Telling the family about keto...



  • eliseagraves
    eliseagraves Posts: 19 Member
    ncprice1 wrote: »
    My family was more concerned about the initial expense. Almond flour, coconut products, cream, oil, cheeses, butter, meat - it adds up when you're first starting. Every so often I'll be asked, "When are you going to start eating normal again?" Spaghetti night was an event in my house and they miss it. I'll need to figure that one out.

    Have you tried miracle noodles? The are made from organic shirataki and have virtually no carbs. I use them to make keto versons of "pasta" dishes and even Pad Thai. My wife likes them better than traditional noodles.

    Miracle noodle
  • Expatmommy79
    Expatmommy79 Posts: 940 Member
    @carsonheim I just watched it. Concise and easy to understand. It's scary and sad how the government can manipulate the population in order to profit from the sick. So sad.

    I liked her talk but the part I could t wrap my head around was the CICO don't matter.

    She says calories don't matter, yet breaks down the macro ratio and protein grams. Which essentially comes back to a calorie limit.

    So I found that a bit hypocritical/inconsistent.

    I also put on 6 pounds in 6 weeks eating till I was full - my off switch was obviously broken and someone should have told me at the start to count calories.

    I'm all for Keto. That lady rubs me the wrong way.
  • x_Minerva_x
    x_Minerva_x Posts: 78 Member
    I just tell people these days that I watch what I eat, because I'm diabetic, even though I am not. It saves so much headache! Plus if you ever have to go out to eat, the server is less likely to bring you whatever, and call it diet or no sugar, etc...because they're afraid you'd go into a diabetic episode.

    I used to tell people about keto willingly when they asked about my diet (mostly food pushers, who would get frustrated when I'd keep saying "no" to a cookie or a cupcake,) but when I informed them that I weighed my food, and logged it, I was deemed "crazy and obsessive."

    Even my own mother at the time (about 3-4 years ago) chastised me for my diet, yet now she's a diabetic and always has to put her two cents in about low carb this, and no sugar that (I find it hilarious that all of a sudden my life choices make sense.)

    Albeit, eventually I must have caved, and made every excuse in the book to stop logging, and weighing my food but it was a big mistake. The weight crept back on, and well...Here I am again.
  • carsonheim
    carsonheim Posts: 79 Member

    I liked her talk but the part I could t wrap my head around was the CICO don't matter.

    She says calories don't matter, yet breaks down the macro ratio and protein grams. Which essentially comes back to a calorie limit.

    So I found that a bit hypocritical/inconsistent.

    I also put on 6 pounds in 6 weeks eating till I was full - my off switch was obviously broken and someone should have told me at the start to count calories.

    I'm all for Keto. That lady rubs me the wrong way.

    Calories do matter, but it's more complex that CICO. I'm not a scientist but I know some calories (dairy and Keto baked goods) cause me to stall while others (meat and eggs) do not.

    I would be frustrated with gaining on this WOE. one thing that struck me from your comment was eating till full and your off switch. I HEAR YA!! Here's the hard part (especially for people like me with BED): don't eat till FULL. Eat until *no longer hungry.* Some say satiety, but for me that doesn't make sense as I have 50 years of only being satisfied when FULL.

    It's been an adjustment, and frankly, I do track calories. I'm not super-strict about calories though. I shoot for around 1500 (I'm 5"2 on a good day) but most days end up between 1500-1800. Even had days at 2500 and had good losses those weeks. The body is a mysterious thing.
  • kimbo8435
    kimbo8435 Posts: 129 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    kimbo8435 wrote: »
    Update: my dad now wants to team up with my neurologist to write a case study on keto and dystonia! He's a bit biased with me being his kiddo and all, but his scientific curiosity has been triggered. Can't wait to see if it becomes a reality! I'll keep y'all posted.

    Me too! When you say dystonia, I know a woman who has cervical dystonia. It causes the muscles in her neck to constantly be contracted on one side stretching and pulling the muscles on the other. It's awful and she's been told there is no cure.

    Yep, that's what I have- cervical dystonia. I also have epilepsy which I believe compounded my cervical dystonia. Have your friend give keto a try. I didn't think I'd ever gain control, but here I am! It does twist your shoulders and neck into awful contortions and I didn't even realize how bad it had gotten until I found keto. One side of my neck and shoulders is still more corded than the other- even 5 months after gaining control. I want to shout it to all dystonia and Parkinson's sufferers. This can work!
  • juana604
    juana604 Posts: 3 Member
    The only negative response I have received so far was from a doctor friend of mine, a GP. She said that it was a bad idea to eat a lot of fat. It is a controversial method of eating, for sure. But I will stick with it, despite my doctor friend's opinion. She is of course one of the lucky thin people that can eat carbs without consequence.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    juana604 wrote: »
    The only negative response I have received so far was from a doctor friend of mine, a GP. She said that it was a bad idea to eat a lot of fat. It is a controversial method of eating, for sure. But I will stick with it, despite my doctor friend's opinion. She is of course one of the lucky thin people that can eat carbs without consequence.

    @juana604 Something to remember, too, is that just because your doctor friend is thin, it doesn't mean her hormones are balanced, that she has good cholesterol, or good blood pressure numbers and all of that. She might, but that might just be youth and timing. People can be "skinny-fat" aka thin and unhealthy, so don't let that stop you... Besides, results speak for themselves! :)