Over 40, over 75lb to lose, 365 days committment to logging.



  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Welcome @lowcarbjen! Hang on for a bumpy ride that smoothes out over time with determination and perseverance!! Looking forward to witnessing yours, and everyone else's, success!!
  • ctarp
    ctarp Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 50 and have over 100 lbs to loose. I'm just starting to log daily. I tried last year but did not log, or participate in any type of community. I lost about 20 lbs but gained it all and 10 more besides. I'm tired of being this heavy and have committed to changing my life. Visiting here and reddit daily has helped keep me motivated. Took awhile for the scale to move down but I know this is right for me.
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    lowcarbjen wrote: »
    I'm over 40 and getting married in November. That wasn't even enough motivation. It was a seatbelt extender and sweating everywhere when everyone else was comfortable on vacation. Here to just get comfortable again. But looking to lose 170 lbs. Day 3 of keto. I like the high fat portion of it, it's helped stabilize my mood. Although so did the 8:30 pm bedtime last night! Looking forward to this group overall and this one in particular.

    Oh I can't help but laugh- with sympathy. I never want to have that experience again of simply being unable to squeeze my flesh inside of a seat belt on a plane, an going through the indignity of either the air attendant noticing and getting me an extender, or me having to ask.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Welcome @kathrout1973 ! You will find a wealth of information, with wonderful support, in this group! Don't forget to read the Launch Pad, located up ^^^^ there! Wonderful to have you here!
  • Pattycake755
    Pattycake755 Posts: 59 Member
    I will be 55 years old this month and at my highest I weighed 281lbs. Half of my body is still fat as of my last weigh in. I need to lose at least 100lbs more! I have made a life (-style) commitment so I am ready to take this journey.

    I was diagnosed with Diabetes March 2015. Fast forward to March 2016, my weight was 263lbs with an A1C of 9.8. I have read so many testimonials of the healing power of eating low carb. It took me a year to lose 18lbs by giving up sugary drinks and late night eating. Now I have lost 18lbs in less than 2 months by counting carbs and calories (this is my 50th day on MFP). I have lost a total of 36lbs since March 2015.

    My motivation is: I am a T2 diabetic and I also have diabetic complications. If I don't cut carbs, I could ultimately kill myself and/or negatively affect the quality of my life. After haphazardly losing 18lbs after a year of not really taking control of my eating, my diabetes became worse and I began experiencing complications. I have some nerve damage and my vision has been affected. I am practicing portion control and I have made some "hard" changes in my carb consumption. Most of the time I consume between 90g and 120g, but I want to go lower as I recover my health. 120g is significantly lower than my consumption of carbs at 281lbs! My body could not make insulin fast enough to control the sugar my carb consumption was releasing into my body. I was a carb addict!

    There is so much confusing info out there because most doctors are against very low carb diets. The American Diabetes Association tells us to count carbs but I am at the low end of their daily recommended amount of carbs.

    Is this accurate? I think I read this on a LCHF site somewhere.
    less than 50g is a very low carb diet
    51g-100g is a low carb diet
    101g-150g is a moderate low carb diet

    I have read on some of the LCHF sites that for optimal ketosis one must intake 20g or less. I want to go lower but I am afraid of diabetic ketoacidosis even though this known to happen only in Type 1 diabetics. Irrational fear, maybe???

    I am ready to go 365 days and beyond...

    "I AM NOT ON A DIET because diets have start dates, end dates, and maintenance phases; I am eating healthy forever."
  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    @FitToLead so I read your thread description and just ignored it, then this morning I've opened it and read, I thought 75lb je that's a lot to lose, got me thinking that's some task ahead, "so I wonder how many lbs do I actually want to lose"? so I counted, OMG I hadn't realised, I started out in 2015 wanting to lose, 94lb :blush: started 2016 with still 73lbs to lose, wow thanks for opening my eyes, I truly hadn't realised I was that overweight. Today I have 66lb to go so I'm well and truly here with you.
  • riaward1990
    riaward1990 Posts: 53 Member
    How's everyone doing? I'm another 6 days on and two more pound down. 29lb lost so far, 46 more to lose to get to a healthy bmi.
  • fatchimom
    fatchimom Posts: 256 Member
    Wow! So many new faces!! Welcome to all! You'll love it here! I guess I've just been logging in for awhile now and not reading any posts or logging food. Time to get back to it!
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    andysport1 wrote: »

