Can u do low fat and be on a ketogenic diet

vilenski193 Posts: 49 Member
Need some advice. So I was doing great. Happy as a lark. Lost 4.5% body fat in two months. I had lost my cravings for carbs and my body did way better without sugar. ... And then I had an attack that they think may have been gallbladder. I went for a gallbladder us four weeks later and they saw no stones but I am still having pain. They think it still may be my gallbladder or pancreatitis. They are encouraging me to try to get off this diet if I don't want to start with a whole medical work up. I have started myself on Prilosec to see if it is reflux! The pain is in between my shoulder blades and varies in intensity. I also sometimes have what they are calling globulis( I feel like there is something in my throat). I am feeling confused what to do. I like the control and over all feeling of this diet but the constant pain is hard. So the question is can I modify this to make it work? I still have some weight to loose ( I don't weigh myself because I get discouraged by the slow weight loss) but can tell from my clothes I have a little more. Please advise me if there is a way to do this and if not please offer some other eating suggestions. Thanks. Aviva


  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    This sounds very much like the pain I get from reflux. I had every test they could think of done over years and never found a thing. Finally I went to an allergist because the lump feeling in my throat, thinking it was an allergic reaction. I was tested for everything and it came back negative. The allergist out me on 40mg omeprazole because there is an esophageal disorder that causes inflammation triggered by reflux. I don't feel it like heart burn, I get burning pain in my intestines, sharp pain in my right side and a feeling of someone's hand pushing on my throat. Since taking the omeprazole I know longer have an issue unless I miss some days.
  • vilenski193
    vilenski193 Posts: 49 Member
    Was there a trigger that made it start? Can u do lchf diet without a problem?
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    I don't know what made it start but I had the problem for years before I finally find someone to help. I have done keto, I'm not currently, but I had no problem with the fat at the time. I still eat higher fat than before.

    You can go a little lower on fat if it's an issue but you can not do low carb low fat it will suck if you try.

    I hope the prilosec helps. If not, maybe others will be along, there are a few on here who have had there gallbladder removed and do lchf. I believe @knitormiss may have more info on that.
  • KetoTheKingdom
    KetoTheKingdom Posts: 33 Member
    edited May 2016
    This sounds very much like the pain I get from reflux. I had every test they could think of done over years and never found a thing. Finally I went to an allergist because the lump feeling in my throat, thinking it was an allergic reaction. I was tested for everything and it came back negative. The allergist out me on 40mg omeprazole because there is an esophageal disorder that causes inflammation triggered by reflux. I don't feel it like heart burn, I get burning pain in my intestines, sharp pain in my right side and a feeling of someone's hand pushing on my throat. Since taking the omeprazole I know longer have an issue unless I miss some days.

    Nice to hear you found relief.

    Do you anticipate being on omeprazole indefinitely or only for a limited time?

    I was put on omeprazole, after asymptomatic gastritis surprisingly appeared during an endoscopy, and told to take it for 1 year. But I stopped after 6 months at the recommendation of my PCP, who was concerned about SIBO and other possible digestive problems.

    Since I was (still?) asymptomatic at the time of the endoscopy, apart from occasional heartburn. I don't know if the omeprazole did its job of clearing up the gastritis, nor whether the condition was caused in the first place by a drug I no longer take or one I'm still on. A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside my tummy.....
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I did low carb low fat (Dukan) for a good chunk of time. I was OK with it at the time but overall I've liked LCHF a lot more.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    @KetoTheKingdom I have only been on it a year. I'm nervous to stop taking it so I'll have to see what my Dr thinks at my follow up.
  • NewSparks
    NewSparks Posts: 3 Member
    I had these symptoms too (worst of all was the terrible pain in my throat) and it was reflux caused by Coke zero and Redbull. I am no longer consuming either of them and the symptoms are gone. Not sure if you are drinking coke zero or Redbull, but if you do, it is worth switching to water or tea...
  • vilenski193
    vilenski193 Posts: 49 Member
    I am not drinking either. The main area of pain for me is in between my shoulder blades.
  • vilenski193
    vilenski193 Posts: 49 Member
    The real question is how to do the low fat low carb diet what would it look like?
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    The real question is how to do the low fat low carb diet what would it look like?


    >:) or o:)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I don't know what made it start but I had the problem for years before I finally find someone to help. I have done keto, I'm not currently, but I had no problem with the fat at the time. I still eat higher fat than before.

    You can go a little lower on fat if it's an issue but you can not do low carb low fat it will suck if you try.

    I hope the prilosec helps. If not, maybe others will be along, there are a few on here who have had there gallbladder removed and do lchf. I believe @knitormiss may have more info on that.

    I've recently found that my stomach distress is due to low stomach acid, despite all appearances to the opposite. In fact, through research, I've found that most cases of Acid Reflux in any form are due to one key acid being missing in the body, resulting in the body overproducing the acids it can readily make. By adding apple cider vinegar before, during, or after my meals, I've eliminated 85%+ of the distress (higher if I remember to take it PRIOR to each meal). I have an appointment with my PCP at the end of this month, and I plan to have my gut bacteria and such tested, and do some investigation to see if it is worth switching to a stronger digestive enzyme instead of just the ACV, or with it (might do the ACV just once, etc.).

    I had my gallbladder out in 2000, went low carb in January of 2015, and have had a few adjustments along the way, but overall, even my gallbladderless body is happier on high fats most of the time!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Please know that the pharmaceutical label on Prilosec says to take up to eight weeks! This medicine wasn't intended for long term use! I've just weaned myself off of it after 25 years! Apple cider vinegar has been my solution! They are correlating some detrimental side effects (dementia, kidney disease, heart attack...) with the long term use of these medications! They include Prilosec, Protonix, Nexium, and Prevacid! Do your research, and educate yourself, please! Some doctors aren't sure where to go with treatment since these correlations have come out!
  • vilenski193
    vilenski193 Posts: 49 Member
    How much apple cider vinegar . To be honest I don't like it but I will train myself to take it !
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    How much apple cider vinegar . To be honest I don't like it but I will train myself to take it !

    When I did it I used 1 tablespoon in an 8 oz glass of water, diluted it's not too bad.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    The real question is how to do the low fat low carb diet what would it look like?


    >:) or o:)

    Yup. I did it for a long time.
    Lots of chicken breast, ground turkey, and other lean meats, eggs (if you have more than two a day the rest are egg whites), fat-free dairy (Light & Fit yogurt, skim milk, etc.), 2 Tbsp oat bran per day, non-starchy veggies, etc.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    edited May 2016
    I blogged about it if that's helpful for you: The 2012-2013 entries are about Dukan.
  • vilenski193
    vilenski193 Posts: 49 Member

    LINIA Posts: 1,138 Member
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    How much apple cider vinegar . To be honest I don't like it but I will train myself to take it !

    When I did it I used 1 tablespoon in an 8 oz glass of water, diluted it's not too bad.

    If you get the good, unpasteurized stuff (like Bragg's), it tastes like watered down apple juice or cider. :)
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    yeah I use that or spectrum, I couldn't drink it straight though. my mom's been using it for years for reflux