May Challenge ~~ May 2nd - May 8th

cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
Slow Cooker brings food to mind...this is not food, but let's do it anyway!


Let me know what you think.



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    I'm going to do this today because we are not walking this morning DH has early doc appt.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,269 Member
    I completed the slow cooker workout. It's deceptively harder than it appears. Also, I had my first workout with a personal trainer this morning. We did circuit training with weights with cardio after each circuit. I believe I completed 350 squats. (7 x 50). His emphasis is on strength training and he pushes heavier weights. One of the exercises for the triceps I used 10lb weights...first time ever. I thought you might like that Shelley. :D

    In the office tomorrow. Good night.

  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    Those look like runners exercises :)

    I bought my first Kettle bell this weekend! I'm not going to do anything new though this week lest I mess up some muscle group right before my first Half Marathon.

    I've been a runner for almost ten years I guess now, but I never tried a race that long. Actually I just started doing races because they kinda freak me out with all the people and sorta competition thing. I always think -- I can't do this, I suck.

    I live in a vacation / retirement / really wealthy area - but my family works here. We're middle class, but the ladies here - all tiny thin hauty totty types (with more money than I can wrap my head around...). They look at me like I'm road kill. Last year they would run in a group and when I was running toward them they wouldn't give way and let me pass. They always look like they just stepped out of the Mall even while running. (Suspect they had sweat glands removed...) They even made fun of me a couple of times - different ones, okay I admit it they all kinda look interchangeably alike to me. My "favorite" quote from them, "omg - what size do you think she is? 14? They shouldn't make tights that size or allow chicks like that to wear them." -- yeah, seriously I vomited in my mouth a little and wanted to punch one of those shallow *beeps* in the face.

    Well today I saw some of those ladies - and I swear - guess I've been letting them intimidate me to the point I didn't really notice something before, but today I DID NOTICE!! And what did I see? Their running form is completely terrible. Really really TERRIBLE. *big grin*

    And actually maybe they're a good influence because when I run I smile at people, say hello to their dogs, say good morning. I want people to think -- "that's a runner, I could do that, she's nice." I don't want them thinking of Barbie and mean friends as what the sport of running is about. And I sure as anything don't want anyone to think they're too big to run or get excluded based on size. That makes me soooo mad.

    Oh' happy Monday everyone!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    Nice going, Kathy!! I hope you like your trainer. We love ours.

    Runner...don't listen to those nasty nags and the fact they have terrible form proves they only do it for show. It's goo that you greet folks and pups along the way. We do too. Makes it fun.

    Our routine was switched up this morning. DH had an early doc's appt so no walking. Did a workout for 30 mins then did a Cathe strength DVD for 50 mins then went to my DDD's 1st grade classroom and helped her get ready for Open House coming up then got on the recumbent bike for 12.50 miles in 47 mins. Done!!

    Hope you all had a great Monday!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Kathy, Aren't dumbbells great? :smiley:

    Runner, So sorry you don't get along with those ladies, very sad! :cry:

    Chris, You are doing so wonderful with your retirement! Good job!! :heart:

    I'm turning my morning break into a walk around the block each day. Three times so far - easy and feels good.

    Love y'all,

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Looks good ! Will try this tonight.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Paula I take cauliflower that is starting to wilt and place it in a bowl of water. Just their bases. And they perk right up. :smiley: Love your extra break walks. It is great for the soul. <3

    Kathy I am so excited for you. I am sure you will wonder why you never went "heavy" before. Have fun! Yep, the easy looking ones always bite you the most. B)

    Runner Paula I want to slap cuffs on them for being so cruel. Do not let them drag you down ever again. I have trouble even talking with gals like that. I always seem to lower myself to their level. >:):*

    Chris, Paul is so right. Great retirement plans as usual. Muahaha

    Well I have been busy trying to save my fish, again! King Tut had a bad time with hyposalinity treatment. Almost died on Sunday. Found him laying on the bottom of the tank in serious distress. I checked the alkalinity and PH. Both were really low. So I started to slowly raise the KH, which was causing him to be in an acid bath! :s He was hanging out at the top of the tank yesterday. I also increased his oxygen level. Slowly taking the tank out of hypo also. Today he is swimming some. Crossing fingers for the little guy. He is my favorite.

    Made fudge for my mom, and mailed it off today.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,269 Member
    Tennis practice tonight - 60 minutes. My thighs were really screaming today from the 350 squats on Monday. Truly every time I sat down I felt it!

    Paula - yes Dumbbells are great! :D -

    Shelley - I hope you are able to save King Tut. Fingers crossed!-

    Chris - so far so good. I like my trainer. Only have time to see him twice a week but I think that's all I could do anyway with tennis taking up 3 days a week.

    Runner - so sorry about the mean girls. We have those on the courts as well. If you're a certain size they have a tendency to assume you can't move well on the courts. It's nice to surprise them.

