August 2016 moms



  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    Had my anatomy scan today, it's a girl!!
  • _cassie623
    _cassie623 Posts: 51 Member
    LisaTcan wrote: »
    Had my anatomy scan today, it's a girl!!

    Congrats! :)
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    Congratulations, Lisa! That's so exciting!!
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    Sweetkays wrote: »
    I'm due August 7 with my first. We are hoping for a boy on August 13 though. If he is a boy he will be named after my husband's grandfather who was born on August 13.

    That is so similar to me and my son! I have an August 13 boy, and since that was also my great-grandfathers birthday we named him after him. My boy was also conceived and born on a Friday 13 and my mum is also a Friday 13th child. I saw my midwife on the Thursday the 12th, and she said there was absolutely no signs of me going into labour any time soon, so I did not think it was going to happen, but I went into labour that night and he was born within half an hour (around 2am). Perhaps some things are meant to be??
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    Not sure how I managed to post my addition within the quote, but that last paragraph was from me :)
  • Sweetkays
    Sweetkays Posts: 12 Member
    Not sure how I managed to post my addition within the quote, but that last paragraph was from me :)

    August 13 is a lucky day!!
  • leahhugh
    leahhugh Posts: 144 Member
    Due August 7th with our first! Its a GIRL, anatomy scan today so we will double check! Dad is holding out hope that it may still be a boy :lol: . I returned to MFP to utilize it and keep my eating in check. I LOVE to eat and while I'm not overweight I would eat everything if I could. My husband will be gone for the rest of my pregnancy and the first 2 months of baby girls time, so I will be totally emotional and could see me falling off the wagon, down a mountain, and into a river.
  • lesleykc
    lesleykc Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm due the last day of August with my second child. Have lost 11 lbs since start of January, mostly because I've been doing a lot of spin classes, but I am slowly starting to add on weight. Have been relying on MFP and Fitbit to keep track of everything. Was trying to get in shape before I knew I was pregnant this time, so I'm pretty much trying to maintain. Gained only 25 lbs last pregnancy so aiming for that again. Have been extremely fortunate not to be too tired or queasy. Find out if I'm having a boy or girl next week!
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    Welcome @lesleykc :) Well I am 22 weeks and have gained 15lbs! I started with a lowish BMI of 21 so I should gain 30lbs total probably, hopefully I'll be able to not go over! I'm starting to feel big! Belly and boobs are getting pretty huge and baby girl is kicking like crazy. How is everyone else doing?
  • Eliz_99
    Eliz_99 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm almost 22 weeks and have just reached my start weight after losing 5lbs at the start. I was a healthy weight to start with and trying not to gain too much this time as I really struggled with my weight whilst breastfeeding last time.
  • Sweetkays
    Sweetkays Posts: 12 Member
    I am 22 weeks. I was at a lower weight actually before I knew I was pregnant I was at my lowest weight since highschool. I've gained about 10 since I was 8 weeks pregnant. I'm trying to keep track of my calories and exercise, but also trying to enjoy it. Is anyone else having difficulty with this? If I indulge just a little (one meal a week) I feel guilty and that I'm not giving my baby the nutrition he or she needs.
  • _cassie623
    _cassie623 Posts: 51 Member
    23 weeks, 2 days here. I've been having a major sweet tooth lately that I'm trying to keep in check, but it's so hard! I was the same when I was pregnant with my son and just wanted sweets 24/7. Anyways, pregnancy is going smoothly for the most part. **A little TMI** I am tired of peeing a million times a day but I guess I will have to get over that! lol Hope all of the other August mommas are doing great!
  • lesleykc
    lesleykc Posts: 25 Member
    I can't believe how much hungrier I am this pregnancy over my last!! The past week or so I've had to try so hard not to eat EVERYTHING! Anyone else feeling the same way? Must be a growth spurt for the little one
  • fuelednfit
    fuelednfit Posts: 177 Member
    Same here! Just starving g
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    Me too! But I can't eat very much or I feel stuffed. So I basically have to eat every 2 hours.
  • kmburns3
    kmburns3 Posts: 46 Member
    I graze all day long since big meals never seem to agree with me this pregnancy. Found out a couple weeks ago we will be welcoming baby girl #2. :smile: Now to decide on a name...
  • syrr
    syrr Posts: 786 Member
    So how is everyone doing? I'm at about 24.5 weeks now and have gained about 20, oops! I have been giving in to all the food and not moving as much as I should but I will try to be better! We found out we're having a girl at our anatomy ultrasound (yay!) but also found out my placenta is too low (boo!) so I've been put on some restrictions but assume it will move up and out of the way at the follow-up ultrasound in a few weeks. Has anyone else run into this? Also, is anyone else having Braxton Hicks? I never had them with my 1st pregnancy but with this one, they started a few weeks ago...I know it's common, it just feels so strange so early :blush:
  • lesleykc
    lesleykc Posts: 25 Member
    kmburns3 wrote: »
    I graze all day long since big meals never seem to agree with me this pregnancy. Found out a couple weeks ago we will be welcoming baby girl #2. :smile: Now to decide on a name...
    Me too!! I'm also expecting girl #2 and we can't think of a name that really hits us like our first daughter's name.
  • _cassie623
    _cassie623 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi ladies. Just checking in :) I'm 25 weeks today. I don't do my weigh ins until Wednesday, but I think I've managed to only gain a pound or two since my 8 week doctor appointment (which I'm thankful for since I started out overweight). I haven't been exercising as much as previous weeks though because of headaches. I get dehydrated easily, so I've been drinking a gallon of water a day to help keep them at bay as per doctor's orders. Anyways, my husband and I decided on Hannah Rosalie for a name. The nursery is almost done too. I feel ahead of the game this time around as opposed to when I was pregnant with my son lol
  • Sweetkays
    Sweetkays Posts: 12 Member
    We found out yesterday we are having a boy! Yay! I've been trying to enjoy being pregnant and not worry about weight but it's hard. I just eat when hungry and try to make healthy choices most of the time.
  • kmburns3
    kmburns3 Posts: 46 Member
    24 weeks here and feeling good! Eating is good some days and not so good others, I just try my best. For name I think we're going with Emerson Anne :smile: Who knows, very well may change by the time August gets here.
  • fuelednfit
    fuelednfit Posts: 177 Member
    Same here eating is good some days and others not do great in terms of amount.