    I laughed, its a bit of a shock heh. I tried on some clothes yesterday from my closet. One of them was a jacket which I was going to throw out 3 years ago because I remember it was just sooo big.
    To my shock (and in my pride of having just lost 15 lb this last 5 weeks) I tried it on ready to decide to throw it- ARGHHHHHH, I couldn't even do it up.

    A bit of a reminder of the ups and downs I've taken .

  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    its so cool to be seeing everyone's posts. I started this thread, and was not precious about exactly 40 yo, or exactly 100lbs, but the sense of not being super young, and of having big numbers, to lose- a long journey.
    welcome aboard

    yeah, and amen to

    "I AM NOT ON A DIET because diets have start dates, end dates, and maintenance phases; I am eating healthy forever."

    as we build our streaks up to 365 days (or more)
    My daily motto remains,
    eat like I love myself, move like I love myself..

    It requires a bit of slowing down to just stay a bit conscious, and to plan.
    I am 16lb down, with more than 100 still to go. So far, doing well, thanks to everyone posting and keeping my focus on what matters most.

  • fatchimom
    fatchimom Posts: 256 Member
    I'm finally back into a weight loss groove! I've lost 4.4 lbs since 1st May. I know this pace wont continue, but it's nice to finally be making some progress.

    I only lost 4.4 lbs in all of April. People with 30, 40, 50 lbs to lose will say that's a good number, slow and steady is the best way to lose. But a pound a week will not get me to where I need to be. I guess I had 200 lbs to lose when I started in December. Though I never thought of it like that as it was too overwhelming. I don't really expect to reach my "goal" weight and that's ok, and I find it easier to focus on smaller, more achievable goals.

    My overriding goal is to get off my insulin injections. Insulin has made weight loss impossible for me for years. In the first 3 weeks I reduced my insulin by 90% and though I still take one small injection each day, it's not impeding my weight loss anymore and I believe that continued weight loss and increased exercise will result in further reduction.

    My second goal was to get my wedding ring on, it slides around my finger now and nearly falls off.

    My weight loss and weight gain has always corresponded with big life changing events, job loss, new jobs, moving, and one serious health issue. So my third goal was to get back to the weight I was at in 2008 right before my life completely fell apart due to the recession. I'm now 25 lbs under that goal.

    I'm currently working on my 4th goal and that's to reach the weight I was when I got married. I have 25 lbs to go. I want to reach that goal by my 40th birthday, which is just under 3 months away. It won't be easy, but I think it's doable.

    Cheering you on!!
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    I'm finally back into a weight loss groove! I've lost 4.4 lbs since 1st May.
    Good on you, way to go. That is a fabulous goal- a big number in that time, but a fabulous goal, good luck,

  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    Well done everyone. Good choices = good results. Good luck everyone.
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    in the groove, yeah.
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    still logging in - had a few bad days with food but not giving up
  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    10lbs down in May, a little bit high but my training has upped and I've gone from LF to HF(though still struggling with this), so I'm not eating anything like as much as I used too.
    Yesterday was goal 1900cals, 5634cals earn't from exercise, total consumed 1487.
    Tues 1900 +2207 consumed 2216.
  • Sandee_Bee
    Sandee_Bee Posts: 21 Member
    I am over 40 and I have 80 more lbs to lose. I will be buying a food scale this weekend, seems to be an issue with logging. Thanks for this thread!
  • juana604
    juana604 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 40. 30ish more pounds to lose. Sure feels weird to be adding whipping cream to my morning coffee. But it works! Over the years, I programmed myself to completely steer clear of all fat. And I carried on being fat. My mom was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes when she was my age, so I'm on a mission to get out of the "overweight" zone.
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    I'm 42, had 68 to lose down to 50 left. New to Keto and really think it's my answer
  • ambergem1969
    ambergem1969 Posts: 224 Member
    I'm 46, started keto in June and have logged for 325 days. I've lost about 70 lbs though right now I'm bouncing around due to TOM. My goal is...fluid. I'm about 175 now and my next goal is 30% BF which may be around 167. I'm sort of open to it stopping at some number, I'll decide if I like my clothes and would prefer not to buy loads more.

