Hey 5'7" females!



  • Working2BBetter
    Working2BBetter Posts: 219 Member
    43 years
    CW: 138
    GW: ?? It was 136, But now that I'm close I feel it could be lower... 132???
    Calorie set: 1350 5x per week 500 2x per week (Intermittent fasting)

    I never eat my exercise calories. I Work out 6x per week and burn 420 - 600 calories... (cardio and weight training). If I eat more than 1500 I gain weight! It is so frustrating!
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,764 Member
    Age: 42
    Height: 5'7" (171cm)
    CW:138 (63.3kg)
    GW: 136 (62kg)
    I eat 1650-1850 depending on how hungry I am. I'm a runner so am pretty lean and "toned". Just want to take off the last few pounds because it will make me faster! I've actually been maintaining for the past two years. I eat most of my exercise calories back but not all as they're a bit generous. Current dietary motivation is to cut back on added sugar - my blood sugar is surprisingly high and I need to get it down a notch or two. Basically I'm cutting out cake and biscuits (cookies), which has been way easier than I imagined.
  • sgutierrez687
    sgutierrez687 Posts: 1 Member
    edited April 2016
    AGE: 30
    Height: 5' 7"
    CW: 140
    GW: 132

    My calories are set to 1200 but I am currently eating in terms of macros (220 Carbs/150 protein/50 fat) which places me at 1700 cal/day. I do crossfit 3x/week and either running 2+ miles or body weight workouts 2 other times a week. I am currently trying to lose fat while gaining muscle. It's been extremely hard for me to add healthy carbs & protein to my diet while keeping fat low!

    Prior to tracking my meals, I didn't understand why I wasn't building muscle or losing weight. When I was told to track, I realized that I was unintentionally starving myself. 1200 cals is extremely low for me and adding healthy macros has already made a HUGE difference in my muscle tone/weight loss. m9m3x2dhu95e.jpg
  • WicklowWanderer
    WicklowWanderer Posts: 247 Member
    Age: 40
    Height: 5' 7"
    CW: 155
    GW: 135

    Hi all. When I started properly with MFP August 2015 I was 180 pounds. I did my best to stick to 1200 calories per day, became more active and hit 155 by Christmas. Great! BUT... I have been pretty much stuck there since, bouncing between 152 and 156. Working out my average daily energy expenditure with the help of a Fitbit, it looked like I might be eating too little so upped my calories to 1400. Still no loss! So upped to 1600 and still bouncing between the 154 and 156. Sighhhh... Not sure what to do now.

    I'm generally sedentary but work out up to 6 hours a week- roller derby twice a week (a mix of cardio and resistance), the odd weekly gym session (HIIT treadmill/cross trainer and some weights) and maybe a YouTube kettlebell workout or Jillian Michaels Shred at home. My macros are set to 40% carb, 30% fat and 30% protein. I sometimes eat into my exercise calories but not always and I log every thing every day- there wouldn't be much that gets missed and I do my best to measure and weigh.

    Would love to hear from other people who might be or have been in the same boat.

  • lavrn03
    lavrn03 Posts: 235 Member
    Great job so far!! You are at my goal weight right now. I started at 230 and now at 168. When u eat at a deficit your body gets use to it and adjusts to that Amt to survive. Bless you for eating that little that wasn't much especially with exercising.
    Try to calorie cycle throughout the week. For example: M-F alternate 1400/1600 calories a day and on weekends eat a little more 1900. Obviously not sure of your specific numbers and goals but you get the idea.
    Your body will not think you are depriving yourself and adapt to lower numbers. It keeps your metabolism high rather then lowering it.
    Good luck!!!
  • WicklowWanderer
    WicklowWanderer Posts: 247 Member
    lavrn03 wrote: »
    Great job so far!! You are at my goal weight right now. I started at 230 and now at 168. When u eat at a deficit your body gets use to it and adjusts to that Amt to survive. Bless you for eating that little that wasn't much especially with exercising.
    Try to calorie cycle throughout the week. For example: M-F alternate 1400/1600 calories a day and on weekends eat a little more 1900. Obviously not sure of your specific numbers and goals but you get the idea.
    Your body will not think you are depriving yourself and adapt to lower numbers. It keeps your metabolism high rather then lowering it.
    Good luck!!!

