Amazing Race "My Achievements"

Melodieccurn Posts: 966 Member
edited April 2016 in Social Groups
This is where you post your nutritional and goal achievements.
For me I have been doing Paleo for a 9 months and I have learned that eating processed foods and specific foods can be a trigger for me . I had pizza at work two weeks ago. I missed breakfast and we were very busy and we were treated by our ambulance crew that day. I had two pieces. I thought no big deal, I put it in mfp diary. To make a long story short it set me up for sugar cravings for the next week. There are certain foods that are a trigger for us and I know that Pizza for me is one of them.
Goals. I wanted to achieve more weight loss this term but I am more fit than when i started. I still have some work to do but becoming happier every day I achieve it. I know they say weight loss does not change you, for me it has. I feel more confident at work and at play. I can run to a code Blue no matter where it is in the hospital and not be out of breath. This is a big NSV for me.


  • mswanger09
    mswanger09 Posts: 863 Member
    Here is the link to the Accountable to Me Challenge thread for anyone who needs a reminder of what their goals were.

  • llmg970
    llmg970 Posts: 257 Member
    So I needed to work on how much Diet Coke I drank, increase my water intake and continue to track daily. I have definitely been getting in my water and have been tracing. The diet thing is an ongoing battle. What I have accomplished is how strong and fit I have become. Just last night I was joking with my husband about the muscles I can now flex and show off. I never could do that before. And believe me I still have a long way to go but it feels good to start seeing the definition form :)
  • TaraDanielle40
    TaraDanielle40 Posts: 302 Member
    edited April 2016
    My water intake is doing much better since the water challenge. My hair, skin, nails are less dry and I know it's from increasing my intake.

    I haven't lost any weight, or so my scale says, but everyone's noticed a change in my shape and I feel the difference in my jeans. So it has to be coming off somewhere.

    I know I have to log! I can't do it any other way. I despise it. But in order to see the results I want, I must. I'm really going to start working hard at it.

    Nutrition wise I have been doing the rainbow challenge every week, to make sure I'm getting plenty of veggies. This I will continue.
  • tfisher678
    tfisher678 Posts: 81 Member
    I really thought at one time, that I could exercise out any thing I ate...What I've realized through this challenge, that if I truly want to look and feel my best, I have to give up the white processed foods and added table sugar. Next to giving up caffeine, it has been the most rewarding! I've broken through a long time plateau and feel way better with more energy.

    Another goal was to find more subs for things I like. Greek yogurt satisfies my sweet tooth. And raw nuts help with hunger.. I found a pizza recipe using low carb high fiber tortilla, light mozzerella, homemade pizza sauce, using cast iron pan will make it crispy and for 200 calories. Give or take added veggies..I can eat pizza with my family again.

    Getting more water in but it's getting warmer so it's easier now.
  • cygrad03
    cygrad03 Posts: 30 Member
    I've done better on my weight. Hit a rough patch there for a few weeks where I wasn't losing weight but it is finally showing up on the scale.

    We also go for walks outside when it's nice enough. It's hard with a 4 month old because it's been windy too and it's hard to know when it's nice enough to take her out for a bit. Need to get my husband's bike tire fixed (he has a flat) and then we can switch up walks and bike riding at night. I think my son (he's 5) get's bored going for a walk all the time.
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    when I first started this challenge my goal was to eat healthier. Less crap and more raw vegetables, fruit and water. Although I am still a work in progress, I am eating healthier. I am discovering that when I eat healthy I feel better and even my complexion looks better. My other goal was to work out more and not slack off on weekends. I have been working out more and even though I usually take a break on Sundays, I dont spend the day setting on the couch snacking. I still have a long way to go, but I am heading in the right direction.
  • shauna30
    shauna30 Posts: 741 Member
    Through this challenge, I've learned I do much better when I know I'm accountable to more than just myself. Thank you for keeping me going! My accountability to me goal was to continue to decrease my sugar intake. I'm doing better but still have plenty of room to improve. I notice that when I allow myself a sugar day, I crave it even more and can't get satisfied. I once heard the idea, "You'll never be satisfied with what you don't need because you don't need it. " That's so true with sugar! Going forward I'll remember that concept. I'll decide ahead of time what I'll eat and not let my craving decide for me.
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    @mswanger09 thanks for posting that link, I was having a hard time remembering!!

