100% Challenge - I’ve Got the Power - Mon 4/11 to Sun 5/22 - Join Anytime!



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/01/2016 100%

    8900 steps while walking today, I also stopped at the produce store for a couple of Pears and Three Larger Mushrooms for my my Brother. It is slightly cooler than yesterday so I added a flannel jacket, Unbuttoned. I did carry the folding umbrella in my pocket just in case. It is dreary looking out and foggy in parts of NJ. There is a fine mist in the air that collected on my jacket. The Local bank time & Temperature display showed 7:39 and 46 degrees, The Time was off too :)

    Only Two more Boston Blackie episodes to listen too, so tomorrow I will have to decide what to switch to mid walk.

    Have a Nice Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/02/2016 100%

    So far no walk today and I am not sure if I will get out for a couple of reasons. It is raining outside and the second reason is I'm tired. I was up and down all night. I have requested my brother not to tempt me by asking if I would like Chinese if he goes for any and not to even mention it until he is back thus removing temptation :) It makes me retain water for several days.

    I had planned to go to the banks on my walk today too. Now I will have to see how the morning is going and take into consideration what the weather forecasts show to decide if I want to make coffee or go later if the rain departs. The first one I looked at today shows rain this morning and tomorrow as well as rain every other day for the next week.

    Temperatures are showing warmer than yesterday, yesterday it was in the 40s when I went out the door, today in the 50s already.

    Have a Great Tuesday, Stay Dry
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/03/2016 100%

    It is raining outside so here I am instead of out walking. I hope / Expect to be out later walking. The weather forecast says better conditions later.

    Some recent news from here: http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2016/05/01/100-year-old-runner-breaks-world-record-at-penn-relays/
    100-Year-Old Runner Breaks World Record At Penn Relays
    PHILADELPHIA (CBS) –– There are many wonderful stories at the Penn Relays, but, this year, one woman is inspiring many. She’s 100 years old and still pounding the turf.

    The 122nd Penn Relays at Franklin Field in West Philadelphia brought together athletes from all corners of track and field, but the record-breaking performance by 100-year-old Ida Keeling was perhaps the biggest highlight.

    Weird News from Thursday Here: http://abc13.com/news/lunchroom-lunacy-isd-cops-investigate-fake-money/1314203/
    Lunchroom Lunacy: ISD cops investigate $2 bill spent on school lunch
    Thursday, April 28, 2016 10:59PM
    When you think of felony forgery your thoughts might turn to Al Capone or Bonnie and Clyde shooting it out with the Texas Rangers.

    Not for some local school cops. For one day, public enemy number one when it came to forgery was 13-year-old eighth grader Danesiah Neal at Fort Bend Independent School District's Christa McAuliffe Middle School.

    Now 14, Daneisha was hoping to eat that day's lunch of chicken tenders with her classmates using a $2 bill given to her by her grandmother when she was stopped by the long arm of the law.

    "I went to the lunch line and they said my $2 bill was fake," Danesiah told Ted Oberg Investigates. "They gave it to the police. Then they sent me to the police office. A police officer said I could be in big trouble."

    Not just big trouble. Third-degree felony trouble.

    All I can say is summed up here

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/04/2016 100%

    Not raining however in the 40s with a mist in the air, Generally a dreary looking day outside while walking + 6800 steps today. I walked to the Post Office to mail off a bill on the outward bound leg of my walk.

    Nothing planned beyond doing laundry today, Whee, what a thrilling day I'll be having :)

    Have a Nice Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/05/2016 100%

    7300 steps + 20 cents walking but not singing in the rain. It was actually not to bad out, so far the rain is light and steady with a mild breeze. I did gear up for it however with a rain jacket and pants and a Sun visor to keep the jackets hood up from covering much of my face when I tied the drawstrings on it. Without the Sun Visor it pulls down to eye level and blocks a fair amount of view to to sides. Not the safest way to walk across side streets.

    Hopefully tomorrows weather will be better in the morning.

    Have a Good Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2016

    05/06/2016 100%

    I go Misted on while walking 7500 steps. When I left the house everything was wet so I took a folding umbrella along just in case, 1/2 way through the walk things were starting to dry out slightly so if course it started misting and making things wet again :)

    It was around 50 degrees out with a forecast high in the low 60s for later on.

    Around here at least It has not been to bad walking, even yesterday when I got out early I was lucky that it was not too bad. Later in the day not to long after I got home the rain picked up and it got breezy. The Power went off for less than a minute. So of course I had to reset the clock on the Microwave and wait for the Satellite TV DVRs and Cable box to initialize. Most of the clocks are battery powered or have a battery backup fortunately.

