April Presses bring May Dresses



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Thanks all who commented on the meet. I appreciate the support from the group. :smile:

    Went to the gym after work though I don't quite have any plans yet as to how I'm going to go forward since it's a long time until the next meet. Need to figure out my training cycles for the next several months soon. For now, just did some different accessory type things.

    goblet squat - 1x10 @ 45 and 3x10 @ 50
    good morning - 3x10 @ 95
    romanian deadlift - 3x8 @ 115
    hip thrust - 3x8 @ 115

    pull ups - 2xalmost 2 and 1x1.4ish, chin ups - 1x3
    face pull - 3x8 @ 70
    tricep pushdown - 3x8 @ 80

    30 minutes on elliptical watching Food Network
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    I was very tired and rushed last night as I am on nights this week, and just as I was putting my daughter to bed, she had a little emotional breakdown. Oh, the stress of being 6 years old and not being picked during games. I didn't have time for a full workout, but I at least did the main lifts, if poorly.

    Squats - 3x5 at 115 lbs.
    OHP - 5,4,5 at 55 lbs. I don't know what happened here. I was playing around with form, and was really wobbly on the second set, so I cut myself off at 4 reps.
    DL - 1x5 at 155 lbs.
    Pull ups - 4,3,3

    Not a very good workout, but at least it was something!
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    5minty wrote: »
    PS @Denna_Bean, good job for getting a workout in at the crack of dawn!

    Thank you! I always work out in the morning - but it was late and I somehow still did it. I did learn it's much easier to hop out of bed when you think you don't have time than it is to slowly wake up and get up lol.

    @mirrim52 - my daughter's emotional weakness peaks at bedtime (still) - if anything in the world went wrong, everything did. And talking her out of hysterics is a workout in itself. She's a little better these days, but I've had a few of those over-the-top nights with her (she'll be 12 in May). Good job getting your workout in :)

    Today was my cardio day - my first outdoor run of the season and it felt great. I ran 3 miles in 33 minutes (not bad for me, it's been a while). My knee hurt like hellz afterward, but that's nothing new. It stops after a little bit and goes back to normal. It's a bit limiting, I'm not supposed to run more than a 10K at a time on the high end, staying closer to a 5K is recommended. Evidently I have excessive fluid behind my left knee cap and running (that causes muscles to inflame) applies added pressure that causes pain. They don't want to drain any fluid, though, because I don't have any knee pain at all unless I run for more than about 1.5-2 miles. I'm going to try to fit biking in more to avoid the knee trauma, but I really like my runs.

    That was a quite a ramble about not much...
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 593 Member
    Hi guys.. I have been out of the gym for a while and heading there in a few minutes. Hate going back after I have been gone for awhile. I always feel like the new person again, lol! Trying to find the energy to get my sets done today.. here goes nothing! :)
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    @Italiana_xx79 - You'll be fine once you get rolling along, just stick with it! Welcome back :)

    I've been really struggling with the wake-ups again, not getting enough sleep. As a result I've dropped my 10 minute body movement warmups for now. I'm happy to be getting the lifts in, so when my sleep improves I'll add the movements back.

    Squat: 2x5x45, 1x3x75, 5x5x115
    Bench: 2x5x45, 5x5x70
    Row: 5x5x70

    Bench/Row will definitely be bumping up 5lbs next time...I'm debating the squats, but it's almost time, I think, for another 5lb bump.
  • idlecrush
    idlecrush Posts: 22 Member
    Yesterday's workout:

    squat 5x5 @ 55lbs (I was supposed to move up to 60 but I'm still trying to get my form down)
    overhead press 5x5 @50lbs (this was TOUGH!)
    deadlift 1x5 @ 100lbs

    I also worked on assisted pull ups.

    Today was the first day I got dirty looks from the gym rats when I was in the squat rack. I forgot my headphones so I was way more aware of everything in the gym, so maybe they've been shooting me dirty looks the whole time. Lol.
  • 5minty
    5minty Posts: 85 Member
    Still on the deload as I have been so lazy and full of excuses for :* the last couple weeks & now I am paying for it!