    Thank you! It was an easier journey than I had imagined to get there but I think I got little complacent assuming the loss would continue. I tried not to let it get to me when it stopped. When I think back, the loss slowed to nothing when I increased my activity levels and threw in a 30 Day Shred before Christmas. With the calories at that time a bit low, I may have given my body a fright. Now that you mention the calorie cycling, pretty sure I've been doing that most weekends the last couple of months but neglected to say- so around 1600 five days and easily 1800-2000 weekends (including some booze). I've seen lots of stuff on "Eat More 2 Weigh Less" but I'm scared to really increase my calories to what they're saying I should eat! I'm back to work next week after a 6 month career break so hoping to reintroduce daily walking morning and evening, something I was doing when I lost the weight at the start. I'll see what happens!

    Congratulations yourself! That's amazing progress- you must feel and look great!
  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    SW 155
    CW 131.3

    I stayed the same weight no matter how much exercising I did. This included what I thought was a healthy diet. It wasnt until I cut back the carbs significantly that I started to lose weight. Iwent from 155 to my current weight in 3 months. Now I am not so strict with my diet but I still keep track of my carbs. Some days I do better than others. On good days I am below 20 carbs. On bad days I am below 50 grams.
  • niciabrighteyes
    niciabrighteyes Posts: 33 Member
    Age: 29
    CW: 178
    GW: 145
    Trying to have a calorie deficit of 1000. I do a lot of cardio at the gym and beginning my journey as a new runner. I document everything in my blog.
  • Emmamolloy252
    Emmamolloy252 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5ft7.5 and yes the .5 counts!
    I was down to 130 but after 3 weeks on holiday I'm back up.to 136
    My starting weight was 168lbs after 2 difficult pregnancies and a prolapse so basically no exercising and eating to stop myself.feeling like crap.
    Goal weight is 125 but I am focusing more on body fat percentage and hopefully building some.muscle to tone up. I'm hoping to be the shape I want for next February when we have a big family hoiday planned
  • mawalsh11
    mawalsh11 Posts: 14 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hey everyone!

    Age: 24
    Height: 5'7"
    SW: 160
    CW: 154
    GW: 140

    I started losing back in January and then maintained throughout March- got back on the wagon in April! My calories are set around 1600- which I usually come under without exercise. When I do exercise I try not to eat no more than 50% of the calories back. Just looking to lean out. I have a moderately active job- I'm a Leasing Agent at an apartment community so I spend a lot of my day up showing apartments. I'm heading to Mexico for vacation in late July so that's a good motivator! I do yoga once a week and do road cycling when the weather is nice. Love hearing about everyone's success!
  • amybugfit
    amybugfit Posts: 40 Member
    Age 36
    CW: 134
    GW: 125 (maybe 120)
    1200 calories per day, eating back half of exercise calories logged.
    I'm currently working on the C25K program (again) and getting back into running.
    So I run 3x per week and cross train other days at random.
    I'd love to drop more body fat and be able to run faster and longer. My goal is to run a half marathon next year. :smiley:
    I use a food scale and weigh everything I eat so that's been working well. My weight will plateau for a long time and then drop quickly, repeat.
    Thinking about adding HIIT or more strength training into my workout routine.
  • mcubero11
    mcubero11 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there!
    Age: 20
    Height 5'8
    CW: 165 ish
    GW: 130
    Calories set at 1200.Have not weighed myself since I've started but have received comments that i look thinner. I do not eat back exercised calories, working out 2-3 times a week.
  • Noelani1503
    Noelani1503 Posts: 378 Member
    edited May 2016
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'7"
    CW: 148 lbs
    GW: 140 lbs, but that may change depending on how much muscle I get and how I think I look

    Calories are set to 1272 (because I have 72 calories of supplements and I didn't want them to count lol). I always eat back my exercise calories if I'm hungry, and I go over frequently on lifting days. But I do better if my calorie goal is super low so I don't eat when I'm not hungry. I used to struggle with emotional/boredom eating and a lower goal makes sure I only go over if I'm truly hungry.