    However I am a little bummed because I didn’t accomplish either of mine…I wanted to lose 5 more pounds, which really right now with TOM and water weight I’m up 3 pounds. I know that’s not accurate, but seeing it bugs me.
    My other one was that I wanted to be more strict with my night time workouts. I have done better with them, but there’s still some nights I decide I’d just rather go to sleep. Honestly though, I think that’s a good thing when I can realize that I’m just too tired. I get up at 4:15 am to hit the gym before work, so if I don’t get my sleep, I either sleep through my alarm or decide not to go to the gym because I didn’t’ sleep long enough. So there’s good and bad to that I guess. But I have started a new system, any night workouts I miss during the week, I make them up on Fridays or throughout the weekend. They’re usually anywhere form 15-30 minutes long so catching up isn’t too hard.

    Nutritionally this challenge I’ve really learned a lot about empty calories. Yes, a calorie is a calorie, but 50 calories of a banana is a whole lot more than 50 calories of potato chips!
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    edited April 2016
    Nutritionally, I was working on limiting my sugar intake. I've done fairly well because I've realized it effects more than just my weight. I get real sugar "highs" and then the "crash" is pretty bad. The main change I made was to switch from regular chocolate to 85% dark chocolate. I allow myself one little piece every evening, and the thought of that treat keeps me from indulging during the day. So far, it seems to be working!
    My accountability has gotten a lot better! I log EVERYTHING, even sugar free gum!
    A goal that I had was to lose 4-6 more pounds by the end of the race. So far, I've lost 3.5 since then, and with one more weigh-in to go, 4lbs. is within reach. I've achieved a total loss of 10 pounds during this race, which is over 7% of my body weight, so I'm happy with that!
    The MAIN thing I've learned is that a great group can make for a great experience! I've never been in a "group" diet before, and I've gotten SO MUCH from my team by learning that I am not alone in my struggles, fears, and celebrations of large and small victories, both on and off the scales. The encouragement and motivation that I have gotten from Team 6 has been truly awesome! :)
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    edited April 2016
    So, here's what I wrote -

    1. Taking my workouts outdoors and away from the gym

    I've been a little better about this - although I like to take the dogs with me when I walk at the park and they slow me down. I am still getting the minutes and distance in, but it isn't helping me speed up my pace. We have a short window, maybe a couple of more weeks, when the weather is conducive to outdoor exercise, then it gets too hot and humid and I'll be back in the gym. I've also gotten some pretty good workouts in doing yard work - so not all is lost!

    2. Be able to comfortably walk a 10K at a decent pace by end of June. (Working up to the half marathon distance for October!)

    This is an ongoing challenge - hoping to put in a good 6 mile walk this weekend and see where I am - without the dogs.

    I did manage to make my weight goal for this challenge. I got on the scale this morning, the readout said 220, I didn't ask any questions and didn't give it a second chance to change its mind.
  • Rossergirl
    Rossergirl Posts: 105 Member
    When I started this challenge I wanted increase my strength training, drink more water, to consistently log in (I want to beat my 25 days streak) and eat more good fats and less bad fats.

