April Presses bring May Dresses



  • theestuebchen
    theestuebchen Posts: 8 Member
    Just wanted to say hi. Lurking around for some days now. You're an inspiration for me. all of you. :)

    I got sick last Wendsday and had to stay in bed since then. not funny.
    Read Starting Strength and ordered a pullup bar which will be delivered today. Hope ro be back in gym on Friday or at least Sunday.

  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Still struggling to get enough sleep time, but I did lift this morning. No pre-warmup though.
    Squats: 2x5x45, 1x3x75, 5x5x115
    Bench: 2x5x45, 5x5x80
    Row: 5x5x80

    Bumped the bench/row up 5 today - felt fine. Maybe one or two more times at this weight and I'll be ready for more. I think I'm ready to bump squats, but that thought makes me a little nervous. Might give it one more week and then bite the bullet.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Good gym night!

    SQ - 195 lbs 5X5. Stuck here one more time because my quads were still freakin' sore from wind sprints on Saturday.
    OHP - 81 lbs 5X5. Had to use the three minute rests, but I got them all!
    Deads - 235 lbs 1X5. Got a standing ovation from the gym trainer for that! :)
    Assisted pull-ups - 3 at 140 lbs, 5/5/5 at 130 lbs
    Assisted dips - 6 at 140 lbs, 6/6/6 at 130 lbs.
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 593 Member
    Last Night's SL B -

    Squat: 5x5 @ 135lb

    OHP: 5x5 @65lb

    DL: 1x5 @ 165lb

    Tonight will be a quick home workout :)
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited April 2016
    4/23's workout:
    Squat 5x5 @ 105 lb
    OHP 4x5 @ 52.5 lb and 1x4 @ 52.5 (failed to be repeated)
    DL 1x5 @ 145 lb

    I am scheduled to workout today but I'm not sure if I should. I rolled my ankle yesterday and it's a little tender today, but significantly improved. It's completely painless if I don't roll it in that exact direction (meaning it's fine in squat direction). But maybe it's still not smart to squat.

    What do you think? If not squat, could I still bench and row?

    Luckily my restless leg seems to be pretty much gone now that I've taken iron a few days in a row haha.

    Also a question about deadlifts. The program says to switch from 10 lb increments to 5 lb increments once you hit 220 lb. I imagine that's for men. What weight did you switch from 10 to 5 lb increments on deadlift?
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    @VeryKatie - you could try and see how it feels, but if it starts to feel even a little bad I'd stop. If you are questioning it, though, it may be worth skipping. Better to miss a day to heal than miss 20 being out of commission.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i'd switch to 5lbs when i wasn't able to make the next 10lb increment. but there may be more science in this than i know.

    cycle 2, week 1: did the press that i didn't complete the last time. 45/50x5, then 55x6. i would have liked it to be easier, tbh. but i was fasted and also didn't do/get to do any warmup sets since someone else was hogging the 30lb bar.

    also tinkered for hours with squats. nice empty gym so why not. nothing but the bar but a LOT of sets of 5, trying to find something right. and for accessory, it was pulldowns and band pulls and some hardcore stretching.

    i did deadlift on sunday and will do it again on friday with press at mr t time, so the only one i still have to do for the week is bench. and of course, might as well keep up the fight with the squats.

    gym weight for me plus my water bottle while needing to pee: 138lb.
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    Nervously attempted Stronglifts B workout today. Decided to do deadlifts before the barbell hip thrusts so that I wasn't too fatigued. I also taped each set and to me I think it looks good, but posted the last set in the Eat, Train Progress. forum for a form check. Everything went fine though, except I just wasn't feeling it on overhead press.

    SQ: 3x5 at 37.5kg
    OHP: 5,4,4,3,3 at 25kg
    DL: 1x5 at 60kg, 70kg and 80kg
    HT: 5x5 at 40kg
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    ninenines wrote: »
    Nervously attempted Stronglifts B workout today. Decided to do deadlifts before the barbell hip thrusts so that I wasn't too fatigued. I also taped each set and to me I think it looks good, but posted the last set in the Eat, Train Progress. forum for a form check. Everything went fine though, except I just wasn't feeling it on overhead press.

