April chat

retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
I don't read a lot of blogs here but this one made me laugh this morning. A couple of commenters thought it was a fat shaming post. I do not agree, I had a great belly laugh from this:


The guy over came cancer and lost 100 lbs., has written a book about his experiences, how anyone can think he meant this is in a shaming manner, speaks more about them and their love of excuses then about the author IMHO.


  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Need a bit of inspiration this AM? Check out this Granny, she rocks it in the gym, and set a record.


    And yes that is 78. Not a typo.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    I keep getting site down for maintenance messages when trying to log food. I was at the ER with hubby most of yesterday and couldn't log then, so was going to catch up this AM. Guess I have to wait a little longer. Rest of the site is working fine so far. Not sure what is up with FOOD module.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    @retirehappy - Joell, how is your husband? Sorry to read about the trip to the ER... ~ Kathy
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    He is still struggling but is slowly getting better, the drugs he is taking allow him to sleep so that helps a great deal. I am trying to find out if American Heart Association has any groups for support of pericarditis patients, so far not finding much on the internet, I might need to call the local office to see if there is anything around here. What I have found leads me to believe this disease strikes you at any age, it isn't because he is getting older, some are as young as 12. Some have episodes every month, others a couple of times a year, so clear patterns and drs. don't know much about how to treat it, especially if you can't take a lot of NSAIDS or your liver reacts to chochicine which is where he falls. He also can not take prednisone long term, he has been there and done that, he doesn't do well on it in other areas, his skin thins so much the least touch will open a wound.

    I feel like the prancy stallion and he is the dainty flower when it comes to health issues. :)

    Thanks for asking.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Love this upgrade of the restaurant logging module:


    Coming to an android near you, I have an iPhone and it works. They really need to get more menus up and make sure the chain restaurants share the menus. My local Le Peeps had no items, but the one downtown, exact same menu, was there with the filtering working GREAT. Love it. Some macro info filtering seems to be available only to premium level users. But we can filter by calories and that is the important thing to me. But this makes the pay to use more tempting.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    sounds helpful ..... I have an Iphone, where do you find this on MFP
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    I'm feeling tired & frustrated lately. This is what I wrote on my home page today:

    [Same old stuff going on at work ...... we are shorthanded, so I'm covering more shifts, working 40+ hours instead of normal 20. We interviewed 2 people last week ..... the pay wasn't good enough for 1 lady, and the other gave us BAD vibes. Would have set up interview for another this week, but her Facebook page was too weird (yes, we DO check up on people like that) so not taking a chance. People ask about summer jobs, but we need LONG TERM employees. Is that too much to ask ??? Very frustrating. Am off today, will go for walk. Then dentist appt, Then foodshop. Then housework & laundry. Yawn .....]

    Blah, blah, blah ...... and I'm using these problems as an excuse to eat less healthy & not exercise ..... MY BAD !!!

    Will pull it together B)
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    edited April 2016

    The blog post has all the links you will need to find out how to get into logging restaurant foods, as well has the filtering info. Enjoy.

    If your PBS station is running the Heart of the World 3 part series watch it. Such beautiful cinematography and very informative. It covers Colorado's 5 National Park/Monuments in great detail. I thought I knew a lot about them but I learned a lot too.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Thank you for the updates, Joelle. Keeping us together while your dh is ill is very thoughtful.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Sharon, DH is going much better. All the heart stuff seems to have settled down, now just some stomach issues from the heart meds. Growing old is not for wimps.

    verptwerp, Hope the work situation gets sorted out and you can go back to regular hours. We all find some excuses to use all the time, the main thing is to get back on the our Journey's pathway instead of continuing to wander down the wrong lanes. I am still trying to get my exercise groove back, can't believe how much of a struggle that is for me right now. But I am off to Body Flex after posting. The Journey continues.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Well I am back! I forced myself to weigh in and it was not pretty. My house is a disaster! For the past few weeks we have eaten chinese take out, fast food, and frozen food. This weekend, after passing the test on Friday, I simply fell off the cliff of exhaustion. I watched movies and read and slept! I am soooo glad that is over. And I am ready to get back to feeling a whole lot better! One very positive thing is that I became more aware of how I react to certain foods. I do not have it all nailed down yet but I am going to give cleaning up my diet a serious whirl.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Hi gang:

    Welcome back, DreamOn: I am right there with you. I think the scale actually started whimpering in fear when I walked up to it..