    Squat: 60lb 5x5
    OHP: 45lb 5x5
    DL: 95lb 1x5

    Barbell Curls: 35lb 2x8
    Calf Raises: 45lb 3x15
    Shrugs: 2x25 DB's 2x10

    @idlecrush haha the gym rats don't like us womenfolk invading their territory!
    Too bad for them! B)

  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited April 2016
    Not good, I've been skipping lately.
    Today's workout (I felt so strong):

    Squat 5x5 @ 100 lb (yay) - also 1x5 at 95 and then I decided to increase.
    Bench 5x5 @ 60 lb
    Row 5x5 @ 70 lb (was supposed to do 75 but forgot by the time I got to the gym. I need to text myself these things)

    I am having issues. I'm going CRAZY. Has anyone had weight lifting or exercise in general cause the insides of your MUSCLES to itch like crazy for days and days!? Omg I'm dying. Itchies I can't scratch ughhhh. It's mostly in my quads and hips. Going on 4 days now... ughhhhhh!!! I am afraid it's going to start in my biceps and shoulders...
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @VeryKatie I have never heard of that!! I hope it resolves itself soon!

    I did SL Workout B last night. My first time working out at night in this program. WAY prefer the mornings.

    Squats 5x5 @ 80 lbs (this is getting really hard! accidentally grunted out a couple...)
    OHP UGH!!!!! Okay so I went to grab the empty bar and couldn't push up on it at all, so I went to the smaller barbell things. I did 1x5@30, 2x5@35, 5x5@40. So then back to the Olympic bar and tried it empty and pushed it up 4/3/4 @ 45. I think I'm maybe getting better but I'm soo frustrated. I watched myself with the lighter weights and am seeing a lot of unevenness between my arms. I think this goes back to my broken collarbone from September. I must not have fully recovered muscularly. So I'll keep cranking but I keep getting really down on myself.
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 120lb. Next time will be bodyweight!

    Need to run this evening because I haven't in a week!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    Not good, I've been skipping lately.
    Today's workout (I felt so strong):

    Squat 5x5 @ 100 lb (yay) - also 1x5 at 95 and then I decided to increase.
    Bench 5x5 @ 60 lb
    Row 5x5 @ 70 lb (was supposed to do 75 but forgot by the time I got to the gym. I need to text myself these things)

    I am having issues. I'm going CRAZY. Has anyone had weight lifting or exercise in general cause the insides of your MUSCLES to itch like crazy for days and days!? Omg I'm dying. Itchies I can't scratch ughhhh. It's mostly in my quads and hips. Going on 4 days now... ughhhhhh!!! I am afraid it's going to start in my biceps and shoulders...

    @verykatie. Get the app at stronglifts.com. It will track your weight/progress for you!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Last night

    SQ - 195 lb 5X5. Tough, but got em done.
    OHP - 81 lbs. 5/5/5/4/4
    DL - 230 lbs. 1X5. Felt badass!
    Pull-ups 4/4/4/3
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    Not good, I've been skipping lately.
    Today's workout (I felt so strong):

    Squat 5x5 @ 100 lb (yay) - also 1x5 at 95 and then I decided to increase.
    Bench 5x5 @ 60 lb
    Row 5x5 @ 70 lb (was supposed to do 75 but forgot by the time I got to the gym. I need to text myself these things)

    I am having issues. I'm going CRAZY. Has anyone had weight lifting or exercise in general cause the insides of your MUSCLES to itch like crazy for days and days!? Omg I'm dying. Itchies I can't scratch ughhhh. It's mostly in my quads and hips. Going on 4 days now... ughhhhhh!!! I am afraid it's going to start in my biceps and shoulders...

    @verykatie. Get the app at stronglifts.com. It will track your weight/progress for you!

    You have to have an iPhone to use it. Or Android. I have neither lol.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    Not good, I've been skipping lately.
    Today's workout (I felt so strong):

    Squat 5x5 @ 100 lb (yay) - also 1x5 at 95 and then I decided to increase.
    Bench 5x5 @ 60 lb
    Row 5x5 @ 70 lb (was supposed to do 75 but forgot by the time I got to the gym. I need to text myself these things)

    I am having issues. I'm going CRAZY. Has anyone had weight lifting or exercise in general cause the insides of your MUSCLES to itch like crazy for days and days!? Omg I'm dying. Itchies I can't scratch ughhhh. It's mostly in my quads and hips. Going on 4 days now... ughhhhhh!!! I am afraid it's going to start in my biceps and shoulders...

    @verykatie. Get the app at stronglifts.com. It will track your weight/progress for you!

    You have to have an iPhone to use it. Or Android. I have neither lol.

