


  • themeddler
    themeddler Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Kerri and I'm 35, 5'7. I have about 45lbs I'd like to lose. I'm at the heaviest I've been now, but it's slowly coming off. I've just hit my mini-goal of being able to tie my shoes while breathing normally, lol. It's the small things, but they add up!
  • LilDebbieG71
    LilDebbieG71 Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome Mindi, Melissa and Kerri!! I'm new here as well :) This seems like an active and very supportive group, so jump right in :)

    Mindi - I've been reading the posts here and I think there are others here who struggle with emotional eating. I hope you find support and good tips to help you get back on track after such serious health issues!

    Melissa - I too am heavier than I was at 9 months pregnant....and my kids are 8 & 10!! :# So you are not alone! How exciting that you and your husband are planning to add to your family!!

    Kerri - I'm aiming to lose 45 lbs. as well and I'm also at my heaviest. Congrats on hitting your mini goal!! That's a great NSV!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Welcome to the group everyone!
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    Hi everyone! Emotional what? Naaaahhhhh.... I wouldn't know what that is! Haha wait.... I take that back! I would say, next time you're about to reach for that snack out of anxiety, boredom, sadness, anger, or any Û identified reason (other than honest hunger), come type a msg in here... Or send me a PM... You'd be surprised what a little distraction can do for you! Plus, take the temptations out of the house... I don't care what and who lives in your house, our health comes first! ;) (I do have a husband and two sons who are 9 & 10, but they adjust to what I keep in the house!)! Hehehe
  • Kerryatoon
    Kerryatoon Posts: 374 Member
    @LilDebbieG71 Welcome to the group! This is a fantastic group of ladies who collectively cheer each other on and have loads of wisdom to pass along. Looking forward to getting to know you better!

    @Allie6011012 :)

    @mlyn627 Welcome Mindi! Glad to hear you are recovered! I can really relate.. I still have moments where I eat when I'm lonely/bored. I'm also working on reducing carbs and sugars in my diet and at times my cravings for them make me feel like I'll rip the cabinets off the walls if i don't get a fix LOL! So I handle one day at a time. Some days I do well other days I slip up but the slips are getting less and less. My only advice is LOG IN EVERYTHING. When I started out I just tracked my normal eating habits for about a month. Then I could start making positive choices a little at a time. Its been a slow process but I found it easier to do when I could actually see what I ate and how much calories/nutrients they made up. Just be honest with yourself!

    @themeddler welcome! My name is Kerry too.. spelled different but hey only one letter! I'm 39 5'5" and 25lbs into my 45lb weight loss goal. Congrats on the shoe tying! I remember that milestone :)

    @mjbroich Welcome! How exciting about the possible new family member. Looking forward to sharing the journey with you!

    Everyone please feel free to add me as a friend if you like!
  • curleytop60
    curleytop60 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, I am curleytop60,
    I have been doing MVP for month and have lost 16lbs so far . starting weight was 340.
    From reading the intros I believe I am the heaviest in the group. I am 56 yrs of age and proud of every year. (Not ashamed of my age and it does not bother me) I have struggled with my weight all my life. In the past have had poor self image issues, but doing good now.
    Need a group that can hold me accountable I give up to easy when I don't get the results I ant as far as weight loss.
    Hope you are keeping this going for may?.
  • kristinaschmidt129142
    kristinaschmidt129142 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, my name is Krissy and I am 24 years old. My starting weight in 2014 was 230 lbs, and I am down to 199 lbs (i fell off the wagon for a year and gained back 15 lbs, but I've been going strong for almost two months now). My goal is to reach 150 lbs, and to be able to walk around in a bikini again!
    I've been reading a lot of posts on MFP and I thought joining this group would help me keep on top of my diet and exercise!
  • Kerryatoon
    Kerryatoon Posts: 374 Member
    Hi, my name is Krissy and I am 24 years old. My starting weight in 2014 was 230 lbs, and I am down to 199 lbs (i fell off the wagon for a year and gained back 15 lbs, but I've been going strong for almost two months now). My goal is to reach 150 lbs, and to be able to walk around in a bikini again!
    I've been reading a lot of posts on MFP and I thought joining this group would help me keep on top of my diet and exercise!