    Last week I didn't make it to the gym at all; honestly, every day was a Bad Day, schedule-wise.
    And for a couple of weeks I just felt.. blah. ZERO energy. No clue what that was about. Annoying as all get-out, because of course I wanted to eat CARBS. :o

    It's finally warmed up here, which helps. It's just so hard for me to be motivated to move when I'm bundled up in sweats but still a shivering peoplecicle.

    So, nothing to brag on, weight-loss-wise, but I'm still above ground so won't complain.



  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Morning, glories ..... it's a gorgeous day here in southern New York ! I always feel so much better when the weather is good. Saw my GP yesterday for a checkups. He was thrilled with my weight loss (12 lbs since October) ..... he also made me PROMISE to walk at least 20 minutes daily, no excuses. This doctor is a skinny little vegetarian health nut who bikes & runs miles each day. He suggested I email/fax/phone him every 2 weeks with my mileage. Oh boy o:)

    Work issues are looking up ....... a new girl starts working soon. And we may hire a 2nd girl to work on Fridays & Sats. Am looking forward to that .... as soon as they get up to speed, I can get back to my regular part-time hours.

    Hope everyone is having a great week !

    Mary Ann

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Kinda cool your dr. wants those updates.

    Cris, always to have you drop in for a chat. Missya when you are not doing that.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    We went out for dinner to celebrate our 12th annversary. Yay us...
    And now.. tomorrow...

    Let's just say I need to start all over again and really stick with it.
    BooHOOO, I'm really mad at myself.

    I won't give you any sad stories or hokey excuses.
    Basically I like to eat more than I like to exercise.
    Always have.

    I STILL need to change my way of thinking about who I am and what food is.


  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Love the pic! lol

    I'm getting back to the real world. My goal for today is to actually complete journaling and close it out! I am having a really hard time getting back on that wagon! I still have a long way to go to find/develop sufficient healthy recipes and get them entered, but I am feeling a real difference in decreased inflammation and increased energy, so I am moving forward with it.

    I am becoming more interested in my little organic garden. So far it has not effected my allergies. Because our soil is so sandy here and because digging in it does not sound like all that much fun trying to work with it, I am creating a vertical garden. I have been doing a lot of research on it and it seems like a pretty rewarding project, plus here we can grow things nearly all year.

    Now that my house is getting back to normal, fitness is my focus and that is going to be my mantra for May!
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Your garden sounds great! I like the idea of having a garden, or a greenhouse.
    I can't plant in the ground because it's like cement. So, if I managed to get my husband at all interested in funding the project, it would still be a lot of work, requiring purchase of the supplies, leveling out a spot for the greenhouse, etc. So that remains kind of a fantasy... lol

    My downfalls: being more addicted to sitting around making quilts or crocheting stuff than I am to exercise.


  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    DreamOn, I was looking at some very cool vertical gardens on the web yesterday. Kits are expensive but I think you can do those DIY. I will be looking around, I'll let you know if I find anything. I can't do normal gardening due to allergic reactions. Only
    time I can dig in the dirt is when it is overly wet :( Ironically I turned my husband into a gardening addict when we first met. It was his therapy when he worked and it is a major hobby for him now. We even have a grow room in the basement so he can
    start plants in there and transplant after the snow stops flying around here. Which can be as late as 2nd week in June.

    I am playing around with sourdough currently. Found some old dried starter I had used in 2007, it came back nicely, and we had the first loaf yesterday. I am also trying to get some going without the dry starter, will be interesting to see how that goes.
    I think I will get the baby cucumbers from Costco this week and make some more refrigerator pickles, they turned out great when I did those last fall.

    Cris, funny pic :). Just get up and walk around. Set a timer to remind you. I am resisting starting back at crocheting because I already sit too much during the days. Even with a fitbit, I have total slug days. We all do.
    As for gardening, start with some herbs or pots of lettuce on your deck/porch/patio. It is really cool to pick your own food stuff, no matter how much or little. I love herb salads this time of year, I mix lettuce from the stores with my own herbs,
    even here in springtime CO, I have oregano, chives, tarragon, sage and sweet marjoram ready to go into a salad. Hum guess I will be having some of that for lunch today :). I grew up with gardening, my great aunt had a 5 acre garden, raised chickens and pigs.
    The garden feed us and them. There is just nothing like eating products you grow yourself.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Tarragon is the only thing I've been successful with here.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    My whole post after the first sentence disappeared!