    Have Great Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2016

    05/07/2016 100%

    It is raining outside, once again :(
    Right after I wrote that I looked outside and the rain had stopped so I geared up with my Backpack & the Umbrella strapped to it. I got on block and it started drizzling, then another block and I stopped under a woody leafy lightning rod AKA Tree and put up the umbrella. By the time I got to the Dunkin Donuts for my Coffee and was ready to leave it had stopped so I strapped on the Umbrella and did not need it again on the walk. I stopped at the Supermarket for Bananas, Apples and a Orange. That will hold me for a couple of days when I will stop again for more fruit as I have decided that this spring & summer I will buy less more often so as to not have things go to ripe before using them. I checked and the 10% Senior discount is on Wednesdays so that will be my shop heavier day :)

    I ended up with 8800 steps.

    Now that I am home from my walk I think I may be lazy myself. I plan to go re-capture a VHS Family tape, I was not happy with the way it came out, much to bright and washed out looking. I could adjust that in the encoding to DVD and BluRay, however I would lose Dynamic range that way so I can recapture it and adjust the settings in the capture device to capture it darker to start with. IMO that will give better results. That will just be a simple start it capturing and do something/nothing else.

    Happy Mothers Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/08/2016 100%

    7500 steps so far + 2 cents. There is this big brightly glowing thing in the sky that is throwing a lot of heat out there :)
    It has been absent when walking for a while too. The Plan for the day is to Mow the grass later and then maybe go to Lowes, depends on my mood and how I feel after mowing.

    Have a Great Week
  • whatsasize8
    whatsasize8 Posts: 131 Member
    Hey Roger! Still holding down the thread I see. :) With your consistency I imagine you're at goal now? My baby girl is 6 months old now and I'm still trying to muster up the fortitude it's going to take for me to lose the weight and get back to my pre-pregnancy clothes.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/09/2016 100%

    I was walking once again + 6700 steps :)
    Yesterday ended up different from what I had in mind, No Mowing, Lowes, Dragged out Rototiller and tilled more ground instead. Mowing probably starting in the next hour after I have the rest of my Breakfast, So far only the Banana before walking. Cloudy outside today and so far a comfortable temperature with a forecast high in the upper 60s.

    Have a Great Tuesday
    Hey Roger! Still holding down the thread I see. :) With your consistency I imagine you're at goal now? My baby girl is 6 months old now and I'm still trying to muster up the fortitude it's going to take for me to lose the weight and get back to my pre-pregnancy clothes.

    Hi Sonya
    I have been working on a maintenance plan to hold my weight where it is for the last two+ months. So far so Good, I have even been able to add in 300 or 400 calories a day and still be good. I am doing this to tighten up my midriff section and whenever a final push to the last few pounds. I decided to do this a little while after my Doctor said in answer to my question of what should be my goal weight and he said I was good where I am. According to the Internet I need to lose a bit more so I am between where the Internet sites say I should be and what the doctor said since I lost more after he said that :)

    I believe You can do it and lose that weight again. 6 Months old already! Whee!

    I see I am up to 370+ days of logging in here, Hard to believe it has been that long since NS's Disastrous decision to shut down their forums. I see no benefit to doing that for users and I do see drawbacks. Plus their website for ordering is still deadly slow. When I go there I click something and then do something else while it decides to load that next thing.

    I am still doing this thread, I am not doing the Spreadsheet this time, and I may or may not do another one or just keep this one open and see if anybody else wants to join. the 100% challenges were a long running thing on the NS forums I stopped looking back when I reached them in 2010.

    Good Luck
  • whatsasize8
    whatsasize8 Posts: 131 Member
    Congrats on reaching goal and now tinkering with maintenance!!! I hope you had some friends to celebrate your accomplishment with you! WOOHOO!!!!

    My friend Emily invited me over to the Losing It After 50 board and there's a challenge there called GYCC (Give Yourself Credit Challenge). I'd love for you to take a peak at it and see if it's something that you'd be interested in joining. Here's the link: http://losingitafter50.freeforums.net/thread/837/gycc-summer-slimdown-edition

    It has a feel that is more akin to the NS boards (back when they existed). Michelle, m2marsh, keeps a spreadsheet and throws out weekly WOOHOO's, and I believe a couple of other ladies help keep it organized/moving.

    Yes, the 100% challenge has been around for years. When I restarted with NS in Nov 2011 it was the first group I connected with. I don't have the time now to run anything, and scarcely can fit in a 30 min walk.

    I hope you'll check it out!

    Hugs and SUPER KUDOS to you!!! So PROUD of you!!!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2016
    In case You missed it, Expected Forum Downtime 5/14/16
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Congrats on reaching goal and now tinkering with maintenance!!! I hope you had some friends to celebrate your accomplishment with you! WOOHOO!!!!

