Input on goal weight

MEG924 Posts: 37 Member
I started out at 240 last March, I am currently 160 and 5 ft 4 in. According to BMI, 145 is the max for the "normal weight" category. My doctor said the 150-155 range would work well for me. I run and lift so I do want to look "fit", if that means a higher number in order to keep muscles, I'm happy with that. I'm looking for input from other women in my height range so I can get a better feel for how much more weight I should lose. I'm 24 years old and have not been my current weight since either middle, or elementary school. I've always been "larger", and so I'm not sure what weight would work for me, but having a number in mind helps me to stay on track. Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! :smile:


  • Panda_Poptarts
    Panda_Poptarts Posts: 971 Member
    At this point, I'd honestly take it 10 pounds at a time until you are satisfied with how you look and feel. I'd also keep an eye on body fat percent, which may be more important to decrease than scale weight.

    I'm 5'11, and my soft goal is 200. I'd like to hit between 155 and 175 as a hard goal.
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    There's a cool picture galley where people submit pictures of themselves. You can search by height and weight. Find a match you like. :)
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    my original goal was 145, I started at 180 and am between 5'5 and 5'6. I hit 145 and have been hovering in that range for quite some time, gained a little in December but back to my comfortable range now. however when I compare pictures I have less body fat now than I did at that weight back in july of last year. so I've decided to stop thinking about the scale weight. after a certain point it doesn't really mean anything anymore. If I can look smaller and fitter and weigh the same then I'm cool with whatever the number on the scale is.
  • MEG924
    MEG924 Posts: 37 Member
    At this point, I'd honestly take it 10 pounds at a time until you are satisfied with how you look and feel. I'd also keep an eye on body fat percent, which may be more important to decrease than scale weight.

    I'm 5'11, and my soft goal is 200. I'd like to hit between 155 and 175 as a hard goal.

    Good idea! My nutritionist just recently started measuring my body fat, I wish I knew what it was when I first started out, but atleast I can compare the measurements I have now.

    Good luck with your goal! :)
  • MEG924
    MEG924 Posts: 37 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    There's a cool picture galley where people submit pictures of themselves. You can search by height and weight. Find a match you like. :)

    Awesome! Thanks so much!
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    Hi @MEG924 - I am an inch shorter than you but my goal weight is 135 lbs. I am currently sitting at it +/- 2 lbs but I am looking to build muscle so I wouldn't care if my scale weight went up but my BF% went down.

    It also depends on how we carry our weight too...two people of the same height and weight could look totally different depending on composition and genetics. I would definitely have a number in mind but I wouldn't be so fixated on just that.

    Maybe have a multi-faceted goal, such as BF%, lean mass increase, a certain clothing size or a goal item of clothing, etc etc. That way, if for whatever reason, you don't get down to the scale weight you had in mind, you may be hitting your goal in other ways.
  • MEG924
    MEG924 Posts: 37 Member
    my original goal was 145, I started at 180 and am between 5'5 and 5'6. I hit 145 and have been hovering in that range for quite some time, gained a little in December but back to my comfortable range now. however when I compare pictures I have less body fat now than I did at that weight back in july of last year. so I've decided to stop thinking about the scale weight. after a certain point it doesn't really mean anything anymore. If I can look smaller and fitter and weigh the same then I'm cool with whatever the number on the scale is.

    Congrats on your loss! I share the same philosophy, that the scale isn't as important if I look/feel fit, it just helps to know what others are able to get down to because I don't want unrealistic goals, or to "settle" if I can lose more (if that makes sense). I guess really the only way for me to know what my body can comfortably get to, is to keep working on it and decide what I'm happy with. It's just hard because I still suffer with thinking I look bigger than I am, so I don't want to go overboard without realizing it.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I agree at this point I might look more at body fat percent, how you feel about how you like, etc., than scale weight. I'm prone to being "skinny fat" so personally I'd much rather see a higher number on the scale but have plenty of muscle!
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    MEG924 wrote: »
    my original goal was 145, I started at 180 and am between 5'5 and 5'6. I hit 145 and have been hovering in that range for quite some time, gained a little in December but back to my comfortable range now. however when I compare pictures I have less body fat now than I did at that weight back in july of last year. so I've decided to stop thinking about the scale weight. after a certain point it doesn't really mean anything anymore. If I can look smaller and fitter and weigh the same then I'm cool with whatever the number on the scale is.