    Welcome Krissy!! Glad you found us! Feel free to join in any of the discussions that interest you. I usually try to check in daily on the Week 7 daily check in thread.. that's the best way to get to know everyone and it gets me to honestly look at myself & report on how I;m doing :)
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Welcome Krissy!!! I'm checking in from my phone so I cannot fully read your post for some reason but we're glad to have you!!!
  • tanyajensen75
    tanyajensen75 Posts: 67 Member
    Hello, my name is Tanya. I have been using my fitness pal off and on for years. I have been pretty serious about losing weight since Nov 2015. Lately I have been slippin up, so I hope this thread can help! So far I have lost 25 lbs and have at least 25 to go.
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    Welcome to the little bit uncensored, little bit crazy, but very much supportive group, Krissy and Tanya! We all know the ups and downs, pun intended, so let's keep at it, because the alternative, frankly, is not an alternative! Hope you have some fun while workings towards healthy,balance and happier!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Welcome Tanya! Hopefully you will benefit from this group as much as we have :)
  • jennileehamilton5
    jennileehamilton5 Posts: 1 Member
    I need accountability like it's going out of style. I'm 33 and mom to 3 little ones (4yo twin girls and 1yo little man) I'm working full time and have an amazing husband- but I'm full of excuses and sick of it! I'm so ready to lose some weight and get healthier but its so stinkin hard!! Help!!
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    Welcome jennilee! Feel free to browse through all the sillies and have a giggle! Hope you'll feel welcome and don't hesitate to join in and ask for support!
  • bitbits24
    bitbits24 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello everyone! :) I'm a 24 year old mother of 2. A 5 year old daughter and a 4 yer old son. I'm a full time student and I work part time. I have a lot of weight to lose (I'm 258lbs as of this morning) I have a hard time staying on track because all I can think of is how freaking long this process is and I want results NOW. I'm working hard to get over that mindset and I hope this motivates me to do better!
  • LizSmith55
    LizSmith55 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi, I'm Liz & new to using MFP. I have been a member for awhile but just never used it, so here I am, trying to change that. Oct 1, 2015 I was 207 lbs (5' 1") & feeling awful. I have currently dumped about 50 lbs & want to dump an additional 20 more but I have been slipping up with my diet recently. I incorporated running into my routine back in March & just completed my very first 10K this morning but I am learning the hard way that just because I am is not license for me to eat whatever I want. I need to reel in my eating habits if I want to achieve my goal. Glad to have found you ladies!!
  • Kerryatoon
    Kerryatoon Posts: 374 Member
    bitbits24 wrote: »
    Hello everyone! :) I'm a 24 year old mother of 2. A 5 year old daughter and a 4 yer old son. I'm a full time student and I work part time. I have a lot of weight to lose (I'm 258lbs as of this morning) I have a hard time staying on track because all I can think of is how freaking long this process is and I want results NOW. I'm working hard to get over that mindset and I hope this motivates me to do better!

    @bitbits24 WELCOME! Its all just one day at a time.. one little choice at a time and you will get there! I suggest you check in here daily.. it has really helped me to be accountable and i love hearing how everyone else is killing their fitness goals too. Looking forward to seeing you around here and if I can help with anything please ask! :)
  • Kerryatoon
    Kerryatoon Posts: 374 Member
    LizSmith55 wrote: »
    Hi, I'm Liz & new to using MFP. I have been a member for awhile but just never used it, so here I am, trying to change that. Oct 1, 2015 I was 207 lbs (5' 1") & feeling awful. I have currently dumped about 50 lbs & want to dump an additional 20 more but I have been slipping up with my diet recently. I incorporated running into my routine back in March & just completed my very first 10K this morning but I am learning the hard way that just because I am is not license for me to eat whatever I want. I need to reel in my eating habits if I want to achieve my goal. Glad to have found you ladies!!

    Hi @LizSmith55! Welcome to this group! Wow that you accomplished a 10K, that takes some serious committment! We are all here trying to stay on track with our goals.. I found that I started doing much better when I have a group of people that I actually get to know and I hold myself accountable to checking in with them every day. Looking forward to getting to know you better!! Keep checking in every day!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Hello there! I'm not really new to MFP but feel that I could use a little bit of motivation to get myself going again so I decided to join in with you all. I'm currently trying to lose about 10-15 lbs. I seem to do pretty well during the week....and then the weekend hits! Then by Monday....I'm starting all over again.
    I work part time, and am a mom to two boys (who are no so little anymore). I am a pretty regular exerciser....thats not my problem....its the food I have a hard time with! I run a few times a week, plus do a number of different strength workouts that I have on DVD.

    Look forward to being here!
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    Welcome @maureli ! You and I are on the same boat! I behave well during the week, and then the weekend, well, not so well! I've been in and out of weight programs, and finally seems to be sticking! I've been on maintenance for about two months, more out of a busy schedule and trying to see how difficult maintaining is with this new perspective I've found. I lost my last 20lbs in the last six months or so. I will probably attempt 10 more pounds in the next few months, maybe.
    I stay home with two boys (10&11) and I'm trying to get into grad school, which means I'm really stressed about taking the stinking GRE (I have not seen any of the math, other than statistics, in the last 20 years!
    Hope you enjoy reading an participating!