    While it might seem odd not to have a specific number to shoot for, I find I'm something of a rebel...as soon as I devise a plan, I have to start breaking the rules. So small daily goals which are now just habits: log every bite, stay at macros, avoid sweeteners except stevia to "just tolerable", and try not to blow calories too often.

    It's working!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    You are all awesome!!
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    Yes, you are all awesome. I went off track for a few days- nothing tragic, but I realised that I can slip into treating logging food, reading these posts as negotiable, and so when my daughter drops in from interstate for a few days, I don't take the time to log, and read others stories and info, and as the days go by, little things slip, til last night I was seriously considering hot chocolate and lemon cheesecake at a cafe post movies- and a week ago, I would not have had to fight the urge- I just would not have had the urge.

    So, 365 days of logging, of taking time to engage and feel connected to this journey with others also on a big and possibly long, journey- NOT NEGOTIABLE. I want to eat and move like I love myself, and I want the life that doing that will give me - and it is one day at a time - but:) not negotiable.:):):)
  • PamamaJane
    PamamaJane Posts: 288 Member
    19 days since I first posted here and I've gained and lost the same three pounds twice in that time. No, I'm not deciding to get "back on track". I've decided that more than once and it doesn't stick. Actually, I'm committing to spend more time reading posts from all you lovely people as inspiration to help me ditch the carbs for good. From past experience I know that if I can get carbs to under 20 for a couple of weeks I'll lose all cravings for anything even resembling a carb. So, I'm promising that for the next 21 days I'll check in here to get a booster shot of sanity before each meal and/or snack. To make me check in, I'm setting up alarms in my Reminders App. I. WILL. DO. THIS.
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    good on you, stay connected to people who know the journey, like you, I have found so much value in reading the posts.
  • lwhayes820
    lwhayes820 Posts: 145 Member
    Hello all -
    I'm new to this group and this is one of the first threads that caught my eye. I'm 49, with about 75 lbs from my starting weight. I've been on MFP since Jan and have lost about 18 lbs - not great, but I'm learning and adjusting as I go. I'm committed my goals! Goal is to be my healthiest ever by 50 and beyond. To do that, I want to lose that 75 lbs, gain strength, and lose about 10" off my waist. Honestly, weight on the scale doesn't motivate me as much as losing inches. I want that belly fat G-O-N-E! And, I'll find that sweet spot for weight - right now, I think 75lbs would do it. I've been lifting weights using StrongLifts 5x5 for about 4 weeks. I'm also adding cardio into that program - because I think that's right for me.

    I'm logging consistently and working to get my eating in line. My husband is diabetic and I'm very close to pre-diabetic, although my numbers have improved. I think Lo Carb / Hi Fat / Hi Protein will be our best long term healthy eating plan. I do not do DIETs! It's a four letter word.! I need to eat healthy for always!

    I love that comment: Eat like I love myself, Move like I love myself! I'll add Log like I love myself! I have over 100 days of logging with no plans to stop.

    Anyway - looking forward to being a part of this thread - with so many like-minded folks, with similar goals and challenges. If I can help, I certainly will!
  • AmazaLash
    AmazaLash Posts: 5 Member
    I will be 42 this month and have over 100 pounds to lose. I would love to have some more like friends here for accountability. I log daily and my diary is set to public. Anyone is free to add me!