    I try to get on the elliptical as often as my toddler lets me, usually 3-5 times a week. Lift 4 days a week. Working through strong curves now!
  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member
    34, 5'7", CW=143-145, GW=high 120's

    I've been eating in a really small deficit because I'm always hungry...like 100 Cals/day (burn 2300-2400 on average according to my Fitbit...lots of walking and running). I've dropped a few pounds but am getting impatient and might have to take more drastic measures :D
  • Megan7146
    Megan7146 Posts: 31 Member
    edited May 2016
    Age 20
    Height 5'6.5" (tall enough for this thread? ;) )
    CW 106
    GW 100
    Calories 1100

    I don't know why but my whole life I have weighed light. I guess my bones are hollow! But as well as losing my last bits of puppy fat my goal is to maintain my muscle definition and to try and eat a lot healthier! I have to cut out sweets! I have such a highly active job that I rely so much on sugar hits to get me through the day when really I need to be cooking more and finding healthy alternatives! Also I want to work on my arm strength :)

    I don't generally eat my calories back, well not all of them at least! It's not something that I plan like having a recovery meal or a protein bar or something but if I'm left feeling hungry or if I feel super tired or hungry before then maybe I'll eat a little more than the 1100 I would have if I was having a day just of rest :)

    Hope everyone is having an awesome day :)
  • BecksHeath28
    BecksHeath28 Posts: 6 Member
    Age 22
    Height 5'7
    CW: 150
    GW: 130
    As of right now i'm on a 1919 calorie but thats also because im a sailor whose constantly moving. I had ankle surgery Feb 2015 and before that i was just lazy after being on deployment. now im trying to get back in shape. as of right now i dont eat back what i excersie but with summer being so close and the beach being even closer, it is going to be a challenge.
  • aowens1785
    aowens1785 Posts: 13 Member
    5'7 (1/3)" ;)
    CW 148
    GW 135
    I am having trouble being sticking with it. I try for 1200 calories daily. I run 5k (treadmill) as exercise (10mph), but I am inconsistent (at least one day/wk but sometimes 3-4). I make excuses to not work out and I will do great all day on my calories and eating then I sabotage myself (don't know why) at the end of the day or after a couple of three good food and/or exercise days. I am getting married in two months and want to look and feel great on my beach honeymoon but I need something to help me get and stay motivated. I was hoping someone here may want to be my accountability partner...maybe text or email each day to help each other. Message me if you're interested. I'm a mom of two girls (7&9) and for three more weeks I'm a middle school teacher if you're looking for someone with a similar lifestyle.
  • aowens1785
    aowens1785 Posts: 13 Member
    *being consistent
  • aowens1785
    aowens1785 Posts: 13 Member
    AGE: 30
    Height: 5' 7"
    CW: 140
    GW: 132

    My calories are set to 1200 but I am currently eating in terms of macros (220 Carbs/150 protein/50 fat) which places me at 1700 cal/day. I do crossfit 3x/week and either running 2+ miles or body weight workouts 2 other times a week. I am currently trying to lose fat while gaining muscle. It's been extremely hard for me to add healthy carbs & protein to my diet while keeping fat low!

    Prior to tracking my meals, I didn't understand why I wasn't building muscle or losing weight. When I was told to track, I realized that I was unintentionally starving myself. 1200 cals is extremely low for me and adding healthy macros has already made a HUGE difference in my muscle tone/weight loss. m9m3x2dhu95e.jpg

    Wow! You look great! Keep up the awesome work!
  • NatalieLJ
    NatalieLJ Posts: 158 Member
    Age 33
    Height 5'7
    CW 162
    GW 133
    Recently climbed back aboard the MFP wagon having regained all the weight I lost last time, and some more. Sigh! Aiming for 1,200 calories per day due to having a sedentary job, although I've been taking walks at lunchtime or using the elliptical on an evening to try hit my step counter target each day and I do one session each of bootcamp, rollerskating and boxing every week too. I don't normally eat back my exercise calories, unless I'm really hungry. I'm going on holiday in August, so my ultimate aim is to look and feel a little better in my bikini than I do now. Happy for others to add me on here for encouragement and support :)
  • Jenpiddles
    Jenpiddles Posts: 44 Member
    Age: 37
    Height: 5'7"
    CW: 148
    GW: 140

    I'm eating 1460 calories per day, plus about 50% of exercise calories if I'm hungry. I started out at 161 pounds.

    For exercise, I do T25 every morning. I'm also very active at work, so by the time I get home, I'm well over 5,000 steps just from work. I do not log exercise, I go by my Fitbit steps.

    I'm feeling great and looking much slimmer (Yay!). Once I reach my GW of 140, I plan on upping my strength training to gain more muscle and tone.

    I struggle a lot with emotional eating, and it's hard to resist all of the free lunches we get at work. I'm doing ok right now since I'm getting good results, but I'm fearful that I'll start gaining once I'm at my goal and trying to maintain.
  • nakima
    nakima Posts: 37 Member
    age 56
    Height 5'7
    CW 147
    GW 140
    I am just coming off a bulk and I gained approx. 10 lbs and have been maintaining at 147 for several months. My goal was to reach 150 but just couldn't do it without adding more belly fat so I decided to go ahead and do a cut for the next 2 months. The plan is to lose 1/2 lb a week while lifting heavy then maintain there for several months and start bulking again this winter.My main goal is to add muscle without adding a lot of fat. I tend to gain mostly in my belly :( Right now I lift weights 3 to 4 days a week,go on 4 mile walks with my sister 1 to 2 days a week and I will do a session or 2 of light cardio once or twice a week for about 20 mins usually as a warm up or cool down. My calories are set at about 1700. Will see how it goes. Good luck all on your goals!
  • coletteetteloc
    coletteetteloc Posts: 15 Member
    Im 5 foot 7 and 145 pounds
    im struggling to find will power but beed to as I get married in 3 months x
  • MzKrystle
    MzKrystle Posts: 74 Member
    Age: 41
    GW:135 (and if I can make it there, 130)

    I've made it to 135lbs a few times now only to screw it all up and gain it back. And I gain weigth back FAST. Anyway, so tired of the loss/gain game. I need to find the motivation to maintain my weight at 135. I like sugar and I have two girls under 5 so I really want/need wine. :) And MFP does work for me when I use it. Why I count my calories for awhile and stop is beyond me. It's a proven system, calories in/out. Feel free to add me, I could use the motivation!
  • robjenmac
    robjenmac Posts: 9 Member
    Age: 40
    Height: 5' 7"
    CW: 155
    GW: 135

    Hi all. When I started properly with MFP August 2015 I was 180 pounds. I did my best to stick to 1200 calories per day, became more active and hit 155 by Christmas. Great! BUT... I have been pretty much stuck there since, bouncing between 152 and 156. Working out my average daily energy expenditure with the help of a Fitbit, it looked like I might be eating too little so upped my calories to 1400. Still no loss! So upped to 1600 and still bouncing between the 154 and 156. Sighhhh... Not sure what to do now.

    I'm generally sedentary but work out up to 6 hours a week- roller derby twice a week (a mix of cardio and resistance), the odd weekly gym session (HIIT treadmill/cross trainer and some weights) and maybe a YouTube kettlebell workout or Jillian Michaels Shred at home. My macros are set to 40% carb, 30% fat and 30% protein. I sometimes eat into my exercise calories but not always and I log every thing every day- there wouldn't be much that gets missed and I do my best to measure and weigh.

    Would love to hear from other people who might be or have been in the same boat.


  • robjenmac
    robjenmac Posts: 9 Member
    Glad to see this thread Tara, I am Ina similar situation, 5'7 151lbs 44 yrs old and wanting to get to 130 by 10/24 ( my 45th birthday). I have gained 20 lbs since turning 40 and I'll be damned if I am going to hit 45 weighing the same amount as when I gave birth to my 9 year old! I eat between 1200-1400 calories daily and exercise using elliptical or weights 5x a week but my weight won't budge. Today I went to my OB/GYN to inquire about pellet hormone replacement as I feel that may be part of my problem. Would love any advice on hormones or what has worked for you ladies in your forties. Thanks;)
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    edited June 2016
    Age: 32
    Height: 5'7"
    CW: 130
    GW: 126-127

    Currently my cals are set to 2700 since I am nursing exclusively, also I lift 3x per week. I use the TDEE method so my exercise cals and all activities are factored in. I just have a few lbs left to cut then I will likely be moving on to maintaining/recomp
  • zipaprika
    zipaprika Posts: 8 Member
    edited June 2016
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'7
    CW: 142
    GW: 125

    New here! Would be cool to see how other people with similar goals eat, exercise, use the site etc. I'm into cycling, clean eating on a tight time/money budget ( = simplicity rules). Set the counter to 1430, but I'll adjust if I need to. Just starting to do body weight strength training, cause I'm unimaginably weak in the upper body. Don't know anyone here yet, so feel free to add me!
  • dexfatpants
    dexfatpants Posts: 55 Member
    edited June 2016
    Age: 35
    Height: 5'7
    CW: 153.3

    Hi all! I'm new to the group :)

    I started on MFP in 2012, but didn't stay committed and bounced around 189-179 until 2013. I lost more weight, without logging, and maintained around 150 until last year. Then I was diagnosed with nerve damage in my leg. I was in a leg brace and had to use a cane for 6 months. With the help of acupuncture I have regained the feeling in my leg. Now to gain my strength back.
    I might adjust my goal, once I reach it, depending on how I look and feel. I do have a large frame and haven't been lower than 150 since I was a kid. I'm working on building muscle and loosing fat. Getting married in October, and am hoping to be at goal weight by then. I try to cook most of my meals and when eating out try to keep my macros in line. For me lower carb, high protein and fat tends to work best. I work out 5-6 days a week, doing circuit training videos, kettle bell, and yoga. I'm currently doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and have seen good results.

    My calories are set to 1300 and I don't eat back my exercize calories. I have a hard time eating enough calories on days that I work crazy hours, So I'm kind of calorie cycling I guess. Eating higher on the days I'm off, so my weekly number netted is higher.

  • RWBoston
    RWBoston Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone! This is a helpful thread.
    Age: A few days shy of 31
    Height: 5'7
    CW: 143-144 lbs (it's fluctuated a lot the past week)

    I've been doing the PIIT28 program, though not by-the-book. Every week, I do four PIIT28 workouts and two Pure Barre classes. I also walk to and from work most days, which ends up being about three miles round-trip. I've been trying to eat clean 85% of the time and eliminate as much added sugar as possible.

    Sugar has always been my vice. I also tend to stress eat, so I'm making a conscientious effort to avoid baked goods and candy. Also, I try to make one meal each day a salad (the nice hearty kind with lots of lean protein and avocado, etc.). I'm not strictly counting my calories--I end up eating about 1500-1600 calories on days that I exercise, which is most days. I enjoy food a lot, so I'm really just trying to find balance.

    I had a bad week last week due to long hours at work and travel for a wedding (in the South). LOTS of alcohol, cake, and comfort food. I was about to deny myself of any of it. The good news is that I've been able to get back on track this week without issue. I'm happy that I've finally arrived at a point where I can enjoy life and food indulgences, but without losing control.

    When I finish PIIT28, I'm going to move toward incorporating more weight lifting into my routine. Beginning next week, my new workout regimen will include two days of Pure Barre, two days of weight lifting, and two days of HIIT. And my daily walking, of course. I'll start paying closer attention to my macros. I think I actually need more calories and protein in my diet to lean out.