    SQ: 3x5 at 37.5kg
    OHP: 5,4,4,3,3 at 25kg
    DL: 1x5 at 60kg, 70kg and 80kg
    HT: 5x5 at 40kg

    Does anyone ever feel it on OHPs?!? They suck! :p

    Good work!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Does anyone ever feel it on OHPs?!? They suck! :p

    um . . . i kind of love them? i'm not saying i'm good at them, and the highest i ever got for reps was 65lb before that one rib went weird. but i do quite often re-rack the bar after a pitiful attempt at a squat, and then take it out and bust a set of 5 presses in that kind of but-i-can-do-this kind of way.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    ninenines wrote: »
    Nervously attempted Stronglifts B workout today. Decided to do deadlifts before the barbell hip thrusts so that I wasn't too fatigued. I also taped each set and to me I think it looks good, but posted the last set in the Eat, Train Progress. forum for a form check. Everything went fine though, except I just wasn't feeling it on overhead press.

    SQ: 3x5 at 37.5kg
    OHP: 5,4,4,3,3 at 25kg
    DL: 1x5 at 60kg, 70kg and 80kg
    HT: 5x5 at 40kg

    Does anyone ever feel it on OHPs?!? They suck! :p

    Good work!

    I love OHP!!!! I don't really get to do them regularly because of life schedule+ other fitness goals. Someday...
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    Workout B today --

    Squats - 5x5 @ 60 lbs
    - These feel good. I'm trying to make sure I'm getting low low low -- which means I'm probably only just getting to parallel, even though it feels different in my head. Also concentrating on engaging my glutes and hamstrings instead of my quads -- seems to be working.
    - Did one extra set - 1x5 @ 65 lbs - mostly just because I wanted to put the 10s on the bar. I'm feeling a little weenie with just the 5 + 2.5 :)

    OHP - 5x5 @ 30 lbs.
    - These felt fine. I guess I'll do each weight for a week (or more), maybe working up to 5x10 sets before attempting to move up by 10 lbs. Could go for dumbbells, but it's not the same movement.
    - Got to this bar just in time. Some dude, who already had the 40 lb and 50 lb static bars, was reaching for the 30 lb as I walked up. I asked if I could use it between his sets and he just said to take it. Which was nice, but talk about an equipment hog!

    Deadlifts - 3x5 @ 100 lbs.
    - Deads have always been my favorite, so I'm doing extra sets just for fun at these low weights. Form felt good, other than the fact that I hit the bottom of my right knee on every pull. It's going to have a nice big bruise for sure. :/

    Bicep curls - 3x10 @ 10 lbs.
    - Am thinking I'll do a week at each weight and then see about moving up 2.5 lbs. It's crazy how quickly my arms fatigue.

    Am considering adding hip thrusts, but I don't really know how yet, so I need to do some research. Plus, there's just no good, tucked away corner in which to do them. Not sure I want to be out in the middle of the floor trying to figure these out.

    And note to self, need to go earlier in the day. It wasn't super crowded, but there were definitely more peeps than I want to deal with on a regular basis. I'll be aiming for ~2 PM from now on, and see how that goes.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    So, I've been doing as I am told, and have stuck to the crosstrainer and walking this week. Just one visit to the weights room for some upper body work only. My hip is getting better slowly, I think. Not there yet, so I'm still being careful.

    If the weight room is quiet on Saturday morning, I'm hoping to start SL again....right back to basics and keeping a close eye on form. I will only do what my hip allows me to do, which may not be much, but at least I will know where I'm at, and if it shows I need to stay away longer, then so be it....I'll just have to learn to love the elliptical for a while longer!!