    As for the low placenta. I had the same comment at my week 20 appointment. The technician said it should move as we get closer to delivery. I had an ultrasound last week (24) and placenta is just fine
  • Sweetkays
    Sweetkays Posts: 12 Member
    August feels like it is right around the corner. Is any else feeling like they aren't ready?
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    I haven't really gotten anything ready, but 3 months also feels like it's far away! I will probably start getting stuff ready after my shower on June 19th.
  • _cassie623
    _cassie623 Posts: 51 Member
    I think I might be the opposite...I'm SO ready! The only thing not done is to pack my hospital bag and put the infant seat in the car, but I think it's a little too early for all of that lol My 3 year old asks me almost daily when his baby sister is going to be here. I think he's just as anxious as I am :smile:
  • lesleykc
    lesleykc Posts: 25 Member
    Sweetkays wrote: »
    August feels like it is right around the corner. Is any else feeling like they aren't ready?
    I feel like I'm ready! I've been running after a 1.5 year old and it's not quite the relaxing pregnancy it was last time!
  • _cassie623
    _cassie623 Posts: 51 Member
    How is everyone doing?

    I'll be 30 weeks on Monday. I had an OB appt. on Wed, and now I start going every 2 weeks already. I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy is going for me!
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    I'm doing well! I'm 28 weeks and feel gigantic. I'm a FTM and don't know how it's possible for my belly to grow any more. However overall I'm feeling good so I can't complain! Can't believe we are in our third trimester already!
  • lesleykc
    lesleykc Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 25 week and my c section is tentatively scheduled for August 24... So I can actually do a countdown now! Less than 100 days left of being pregnant! Lots of kicking from this little girl. I'm feeling pretty good overall! My husband and 1.5 YO daughter let me have a 3 hour (!!!) nap today and I was in heaven
  • _cassie623
    _cassie623 Posts: 51 Member
    LisaTcan wrote: »
    I'm doing well! I'm 28 weeks and feel gigantic. I'm a FTM and don't know how it's possible for my belly to grow any more. However overall I'm feeling good so I can't complain! Can't believe we are in our third trimester already!

    Glad to hear you're doing well! Just wait until you are 40 weeks. It's crazy how big the belly can get lol All worth it in the end though :smile:

    lesleykc wrote: »
    I'm 25 week and my c section is tentatively scheduled for August 24... So I can actually do a countdown now! Less than 100 days left of being pregnant! Lots of kicking from this little girl. I'm feeling pretty good overall! My husband and 1.5 YO daughter let me have a 3 hour (!!!) nap today and I was in heaven

    It's nice to have a day to count down to! I will be having a repeat c-section as well. I don't know the exact date yet, but it will be sometime around July 25th, give or take a few days. I'm due Aug. 1st and they aim to deliver in the 39th week with a repeat section. Glad you got to nap! Those are a nice little treat :smile: