Whats your motivation?

Jsykes2016 Posts: 1 Member
edited May 2016 in Social Groups
I got my biometric screening reasult from my workplace and was terrified by my triglyceride level. Made a doctor appointment right away to go over the results. He would say that they where elevated but not to be alarmed, just healthy eating and excercise are needed. The whole thing got me to think about my son (8 months) and how I want to be here a long time for him. Cheers to good health!


  • KendonMurph
    KendonMurph Posts: 1 Member
    My diabetes. Exercise is a huge factor in blood sugar control and I'm terrible at it. So...I guess I'm looking to turn my diabetes into dietbetes. Hopefully add a few more weeks to my life in the process; that, or at least not loss a limb.
  • rachelksisk
    rachelksisk Posts: 2 Member
    I love clothes and want to be able to wear more things and feel comfortable in them rather than always looking for things that hide my tummy! And planning on trying to have a baby with my husband soon and would like to be as healthy as possible before pregnancy!
  • janetmst3
    janetmst3 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm relieved to see other people/women mention fitting into clothes, as their motivation, because that's my issue, too but felt that I was being shallow and going against body positivity. I don't dislike my body per se, but I've let myself go and that's what I don't like. I should probably lose a lot more than my goal, but I want to be realistic and stay in a range that I feel is true to me and just be more disciplined and active! Sorry to blab on!
  • runningmcgee
    runningmcgee Posts: 16 Member
    I had a baby almost two years ago now and I can't shake the last 15 lbs. I want to feel pretty and wear my old clothes again.
  • idaniels778
    idaniels778 Posts: 5 Member
    While I also have my own reasons for vanity's sake (I miss being comfortable enough with my body to wear crop tops!) I'm also going to be moving from Florida to California in a few months for school. I'm going to be living on my own, far away from my friends and family, so I'd like to be more physically fit for personal safety. As it stands, I feel pretty helpless in terms of strength and self-defense, so I hope to work on building muscle and stamina, as well as learn some self-defense skills!
  • O2CAslan
    O2CAslan Posts: 5 Member
    Good health - and breathing. Getting short of breath climbing one flight of stairs is scary. I want to live comfortably (without going to the doctor every week) until I die. And I definitely don't want to be "that" friend who gets eaten by the bear because she can't run faster than the others! ;-)
  • MariaB78
    MariaB78 Posts: 1 Member
    I have my 20 year (eek) high school reunion coming up and I want to look great. :) plus I'm with everyone else who said clothes....I have a closet full of great clothes I can't fit into anymore. So ready to fix that!
  • terronesaaronc
    terronesaaronc Posts: 7 Member
    The desk job is killing me. I used to be able to maintain a decent weight and eat whatever I wanted, while I was working a physically demanding job. Then, about 3 years ago, I moved to a better, but less strenuous desk job, and I've steadily gained weight since then. I've always worked out 3-4 times a week for as long as I can remember, but I've also been eating and cooking whatever I want. I think I'm living proof that losing weight is 80% related to your diet.
  • catmcclelland
    catmcclelland Posts: 21 Member
    The desk job is killing me. I used to be able to maintain a decent weight and eat whatever I wanted, while I was working a physically demanding job. Then, about 3 years ago, I moved to a better, but less strenuous desk job, and I've steadily gained weight since then. I've always worked out 3-4 times a week for as long as I can remember, but I've also been eating and cooking whatever I want. I think I'm living proof that losing weight is 80% related to your diet.

    I'm with ya there. Desk jobs are tough. No physical activity and it's super easy to snack whenever you feel bored. I've started "exercising" during conference calls and training webinars. T might be as simple as stretching or I might actually do squats, lunges, leg lifts, etc. I try to just move a little bit whenever I can throughout the day. And yes, I agree that diet is key. I really believe that diet is for weight loss and exercise is for fitness/strength and they are nearly separate entities.

    But anyway, on topic - my motivation is to feel comfortable in my own skin and to feel like my body is my vehicle to do anything I want, not a hinderance to the things I wish to achieve. I got tired of feeling like being fit and healthy was reserved for people who were naturally fit and healthy and I realized that I could be that person but it wasn't going to happen without effort. "You better werk *kitten*!" is sort of my motto right now
  • catmcclelland
    catmcclelland Posts: 21 Member
    And I guess you can't say 'b*tch' on mfp because it literally changed it to kitten after I hit post!
  • pfeffernuesse
    pfeffernuesse Posts: 5 Member
    I didn't like what I saw in the mirror and I didn't like not feeling as strong as I used to; I want to shed a layer of fat to be able to see the muscles I work so hard to grow, but my issue has always been consistency - consistency going to the gym and consistency with healthy eating. I think both are finally starting to click for me, which is a relief, though it's still hard work at this point!
  • EternalTruth
    EternalTruth Posts: 491 Member
    The desk job is killing me. I used to be able to maintain a decent weight and eat whatever I wanted, while I was working a physically demanding job. Then, about 3 years ago, I moved to a better, but less strenuous desk job, and I've steadily gained weight since then. I've always worked out 3-4 times a week for as long as I can remember, but I've also been eating and cooking whatever I want. I think I'm living proof that losing weight is 80% related to your diet.

    Same here. I had an active job and then the last eight years it has been desk work. Plus having kids did my body in...lol (they were worth it though).

    I am also on board with those that want to fit into clothes. There are a lot more pretty and fashionable clothes for skinnier people. Most clothes for my size are blah unless you want to pay a huge amount of money for better clothes.

    I also want to be a role model to the Air Cadets I work with.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • MelodyBri
    MelodyBri Posts: 24 Member
    Years ago, it was so I could fit into my wedding dress without alterations. Which I was able to. Now, after 5 years of marriage and an almost two year old. I just want to feel the way I felt when I was that weight, I felt stronger, confident and better about myself. Plus exercise got me off of anti depressants, so I wasn't relying on them anymore to feel okay. So I want to get back there, and set a good example to my kid and any future kids we may have.
  • blackeyedone
    blackeyedone Posts: 6 Member
    My wedding in September of 2016 is motivating me. I want to look and feel the best that I can on my wedding day. Also, think of all those photos that i will have to look at for the rest of my life.
  • lsteel64
    lsteel64 Posts: 1 Member
    I've always been active and fit but struggled with my weight. Each decade seems to add 10 pounds to the scale. Now in my early 50s I had my first physical in which I had "elevated" blood pressure. I'm not going on medication -- I'm going to treat it with diet and exercise. Gotta keep this temple clean!
  • msmotley77
    msmotley77 Posts: 4 Member
    I have maintained the same weight (without trying) for at least 13 years now. The problem is that it's many, many pounds above the weight I should be maintaining. My motivation right now is that I want to be able to do more things. We want to bike for miles, climb Mt. Fuji, go deep sea diving, etc. While I am technically capable of doing those things right now, I'm not capable of doing them without extreme discomfort and extreme crankiness. I don't want to feel old and slow anymore.
  • kristenbitz
    kristenbitz Posts: 4 Member
    I watched my grandmother die a slow and painful death that was due, in large part, to health problems caused by her weight. After gaining about 40 pounds in the last four years, I have realized that if I want to avoid the same fate, I need to get active! My diet, for the most part, isn't my enemy. It's finding time and energy to move my body. For the first time in a long time, I'm just making small changes, and it all feels very doable.
  • mar922
    mar922 Posts: 9 Member
    edited May 2016
    There were vanity reasons and I wanted my joints to be less stiff In the morning, but mostly I wanted to stop snoring.

    I went to the Doctor thinking I was depressed and he said I wasn't depressed I was sleep deprived and sent me for sleep apnea testing, which I didn't have, so I didn't think much of it. Then my SO and I had to start sleeping in separate rooms because we were both so grumpy the next day from lack of sleep, due to my snoring waking both of us up. But what really got my butt in gear was a couple times I woke up gasping with my dog licking my face trying to wake me up because I wasn't breathing or breathing properly and that was really scary.