40+ runners



  • Shalynlink
    Shalynlink Posts: 45 Member
    I am a runner! Anyone have a Garmin? I track my runs / progress on Garmin connect and have become a major nerd with it. I do races throughout the year (last week was a 10 k and a 5 k race) I am training for a marathon May 1st and a sprint 5 k on May 8th. Now because of my age and my poor old body, I am also a yoga lover. So needed!
  • VinAlaska
    VinAlaska Posts: 4 Member
    I hope to get back into running more, signed up for two 1/2 marathons (May & July). Just low mileage for now (neck issues finally resolved). I'd love the support so feel free to add me.
  • Cindy4FunFit
    Cindy4FunFit Posts: 2,732 Member
    Hi, I also love to trail run mostly. I participate in a local 5k series every year and have, with way too much pride, taken home a number of metals in my age/gender group. I'm not super fast or anything, but I do love the endorphins of a good run. I have a treadmill to keep me honest during poor weather. : ) Welcome to add me.
  • seepersaud
    seepersaud Posts: 5,759 Member
    Avid runner here - anyone from this thread is welcome to add me
  • Jockimom
    Jockimom Posts: 26 Member
    I didn't start running until my late 30s, and I've only run one 5K. I was 4 mos pregnant with my middle kiddo at the time and my only goals were to finish and not barf - Success! Since then I run when I can for the cardio and stress relief. I'm too much of an introvert to race, but I'm happy to cheer other runners on. :) Welcome to add me.
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    I never considered myself to be a runner, but I'm doing the C25K training program and hope to complete my first 5K this summer with my son. I actually was in cross country my senior year of HS, but I only joined to train/get in shape for hockey, lol. I just finished the C25K week 3 and so far, so good and actually enjoying it! :):)
  • misscagal
    misscagal Posts: 195 Member
    I'm a runner too but not that dedicated. I've done a few half marathons but pretty slow and looking to improve. I can't find a running buddy near me to keep me motivated during the week but I have a great weekend buddy
  • misscagal
    misscagal Posts: 195 Member
    Also welcome to add me!
  • nickylee76
    nickylee76 Posts: 629 Member
    I am a runner... Although the last year I really slacked off and now that I'm getting back to it I feel like I'm starting all over again. My pace has really suffered but I know I'll get back there again.
  • seepersaud
    seepersaud Posts: 5,759 Member
    40-something runner here
  • amplee22
    amplee22 Posts: 13 Member
    I ran several 5ks in 2012 and now trying to start back. I'm pulling out my old friend c25k and hopefully I can get into a race before the end of summer.
  • beskytter
    beskytter Posts: 87 Member
    45 and an avid runner. Completed several half marathons mostly in Disney world