    Congrats on your loss! I share the same philosophy, that the scale isn't as important if I look/feel fit, it just helps to know what others are able to get down to because I don't want unrealistic goals, or to "settle" if I can lose more (if that makes sense). I guess really the only way for me to know what my body can comfortably get to, is to keep working on it and decide what I'm happy with. It's just hard because I still suffer with thinking I look bigger than I am, so I don't want to go overboard without realizing it.

    yep I know exactly what you mean. I have no clue where I'll be happy, I just want all the fat gone lol. but yeah I look in the mirror and think I'm the same as I was before, even though I know I'm not. its possible once I get where I want to be that I'll look really thin even though hopefully I'll be a good amount of muscle and that will be why I look smaller at a heavier weight.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    5ft 4 inches here and 120 to 125lbs. Still have fat n want to build more muscle so may end up 125-130 in achieving that. Body fat, measurements and health are great alternate measures as a healthier muscular me will be heavier. Don't want the scale goal interfering with rhe true health n muscular look targets. Off other forums it is clear some bigger framed women carry more eeight better than my frame does. I agree with above- multiple goals n measures plus 5lb at a time then re-evaluate. My body got stuck at 125 for a while then 120lb. Means I am close to maintenance for me but find where your body naturally slows up.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    The other forum discussion on 5ft4 inch women reflects goals of 115 to 132lbs with most folk targeting something in that zone. Some as low as 110lb which would put me in kids clothes. At 120lb I get in a 4 or even a zero (not sure that brand is honest though). Some set thier target as high as 140lb. Especially if weight training. Good luck. Hope you find what works for you.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I'm 5'4" also and started out at 165. I originally set a goal of 135, but in the back of my mind I wasn't sure I would make it and figured I'd be happy at 140 because in previous efforts I had only been able to get to 145. Well after a year I am 134 and still have a lot of belly fat! About 31% body fat! I lowered my goal months ago to 126 but as long as the body fat goes down, I couldn't care less what the scale says.
    Let me tell you, 134 at 31% body fat doesn't look anything like what I imagined 134 would look like! I do wear a loose fitting size 6 but there's absolutely no way I could wear a bikini or anything like that. It would not look good at all! Lol
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,759 Member
    I'm 5'4" also and started out at 165. I originally set a goal of 135, but in the back of my mind I wasn't sure I would make it and figured I'd be happy at 140 because in previous efforts I had only been able to get to 145. Well after a year I am 134 and still have a lot of belly fat! About 31% body fat! I lowered my goal months ago to 126 but as long as the body fat goes down, I couldn't care less what the scale says.
    Let me tell you, 134 at 31% body fat doesn't look anything like what I imagined 134 would look like! I do wear a loose fitting size 6 but there's absolutely no way I could wear a bikini or anything like that. It would not look good at all! Lol

    That does not stop 95% of the people who wear bikinis
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    I'm 5'4" also and started out at 165. I originally set a goal of 135, but in the back of my mind I wasn't sure I would make it and figured I'd be happy at 140 because in previous efforts I had only been able to get to 145. Well after a year I am 134 and still have a lot of belly fat! About 31% body fat! I lowered my goal months ago to 126 but as long as the body fat goes down, I couldn't care less what the scale says.
    Let me tell you, 134 at 31% body fat doesn't look anything like what I imagined 134 would look like! I do wear a loose fitting size 6 but there's absolutely no way I could wear a bikini or anything like that. It would not look good at all! Lol

    That does not stop 95% of the people who wear bikinis

    Lol so true, I've worn a 2 piece at every size.
  • MEG924
    MEG924 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm 5'4" also and started out at 165. I originally set a goal of 135, but in the back of my mind I wasn't sure I would make it and figured I'd be happy at 140 because in previous efforts I had only been able to get to 145. Well after a year I am 134 and still have a lot of belly fat! About 31% body fat! I lowered my goal months ago to 126 but as long as the body fat goes down, I couldn't care less what the scale says.
    Let me tell you, 134 at 31% body fat doesn't look anything like what I imagined 134 would look like! I do wear a loose fitting size 6 but there's absolutely no way I could wear a bikini or anything like that. It would not look good at all! Lol