    I want to lift and I want to lift NOW!!!!!!!
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Just hit the treadmill this morning, didn't feel like doing anything at all so I set it to 3mph and 6 incline. Broke a sweat, but only barely. It'll have to suffice for the day. Tomorrow, lifts.
  • idlecrush
    idlecrush Posts: 22 Member
    I had workout A on Monday

    Squat 5x5 @ 60lbs
    BP 5x5 @ 55lbs
    Row 5x5 @ 55lbs

    I also did:
    assisted dips 3x5 at -140 (ends up being 90 lbs)
    planks 2x30 sec, 1x14 sec
    lat pull downs 3x10 @ 85lbs.
    Russian twists with a 12 lb ball 2 sets of 40

    I am completely sore today which means I did my job on Monday. Workout B today after work.
  • 5minty
    5minty Posts: 85 Member
    edited April 2016
    SL's B

    Squat: 65lbs 5x5

    OHP: 55lbs 4x5, 60lbs 1 x5

    Deadlift: 105lbs 1x5

    BB Curls: 35lbs 1x8, 40 lbs 1x8

    Calf Raises 45lbs 3x15

    Actually I was doing quite a few warms ups/practices with & without the bar for the squat, I am staying at 65lbs until I am happy with my form.
  • lwhayes820
    lwhayes820 Posts: 145 Member
    ninenines wrote: »
    Nervously attempted Stronglifts B workout today. Decided to do deadlifts before the barbell hip thrusts so that I wasn't too fatigued. I also taped each set and to me I think it looks good, but posted the last set in the Eat, Train Progress. forum for a form check. Everything went fine though, except I just wasn't feeling it on overhead press.

    SQ: 3x5 at 37.5kg
    OHP: 5,4,4,3,3 at 25kg
    DL: 1x5 at 60kg, 70kg and 80kg
    HT: 5x5 at 40kg

    Are the hip thrusts an add-on to the Strong Lifts program? Do you always do them on the B-workout?

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Last night lifting was a little rough. Squats were a challenge so just managed 3x3 even though it's not trying at max or anything. Then did deadlifts, which were easy. Attempted rack pulls and man I suck at those. 135 was easy enough. Tried using the top part of the aerobic step because using the lowest safety spots on the rack puts the bar at knee height instead of just below. Think the step is too tall for this but can't stand on the plates with the ones the gym has. Need to work on that. I tried 225, which I can deadlift, but couldn't get the weight to move in a rack pull. But not bad overall.

    Last night:
    squat 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 95, 1x5 @ 135 and 3x3 @ 185 with belt
    deadlift 1x6 @ 135, 1x5 @ 185, 3x3 @ 205 with belt
    rack pulls 1x3 @ 155, 3x3 @ 185
    cable kickbacks 2x10 @ 30

    elliptical for 30 minutes while watching Food Network

    Today I went to the park and attempted to jog. Health wise, I was fine though legs were a tad sore cause last night's squats. However, I tried using the fuel belt thing I got for the half-marathon training and it was a fail. The water bottle is nice and good to have spot for things, but it would not stay tight. Kept getting loose and even tugged down my leggings some. Part way through the run I walked to the car and abandoned the water. It was cool so I had a jacket anyways. I may need to get a wrist water bottle because that won't work for the big run training, not at all.

    Then I went to lululemon and bought a pair of shorts just to have one thing that wasn't 100+ dollars from the location. They do have really nice clothes but over my budget most of the time. It was a little treat. I had lunch at Whole Foods grocery store and got some small items. I wanted a whole container of the honey sunflower seed butter. Alas, had to settle for the last few small backs as they didn't have a bigger container. FYI - honey sunflower butter on carbs or protein bowl cake things, it is pretty delicious. mmmm I'm loving nut butters in general and it helps me get my fats to above 30 some days.

    Going to be planning and getting ready for my trip to LA. I leave on the 11th and can't wait. Don't know what we will do yet. Do have plans to meet up with someone from instagram who actually knows my sister and we're going to lift at Barbell Brigade. Other than that, just hanging out with sister, maybe walk on the beach, and have a good time.
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    lwhayes820 wrote: »
    Are the hip thrusts an add-on to the Strong Lifts program? Do you always do them on the B-workout? Thanks

    I added the hip thrusts as an accessory for glute development, thinking it might help with some of my back issues. I just have them on the B workout, but not sure about keeping them there now squats and deadlifts are getting heavier.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Guys, I have to go in an hour earlier and I managed to get up for my work out an hour earlier! What the what?! So proud