    Goodnight everyone,
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    edited May 2016
    Thanks, Paula!

    Shelley, can't wait for you guys to join me! Oh, what fun we will have! Hope King Tut is doing okay. Sending the homemade fudge away was a smart thing to do!

    Kathy, when I have screaming thighs, I'm so glad the bathroom door jam is within reach because I cry every time I sit!! :D

    Walked w/DH and Bean this morning for 4.05 miles in 96 mins (6.37 total miles for 13,899 steps) then got on the recumbent for 13.00 miles in 47 mins and an episode of Covert Affairs then went to 1st grade and worked hard. Now I'm reading! A great Tuesday!


  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Runner - I encounter people like that in the horse world all the time, too. Had one snobby person tell me that only hicks ride Western style and that any horse that wasn't valued at $30,000 or more wasn't worth the oxygen they're breathing. Pfft. Stupid snobs. Glad you're not letting their idiocy ruin anything for you! Feel free to share stories about them here, and we'll laugh at them. :wink:
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Oh Shelley, My Mom would love fudge. My sisters are being so good and keeping her away from treats. I'd sneak her some, but her gout would be too painful. :cry:

    Saying prayers for King Tut.

    Screaming thighs, that's a rock group, right, Chris?

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Hope King Tut improves!
    At foot doc to see if he can help with new pain. Pretty sure it's my Neuroma acting up but I'm not self diagnosing. That's his job
  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    Hey everyone - how is Wednesday going? How is King Tut doing?

    I hope your foot feels better @claram5415 -- ouch.

    It's really pretty here in Oregon on the trails but the mosquitoes are thick still. This time of year though thousands of swallows and martins migrate in and put the hurt on them.


  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,269 Member
    Worked out with the trainer again this evening for an hour. I'm taking a rest day tomorrow and going to a birthday dinner for my Godsom tomorrow night.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    Shelley, we need a report on King Tut...hurry!

    Paula...yeppy, yep!

    Clara, hope your foot is okay.

    Runner, beautiful pic!

    Kathy, have fun at the b'day party!

    Walked w/DH and Bean this morning for 4.05 miles in 91 mins (6.58 total miles for 14,374 steps) then got on the recumbent for 12.50 miles in 45 mins and an episode of Grimm then went to 1st grade and worked hard then hit the gym w/DDD and our trainer for a killer 60 min workout. I'm done!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Ok update on Tut. He finally ate tonight! Things are looking up. Been really busy with him. And working late. Will catch up and add comments in a bit. And I love the stories of how stupid and uncaring some folks can be. Makes me know I am with a very valued group of women here.

    Runner Paula that is a beautiful wild lupine. Thanks for sharing.

  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    @KAR1959, Kathy - How are you liking the trainer? Are you really sore? We just have one trainer where I go and he snarls a lot and sticks with other big dudes In the heavy lift room and is always going, "yeeeah man, that's mind body connection, mind body connection." ;-P lol, he just says that all the time, sometimes just randomly as he walks around.

    Is there a photo of King Tut somewhere?

    Great job @cpanus Chris --!! Wow, great workout!!! :) -- I haven't seen Grimm, good?

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,269 Member
    Runner, I really like this trainer. He's challenging me to lift heavier. I've never used anything but 3 or 5 pound weights. Yesterday I used 10 lbs for all the arm exercises except the shoulder exercises. He says 5 pounders are all that is needed. I constantly complain about my horrible upper body strength or the lack of it. Yesterday in our circuit we did 4 sets of exercise and I used 10lb weights for 2, 5lbs for another and 20 push-ups. We finish each circuit on the treadmill for 3 mins on 4.0.

    And then we completed another circuit with different exercises - 4 sets ending with the treadmill. The most I've ever sweated. So far so good. I like being challenged.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    YOU must watch Grimm Runner Paula! Yes yes yes. Paula put up a photo of a White Tail Bristle Tooth Tang a while ago. His name is Fred. King Tut is a Pyramid Butterfly fish. Rather plain looking, but so much character. And I am betting you can find a trainer to come to your gym. Not Mr. "yeeeah man" I would have to slap him.

    Wish I was there to cheer you on Kathy. I am so surprised you have never lifted heavy! You can be such a strong woman. <3

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    edited May 2016
    Runner, Thanks, and yes, you must watch Grimm! I also watch Castle, but I'm reading that next season there will be NO Beckett...don't know if I'll watch it then.

    Kathy, nice workout.

    Come on, King Tut!!! We all have our pom poms up!!

    Walked w/ DH and Bean this morning for 4.0 rained on and lightening struck really, really close to where we were walking then got on the bike then went to 1st grade then went to see the venue where we will hold the baby shower. That's all. I weigh in tomorrow...138.0 this morning. We'll just have to see what happens.