    I agree with the body fat. Last time I saw my nutritionist (2/23) I was 168 and 32% fat. Next appointment is Wednesday and I'm currently 160 and wear a size 8, so I'm eager to see how much my percentage dropped. Do you know what percentage is attainable? Maybe I should just focus on that rather than the scale. Congrats on your loss! It must feel amazing! And I say, if you wanna wear one, go for it! You worked hard and should be able to, if you choose. :) I completely understand what you mean though... after an 80 lb loss, even though I run and lift, I have a lot of loose skin which is really embarassing. Hoping with more excercise most of that will go away. Seems like everything gets more complicated when you don't have as much to lose. :/

  • MEG924
    MEG924 Posts: 37 Member
    5ft 4 inches here and 120 to 125lbs. Still have fat n want to build more muscle so may end up 125-130 in achieving that. Body fat, measurements and health are great alternate measures as a healthier muscular me will be heavier. Don't want the scale goal interfering with rhe true health n muscular look targets. Off other forums it is clear some bigger framed women carry more eeight better than my frame does. I agree with above- multiple goals n measures plus 5lb at a time then re-evaluate. My body got stuck at 125 for a while then 120lb. Means I am close to maintenance for me but find where your body naturally slows up.

    I am definitely bigger framed so I don't think I could ever get to 125, though it may be possible. After all the responses I think 140 seems to be a good number to try to get to. It'd be nice to make it an even 100 lb loss. ;) And who knows, maybe I can get lower than that, or decide to stop at 150.

    I appreciate everyones' responses! They've really helped a lot! :)
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    MEG924 wrote: »
    I'm 5'4" also and started out at 165. I originally set a goal of 135, but in the back of my mind I wasn't sure I would make it and figured I'd be happy at 140 because in previous efforts I had only been able to get to 145. Well after a year I am 134 and still have a lot of belly fat! About 31% body fat! I lowered my goal months ago to 126 but as long as the body fat goes down, I couldn't care less what the scale says.
    Let me tell you, 134 at 31% body fat doesn't look anything like what I imagined 134 would look like! I do wear a loose fitting size 6 but there's absolutely no way I could wear a bikini or anything like that. It would not look good at all! Lol

    I agree with the body fat. Last time I saw my nutritionist (2/23) I was 168 and 32% fat. Next appointment is Wednesday and I'm currently 160 and wear a size 8, so I'm eager to see how much my percentage dropped. Do you know what percentage is attainable? Maybe I should just focus on that rather than the scale. Congrats on your loss! It must feel amazing! And I say, if you wanna wear one, go for it! You worked hard and should be able to, if you choose. :) I completely understand what you mean though... after an 80 lb loss, even though I run and lift, I have a lot of loose skin which is really embarassing. Hoping with more excercise most of that will go away. Seems like everything gets more complicated when you don't have as much to lose. :/

    These charts were on a tracking sheet that came with my scale.

    It's a very broad range. I'm "normal" and have a "normal" BMI too, but still look too fat (in the belly) even at size 6.
  • Panda_Poptarts
    Panda_Poptarts Posts: 971 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    There's a cool picture galley where people submit pictures of themselves. You can search by height and weight. Find a match you like. :)

    This is very awesome! I can clearly see that 160 - 170lb is where I'd like to be.
  • erinseattle
    erinseattle Posts: 105 Member
    I'm 49 years old, 5'2", 120ish lbs. I'm considered normal. I have my lean/fat analysis every few months so I know exactly where I'm at. Here's the thing: I would kind of like to be at 115, I like how the number sounds, I would like my legs to be slimmer. That said, I'm not sure that doing the work to get there is something I'm willing to do, and I know my friends and family think it would not be attractive.

    Goal weight is partly how you FEEL and partly how you are BUILT. I've learned that no matter what, I will have thighs and a butt, however my waist is really small. I'm accepting that this is the body I have been given and whether I'm. 115 or 120 really only matters to me.

    So re-evaluate as you continue to lose and don't be too concerned with BMI.