Anyone here living with a significant other making it hard to learn and live healthier?

yangpoua Posts: 1 Member
I'm trying to change my eating habits and make healthier choices when it comes to food but it's so hard when my BF doesn't really care about changing his life style. We've fallen into a habit of eating out a lot and gaining weight and I don't mind just changing for me but with no support from him, I find myself falling back into that bad habit. Anyone here with the same problem but has overcome it? How do you do it?


  • jaedin20
    jaedin20 Posts: 1 Member
    my significant other also makes horrible eating choices
  • ptomom96
    ptomom96 Posts: 2 Member
    My husband and I are both over weight. I have been eating clean (90% of the time). He is completely against any and all food/diet changes that I am trying to make at home. He is type 2 diabetic and is non-compliant with his diet and meds. I asked him to not bring home junk food or pop anymore. I kid you not the next day he brought home a case of Pepsi and two bags of Doritos!
  • DreamPhedre
    DreamPhedre Posts: 598 Member
    ptomom96 wrote: »
    I asked him to not bring home junk food or pop anymore. I kid you not the next day he brought home a case of Pepsi and two bags of Doritos!

    This is also what my husband does. I've stopped telling him I'm cleaning up my eating, or that I'm not eating certain foods because they would magically appear in my house shortly after.... It's an uphill battle!

  • comtngal16
    comtngal16 Posts: 1 Member
    It's hard for sure when our significant other chooses not to eat the way we do. I'm doing it for myself and although I wish my husband would do it with me, he has to make that commitment for himself. It took news from the doctor to pull myself together and make the commitment to eat healthy for me. Having just finished the Advocare 24-Day Challenge which was extremely difficult but it changed my lifestyle of eating and having joined a fit club and am seeing results just in 30 days. We also have two teens which makes it even more difficult but I cook healthy meals and if the three of them don't like it, I tell them to make their own. They usually end up eating and often times liking what I made. We can all do it - it will take more commitment on our part but we must do it for ourselves.
  • JessyeBug
    JessyeBug Posts: 2 Member
    I know the feeling! While my BF is really supportive, he's a bit ignorant (bless that muppet, I love him!). I am cleaning up my eating, as I have found out I have intolerances to gluten and dairy, and my body cannot handle grease anymore (oh how I miss chips!). My BF says "you are doing so well!" which is lovely ... If he wasn't shovelling down a Double Quarter Pounder at the time.

    He can eat whatever he wants and still remain really trim (though that doesn't mean he's healthy), and simple things like a burger or even a sandwich become out of my food groups. So he brings home sweets to try and make up for the fact he can eat McDonalds and I can't stop at one sweet, they have to all be gone! I've just cut a hard line - he doesn't eat sweets, so don't buy any, I don't want them.

    Thankfully, he doesn't cook so that means dinner is always healthy (for the most part)
  • batmanatgrind
    batmanatgrind Posts: 10 Member
    I cook most of my meals on sundays and freeze them. I've been doing this for 3 weeks now. My bf is not supportive what so ever. In fact, he often comes home bringing me a burger and I feel bad for rejecting it but w.e I get over it. Now I count calories so it makes it easier that I cook and bring my food everywhere because I usually have calories left over. I do not cook all my meals because I take into account that there will be maybe one or two days of the week that we will go out. I am just mindful of what I eat when I go out to not go over my daily calories.
  • simplycidalia1173
    simplycidalia1173 Posts: 12 Member
    Also, cook more meals at home. Meal prep a bit if it helps. And plan ahead for better options when eating out.
  • ladylonglegs21
    ladylonglegs21 Posts: 27 Member
    We don't eat out much, but we are both overweight. I'm trying to lose it, but he doesn't seem to care. it is REALLY hard when he comes home from work and sits next to me eating a WHOLE Box of cookies while I'm trying to choke down some fruit/veggies! Like seriously?! He knows I LOVE junk food... it tastes so much better than healthy food!

    So yea, I totally understand what you're going through, and I'm right there with you.
  • grace1mfp
    grace1mfp Posts: 13 Member
    I know what your talking about my husband means well but it seems like he wants to bring in snacks a lot and we do go out to eat a lot. I am learning what is best for me and learning to say no. People sometimes in our life is so afraid of change and sometimes I think it is hard to get them on board. I am a Christian and having God in my life has help me so much. I am learning to do bible studies on healthy eating which help me change the way I look at food and people. I found out why I over eat and that was the first step I had to do before losing any weight.
  • abrams1971
    abrams1971 Posts: 3 Member
    we have only been together 1yr and 10mths, he is a total junk food eater, i wish i could change his habits but at 42 he is set in his ways, he only wants preboxed meals, slim jims, moutain dew, ets.....i have gained 40lbs since we have been together and i have to stop this insanity, i will not eat this with him any more...i have gone back to clean eating...he will either get on board or starve, i remind myself that its a habit for him from child hood, i feel its as hard for him to change his eating habits as it is for me to loose weight, its patterned in the brain, i feel the struggles...