    I have increased my strength training but not to where I want to be. I drank a lot of water before I started, but nowhere near 1/2 my body weight. I am doing way better but I am still working on getting there. I beat my streak! I am now at day 58 and I do not plan on stopping now. I am eating more goods fats than I did prior to the challenge, but I will continue to work on this.
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    I think the biggest thing I have learned nutritionally is how careful you have to be when it comes to food choices if you are wanting to try to live a healthier lifestyle. The sugar challenge is what really opened my eyes. Focus currently is more on weight loss but I hope that over the coming years I can take baby steps towards being healthier in my eating habits on a more consistent basis.
    As for the accountability piece, the first part was to push at getting the bonus points for the nutritional piece because I had been lacking there and I have done that successfully each week since. The second piece was to try to add more fruits and vegetables to my diet. On this, I have been more successful at adding in fruits it seems but I have been trying to add some more vegetables. I definitely have to make a concerted effort to add these into my diet since it is not something I naturally gravitate towards. Eating these things will also help me to better control my sodium intake which is another thing that needs to be controlled way better.
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    I have kept trying new recipes. I found a great muffin recipe that I made and my DH requested I make a second time! We're also continuing to try to dinner recipes. We're planning a BBQ for May 7th and I'll be trying some new hamburger recipes. As far as being consistent with exercise, that was harder than I thought, given having arthritis in my back, and working a lot of overtime over the last few months. However, I have done what I can. I have lost 14.4 lbs since the start of this challenge, and I am very happy about that! I will continue to work on consistent exercise though, because I really want to build some strength and endurance.
  • tmn2016
    tmn2016 Posts: 159 Member
    one thing that this challenge has helped me is to be more confident and have a "you can do it" attitude. The squat challenge was awesome and i plan on continuing with it. I know it will help me with my buns in the long run. I didn't think that i could do it, but now, I'm on it!!

    Nutritionally, i am now more interested in trying different flavors, spices and food. I plan on eating more Mediterranean food going forward and trying different spices to make my food less boring ( i tend to eat the same thing every time).

    Thank you for all the hard work in putting together these challenges. It's great!
  • LizFitIt34
    LizFitIt34 Posts: 125 Member
    Things I have improved:
    1.Drinking more water
    2.Thanks to all the great challenges I have started to use heavy weights and I see a big difference.
    3.Going outside my comfort zone and trying new exercises I wouldn't have ever tried on my own.

    Things I need to work on:
    1. Telling myself its ok to take a rest day. I haven't had a rest day in months.
    2. A loss is a loss even if it's only .6 ITS OK JUST BREATHE!!

    I have taken more rest days and I learned to just relax and not be so hard on myself. Nutritionally I continue to eat 5-8 cups of vegatables and drink 80-120 oz of water everyday.
  • bigroastdinner
    bigroastdinner Posts: 263 Member
    Nutritionally, I have given up caffeine in the last week or so and have instead been drinking what feels to me like A LOT of water! I have already noticed a difference in my sleep and am generally feeling less tired through the day so looks like it is working!

    My goals were:

    1. Try harder to accomplish the roadblocks/additional challenges, rather than just getting in the minutes
    2. Less snacking in the afternoon/evening. Perhaps try drinking water instead.

    Unfortunately I didn't do too brilliantly on either of them, although slight improvements on each. Definitely something to work on - adding more variety to my workouts, maybe even trying a workout in front of the TV rather than snacking in the evening to hit both at once.
  • leti126
    leti126 Posts: 179 Member
    One of my biggest goals of this challenge was to be able to run a 5k without walking or stopping... I was able to accomplish that today as I ran it in just about 34mins!

    I also got very close to my weight loss goal. Only 2lbs shy but I will continue to work toward this for the next challenge:-)
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 5,008 Member
    Nutritionally, I have done better with variety-- thanks to the roadblocks. Who knew I liked Okra! I am a regular blood donor and I have to watch my iron. My number was great this last time. I am watching my caffeine again and have done better with the water.

    I made my goal weight. Losing the last 7 pounds. I am stonger. It is April and I have done a couple of 20 mile hilly bike rides that I don't usually do until June. I committed to a 40 mile ride in June. I have not done that distance since before kids. -- 23 years ago!

  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    Nutritionally I have been more aware that all calories are not created equally! I plan to watch my sugar intake and have noticed the trigger sensation mentioned by previous contributors to this thread.

    I have stayed about the same, weight wise, but feel more toned with the different exercises and activities done throughout this challenge. I am going to continue mixing it up from time to time and work in different types of workouts to keep it interesting.
  • Diana6ft
    Diana6ft Posts: 126 Member
    I have to say my life became extremely difficult right after we posted our goals. Not only haven't I taken more control over my diet, but I haven't had a good workout in 3 weeks either. I'm still here though. I can be proud of that.