    My friend Emily invited me over to the Losing It After 50 board and there's a challenge there called GYCC (Give Yourself Credit Challenge). I'd love for you to take a peak at it and see if it's something that you'd be interested in joining. Here's the link: http://losingitafter50.freeforums.net/thread/837/gycc-summer-slimdown-edition

    It has a feel that is more akin to the NS boards (back when they existed). Michelle, m2marsh, keeps a spreadsheet and throws out weekly WOOHOO's, and I believe a couple of other ladies help keep it organized/moving.

    Yes, the 100% challenge has been around for years. When I restarted with NS in Nov 2011 it was the first group I connected with. I don't have the time now to run anything, and scarcely can fit in a 30 min walk.

    I hope you'll check it out!

    Hugs and SUPER KUDOS to you!!! So PROUD of you!!!

    Hi Sonya
    I'll take a look at it when I can squeeze it in. I never expected to be this busy, between getting out walking 1.5 hours a day, 3 small Meals + a Banana before walking and then a Mid morning snack. Afternoon snack and a evening Dessert, Basically the NS 1800 calorie mens plan + hours spent with family free time is much more minimal than I expected.

    I did just take a quick look at it and I see registration is required so It will have to wait for a free moment :)

    I have been hearing kind words regarding the loss. As I see it at this point the trick will be no slow creeping weight gain, hence my regular use of the scale. I am using the NS 1800 calorie plan while working in extra calories via a larger size fruit or slightly larger portions of foods.

    I can imagine how busy You must be and have been with a 6 month old.

    Thank You for the kind words

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/10/2016 100%

    8400 steps so far so things could be worse. The weather is warmer than yesterday, by the time I was headed on the inbound leg towards the Grocery Store I was down to a Pocket T-Shirt and could feel the Sun on me.

    Since today is Wednesday, 10% Senior Discount Day, I stopped at the Grocery Store for a box of Cereal and some Fuji Apples and Black Plums. If I could have thought of anything else I needed I would have grabbed it then as the 10% off is on Wednesdays only, Oh well.

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • whatsasize8
    whatsasize8 Posts: 131 Member
    Hi Roger,
    It sounds like you're keeping busy! Yes, registration for the site I linked for you is required and probably feels like just one more thing to squeeze into your day. :smile:

    I'll pop in on occasion, if you don't mind, just to see how you're doing.

    Happy Wednesday to you! Keep up the great work!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/11/2016 Not 100%

    I walked again, Summer weather is upon us, I wore a Pocket T-Shirt, and did not bother with gloves and it was fine while walking. Tomorrow I think I'll hit the 7-Eleven for my coffee, Bank for spending Money :) and the Grocery Store for Bananas. I can not think of anything else I need at the moment. Maybe CostCo on Monday.

    Have a Great Thursday
    Hi Roger,
    It sounds like you're keeping busy! Yes, registration for the site I linked for you is required and probably feels like just one more thing to squeeze into your day. :smile:

    I'll pop in on occasion, if you don't mind, just to see how you're doing.

    Happy Wednesday to you! Keep up the great work!


    Hi Sonya
    I never expected to be this busy, It seems that I had more free time when I was working for forums. OTOH work was slow enough that I did use them to pass the time since I could not sit there reading a book which I would have liked to do BTW :)

    Why would I mind You popping in? Feel free, BTW did You look at the humorous pictures I have posted here:
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/12/2016 100%

    Friday the 13th, Whee!
    Anybody with Triskaidekaphobia?
    Anybody remember a Movie called "Saturday the 14th"?

    The weather outside was in the high 50s when I left the house, No sunshine today, There is rain in the forecast for later. We planted some Tomatoes, Peppers and a second Fig tree Wednesday and a Oregano & Sage plant along with some Basil Seeds Yesterday, I did water them however today's rain will hopefully water them in more thoroughly.

    Yesterday we had a high of 80 and the living room got warm enough that I turned on the Wall AC to cool it down :)

    Enjoy the End of the Work Week and have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/13/2016 100%

    I did some walking + 1 cent, Mailed off a payment, Went to the Bank for money, Staples for My brothers ink cartridges, Walmart for a second belt, CostCo for Frozen Bulk vegetables and all three types of Paper Goods, and The Acme Grocery Store for some frozen that is on sale to use for Dinner. I am now home and at 10,700 Steps so far and it isn't even Noon :)

    The Weather is heating up outside, the Living Room is up to 74 degrees already.

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2016
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    05/14/2016 Not 100%

    I was feeling a bit chilly whenever the breeze blew and fine the rest of the time, That makes it hard to dress for comfort :) 7,200 steps FWIW.

    So far it is a sunny Sunday outside with a few clouds in the sky.

    It was 48 in a nearby town on the Local Cable News Station when I checked it before I went walking.

    Have a Great Sunday