --Workouts 5 days a week (weeks 2 & 3 will be a challenge -- but hoping to go for a few runs on the beach, swim and catch some early a.m. yoga to balance out the party vibe in week 2. At a loss for week 3 - will just have to see how it goes.)
    --I'd like to lose about 3-5 pounds, but I'm going to be realistic and say my goal is just to maintain!

    I LOVE the goal of maintenance! Most would throw in the towel and go hog-wild! Enjoy your celebrations and make smart choices! ☀️
  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member
    edited April 2016
    My goal for this challenge is to hit my 10,000 per day( Increase steps once I'm comfortable to 15, 000)
    30 day squat workout( also I would appreciate any suggestions on any home workouts for beginners)
    Nutrition: this is my struggle: I am a stress eater also tend to binge eat over the weekend. I also get really hard on myself if I have a bad day/ weekend and it leads to several bad days.
    I would like to lose 1.5lbs per week during this challenge.
  • singletrackmtbr
    singletrackmtbr Posts: 644 Member
    silentretz wrote: »
    I have been on and off exercising. I have given up on myself multiple times. In order to take it one step at a time in going to do weekly goals.

    For the week of 4/11:

    1) meet my garmin's step goal for the whole week.
    2) start p90x and do it for 5/7 days. - part of this is I'm moving, and already packed some stuff that I would had needed for body beast.
    3) track and guesstimate as close as possible everything that I eat. I'm going to attempt to follow the meal plan for p90x but I also packed a good part of my kitchen tools.
    4) get my butt out of bed early to work out before getting ready for work at least 2/7 days

    I remember the original P90X diet. Very time consuming and complicated. If it works for you that's great: keep at it! I didn't last long on it: I always felt like I had a bunch of shopping and food prep to do. Really it's just an overly complicated way of sticking to macros, IIRC. Good luck with your goals!