On again off again!!

mick102760 Posts: 13 Member
Hi, a little about what i'm dealing with. I'm very devoted...i excersize, diet and logg every meal every day. I lose 10 lb. Then BAM! ....WAIT A MINUTE!? M&M's has a new flavor!? Chocolate and coffee! And just like i'm off again. Ok, so if i lost 30 pounds i'd be excited, happy and jumping out of my skin with joy. Muscle....yup, at 55 years old i'd love to have one. Oh, did i mention my husband is skinny and can stay that way eating all those delicious M&M's.? So, i'm open to idea's\friendships just don't ask me to give up my one cup of coffee with cream and sugar in the morning. Oh, and i don't do breakfast. Well, thanks for reading this far down. :) michelle


  • mick102760
    mick102760 Posts: 13 Member
    Ok day 2.... I've decided to friend myself for support til someone comes along. Yesturday i found a great motivator....non of my clothes fit any more and everyone ( coworkers) have noticed i wear the same 6 outfits over and over. Went and had to try on clothes.... :/ any time i think i'm done ...go try on clothes....those lights and mirrors :o ! That did the trick!
  • puddles1450
    puddles1450 Posts: 95 Member
    mick102760 wrote: »
    Ok day 2.... I've decided to friend myself for support til someone comes along. Yesturday i found a great motivator....non of my clothes fit any more and everyone ( coworkers) have noticed i wear the same 6 outfits over and over. Went and had to try on clothes.... :/ any time i think i'm done ...go try on clothes....those lights and mirrors :o ! That did the trick!

    I am going to the beach for a week on Saturday. Had to go bathing suit shopping. Talk about a motivator!! The way I look at it mich102760, we are going to have ups and downs. We are going to have new flavored M&M's and beach vacations but as long as we get back up and keep going, we will succeed. Now let's do this!!!
  • puddles1450
    puddles1450 Posts: 95 Member
    OK, so one of my friends brought another new flavor M&M's to the beach. I had to giggle thinking of you posting about the coffee ones. The ones she brought were Chilli. They weren't too hot - just right. Thank goodness she was staying in another room. Haha! Now I want to try the coffee. Oh well. I think my beach trip was a success. I was on vacation for 10 days and I am only up .4 ounces. I was tickled. I did pretty good as far as eating and walking but I did partake in the adult beverages. So I got lots of empty calories. BUT, I am back at it now and hope to have those 4 ounces gone by my Thursday WW weigh in. I hope you did OK over the holiday weekend!!
  • mick102760
    mick102760 Posts: 13 Member
    Oh...just saw this...well.....you know i didn't do so hot......and i did get my hands on some M&M's...stuffed with Pretzels! Lol ...i wanted the chili :) or coffee ...this is a first for me to get back so quickly though...thank you for the support.....ok..i'm think when i hit my goal.. I'm gonna celabrate with those coffee M&M's in moteration of course :)
  • puddles1450
    puddles1450 Posts: 95 Member
    It doesn't hurt to reward yourself every now and then. I think I will try the coffee ones, once I hit my 5% goal at WW. I've got a couple more pounds. I will eat them, journal them and move on!!
  • AngiKell
    AngiKell Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Mick! I know how you feel! I start, lose 10, get stuck then go back. Ugh!!!

    My daughter gets married in April and I really want to lose those 30 pounds once and for all. I would love some mutual support!
  • AngiKell
    AngiKell Posts: 20 Member
    Oh my goodness.... coffee m&m's? I've not hear of these?!

    Btw, Mick, i tried to send you a message to be friends. MFP said there was an error.
  • Patricia_AK
    Patricia_AK Posts: 3 Member
    Hi - I would like to have some motivational friends also. So far I have lost 20# and some inches! So excited!! Would like to be friends with others also for mutual support. I will be 60 in March 2017 and my goal is 60# by 60. I like to be active and do a walking video 5-6 times a week so that helps. My MFP name is Patricia_AK. Thanks in advance!!
  • tbandkau
    tbandkau Posts: 3 Member
    If you like chocolate buy dark chocolate 60% cacao. They help with the sweet craving but are not loaded with sugar. Less than 10% sugar is good. I like to get Ghirardelli chocolate chips. About a tablespoon stops the sweet craving. ;)
  • mick102760
    mick102760 Posts: 13 Member
    I do eat dark with salt ....didn't know it was less...thanks for that :)

    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    well hang in there, and one day at a time, I am on every day, anyone can add me, I burn 1000 calories a day.