    Ah. Bummer.
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 593 Member
    Last night at the gym was tough. I normally workout with my husband so I had to make some adjustments to the OHP and loading the weight for my deadlift was difficult by myself. But, I did it and I am hurting today, lol! My plan for the next 8 weeks is 3 days a week at the gym doing 5x5 and then random home exercises in between. Betty Rocker has some exercises on her blog that I plan on doing 3 days a week. I can do those quickie ones at home with little to no equipment and I believe most of them only take 15 minutes. Here is my stats from last night:

    Squats: 135lbs
    OHP: 50lbs 5x5 plus 2x5 @ 70lbs on the machine
    Stiff Leg Deadlift: 110lbs
    Deadlift: 165 lbs

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    I am having issues. I'm going CRAZY. Has anyone had weight lifting or exercise in general cause the insides of your MUSCLES to itch like crazy for days and days!? Omg I'm dying. Itchies I can't scratch ughhhh. It's mostly in my quads and hips. Going on 4 days now... ughhhhhh!!! I am afraid it's going to start in my biceps and shoulders...

    aggggh. i have had something like that, or something that bugs me as much as that . . . almost like a 'skin burn' sensation - you know that thing where kids lock their hands around someone's forearm and then twist in opposite directions? like that. feels like exactly that has been done to my mucles and t hey're verklempt about it.

    personally it makes me worry about nerve irritation a bit, although idk if there's any basis to that idea. sometimes i throw magnesium/calcium/fish oil at it, and/or get seriously nuclear with the roller/lax ball. you may actually have trigger points buried inside those muscles, so there's a google idea that you could try out.

    sympathy, anyway.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Today was a long day but kinda fun because I tried Voodoo doughnuts. Don't often eat more than 2 donuts within a single day but went for 4 today to try a nice variety. Though took me two sittings as I've had issues with nausea ever since my cold. Even water makes me feel a little sick, which is a minor nuisance to say the least. I did walk in between donut eating sessions as it's really nice and wanted to enjoy time in the park before we had more rain. That walk was an hour, then later in the evening lifted some weights. Still doing random stuff cause don't have a plan yet for the next 5 months of lifting. We'll see what I figure out hopefully soon.

    front squats - 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 65 and 3x5 @ 85
    sumo deadlifts - 1x6 @ 135, 1x5 @ 165, 3x5 @ 195 - heavy but got it done
    seated row - 3x8 @ 80
    cable bicep curl - 3x10 @ 60

    20 minutes on elliptical for Food Network.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Cardio day today - went for a 7 mile bike ride, 12.5 mph average. It was a beautiful morning for a ride! It weirdly, quickly turned to overcast, windy and super chilly by the time I got out of the shower - what a strange and fast change in atmosphere!! I'm so happy I got my lovely ride in before the change - it felt amazing :)
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @DawnEmbers I love Voodoo doughnuts! It's been years since I've been to Portland though. Yummm.
    @Deena_Bean Nice job on the bike ride! Good timing :)

    I did nothing athletic yesterday at all and felt like a chunk. Today I went to a different gym location for 5x5 and it was kind of nice because there were fewer mirrors around, so I felt like I kept my head/neck in a better position instead of being tempted to check myself in the mirror. The only thing I missed about mirrors was that I use them extensively to set up my squats.

    Squats: 5x5 @ 80lbs
    Bench Press: 5/5/3/5/3 @ 60lbs. I'm fine with sticking with 60lbs for a while on this. I think I'm going to have the same upper body unevenness on this as I have with the OHP
    Row: 5x5 @ 72.5lbs (yay fractional plates!)

    Everybody have a nice weekend!
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 593 Member
    Hi guys! I don't know what Voodoo doughnuts are.. but sounds amazing! I had originally planned on going to the gym this evening but I think I am going to do some Betty Rocker moves at home and then take my kids to the beach for cardio. I put my youngest in a wagon and pull it across the sand. Exercise for mommy, outside time for them, lol!

    My husband will be home tomorrow and I really would rather wait to the bench press until he's with me as a spotter. I'd really rather not use the machines.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    @amyrebeccah - I had the no name one as well. It was good but kinda wish it had a little more peanut butter. I also tried just the maple bar (mmm maple), mango tango (decent but I'm not into jelly filled much but the tang on top was fun) and the lemon chiffon crueller (good lemon flavor but not that into that type of donut).