


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    Michelle, I'm so sorry about your grandfather. My heart goes out to you.

    Beautiful pony!!

    Paula, yes it was clogged digestive system for sure. This morning, after everything was said and done...139.4. Happier.

    Shelley, good going!!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Michelle we all understand. Family is so much more important. I hope you share a memory of him with us. I never knew my grandfather well. But I do have several great memories to hold. He liked to take his teeth out and give us kids a kiss! Yuch. He also had me catch all the green caterpillars on his tomatoes. Then he broke them in half and threw them into the street! :'( I was totally devastated. But he had a love for tomatoes and was not sharing them with bugs. Hugs to you my friend. <3

    Caspian is so handsome. What a beautiful picture. The manager looks so happy. Makes me smile back at her. :)


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    cpanus wrote: »
    Michelle, I'm so sorry about your grandfather. My heart goes out to you.

    Beautiful pony!!

    Paula, yes it was clogged digestive system for sure. This morning, after everything was said and done...139.4. Happier.

    Shelley, good going!!


    Hey you, awesome going!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Ahhh, what's wrong with those girls? He's such a pretty boy, Michelle.

    Very sorry about your grandfather. That's so hard. :disappointed: Hope you feel better soon. Let us know if you want to talk about it. Best wishes.

  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    A memory of Grandpa will always be him making cotton candy at family reunions. He had a big machine and would start it up after lunch. All the kids would come by first for their cotton candy, and then whoever else wanted it would get some. Grandpa would always give me a hard time because I wasn't a kid anymore and was too big for cotton candy, but then he would laugh and give it to me anyway! I think my cousin said he was going to take over cotton candy duties, which will be nice for the younger kids, but it won't quite be the same without Grandpa's teasing.

    Paula - Yes, those girls are silly. He's so handsome! But when I was at the ranch a few weekends ago, he came in with a HUGE bite on his shoulder. Nothing too bad - it was superficial, but enough to peel back the skin and hair in an area the size of my palm. So SOMEBODY certainly didn't appreciate him, whether it was one of the girls or one of their boyfriends. :D But he ended up getting loose at one point, and right when he was headed for the open barn door, he noticed my little Paint mare, stopped and swiveled in her direction, and stood nose-to-nose with her until he saw me coming. And then he ran into a corner and was easy to catch. Thank goodness for that pretty little mare and his big silly crush, haha!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    Michelle, great memories! Love that the pony is a 'lover'. That's pretty darn cute!

    I sure did need my purple pistol this morning...140.2. That scale needs to be put out of my misery! **sigh** Going to try something new for lunch and dinner. Going to eat cottage cheese w/raspberries for lunch and my chili for dinner to see what happens.

    Later, my friends!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Michelle so glad your cousin is stepping up. I hope he will have some new ways to tease the kids. And you are never to old for cotton candy! And I love that he shared his cotton candy with everyone. :smiley: Ouch, who ever bit him was mean. What a character though.

    Chris I will be happy to talk with that scale for you. Give it my stern, no nonsense voice! >:)

    My weight was down to 145 this morning. I was so excited. And I did change up my meals a bit yesterday. So maybe you have something there Chris. o:)


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    edited April 2016
    I made curried rice for a potluck Sunday - was very popular, but I'd made so much, there were lots left. So I've been overindulging ever since and the scale is making me face the truth. Mea culpa!

    Michelle, How long will it take Caspian to heal? That sounded painful. ((shudder)) Your grandpa sounds like a great guy.

    Chris & Shelley, Glad your digestives are unclogged again.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Paula no more rice for you! Not this week anyhow. :wink:

    We have had people cutting off horses tails around here for the last few years. They are not injuring the horse per say. Wish we could catch the perp. Poor horses have no way to flick away the flies!

    I was down to 144.8 this morning. Muahaha. Hope I can keep this trend.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    My weight was down again. Michelle I am getting better at not cheating! LOL o:)

  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Paula, I can't imagine it will take him long to heal at all, considering how superficial it was. I wouldn't be surprised if it's most of the way there when I go back next weekend. I've seen horses get some pretty horrific injuries that eventually healed over. Caspian's was no biggie by comparison! He certainly didn't let it slow him down any.

    Shelley - Good for you!! Your non-cheating ways are showing. :smiley: I just braved the scale for the first time since the funeral and funeral weekend. SO much comfort food. I was 142 - my last weigh-in a week and a half prior had been 141.5. Overall, not terrible, but clearly I still have a bit of damage to undo. My lowest this year so far was 140.5. I was hoping to get into the 130s by month's end, but it's not looking like that will happen!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    Congrats! Shelley and Michelle!! Shelley for being down and Michelle for being up only a little!!

    Made 139.8 this morning. Not as low as two weeks ago, but I'll certainly take it! Changed up what I'm eating. I'll see if it continues.

  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Well . . . I got down to 139 this morning. But that's 'cause I had a very rapid onset of a very aggressive stomach flu. Felt fine when I left work at 6 last night. By the time I got home 15 minutes later, I was . . . well, doing the thing that led to a 3-pound loss overnight. :persevere: So not my favorite way to lose weight.

    My sweet husband got up at 5:30 to make me Jell-O this morning and run to the store for some saltine crackers since we were out. And he canceled his paintball game with a friend to stay home and take care of me, even though he's completely terrified of stomach illnesses. :heart: What a trooper!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    Ah, Michelle...so sorry you caught the bug! Bad stuff! Stay hydrated. You have a good guy there taking care of you. I hope you are feeling better soon.

    I was down again this morning. 138.6. I am happy!

    I've been doing cottage cheese and raspberries for breakfast. The containers of raspberries are frozen and put them in the cottage cheese at night so they are defrosted and juicy in the morning. I forgot to do that last night, but I had cherries I didn't eat last night that were defrosted and perfect!! yummmm!!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Michelle, I keep those individual jello containers for emergencies. My favorite is in the canned fruits section "Mandarin oranges in Gel" - Hope you feel better ASAP. And it is so heartwarming to see the love between you and your guy.

    Shelly & Chris - congratulations on the good trends. I was down to 162 again after hovering in the 164's. It matches how my body feels. I'd like to get into the 150's soon and stay there.

    :heart: all, Paula
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    Thanks, Paula...down again this morning to 137.8, which is what I was on the 8th when everything blew up for some unknown reason. Hopefully, this will stick...we shall see tomorrow. It took me 15 days to get back to it. So strange!!

    I hope everyone is having fun!

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,269 Member
    Good morning. I'm up slightly 199.8...I'm surprised it's not more because I've definitely been stress eating. My mom is much better and I'm ready to concentrate on me. BTW my doubles partner and I finally won a match on Sunday 6-0 6-0. I guess I took out all of my frustrations.

    Let's have a good week!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Awesome going everyone! I keep chocolate pudding on hand. Lots better than a big candy bar.

    Kathy way to vent! Great wins.

    Michelle I am also sorry you were ill. And now that you are down those pesky pounds you can concentrate on not letting them come back. ;) And your DH is so sweet. I hope he does not get sick also for his kindness.

    I did not have time for much this weekend. Just very busy.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    Kathy but you are still under that 200 mark!! Nice job on your wins!

    Up .2 this morning to 138.0. Who said it would last?? bwahahah!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Chris you are still in the 130's. So still good. o:)

    I was 145 this morning. Very happy about that.