Any short girls ?



  • shaybee377
    shaybee377 Posts: 42 Member
    Hey, I'm 5'2," 22, and 115 lbs. I've also got the problem of being mostly bottom-heavy, and so I'm looking to get to about 108 and then gain some more lean mass. Right now I have no idea how much of my legs/butt are fat and how much is muscle because of all this "fluff" and cellulite! If I could just get my eating under control, I'd be good to go :D

    Ladies that are tiny on top--I've come to find that weight training your upper half helps you look more proportionate! Since we're so lean up there, you see results much quicker as well, which can be really motivating.
  • kcongel90
    kcongel90 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm 5'4, 25 and 145. My worst part is my muffin top :| I carry my weight I guess all over, but its my stomach and arms that bother me the most. My legs need more definition for sure, but they are fair.
  • bluclu1
    bluclu1 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'1" ish I think (like to call myself 5'2" though! ;) ) I'm working in kg here: 54.3. Would love to be below 50 before my holiday at the end of July. I'm a vegetarian and still in school doing final exams! Please add me, I'm relatively new and would love some inspiration on my news feed!
  • AliceAxe
    AliceAxe Posts: 172 Member
    I'm 5.4 hovering between 144 and 139 these days. was 150 until last few months . my wieght has fluctuated a lot because of chronic illness. Id like to be back down to around 125. less weight felt so much better on my joints and chronic fatigue syndrome, but with CFS comes the exersize intollerence (actualy what its being called now which makes light of have seriously bad it is) so its even harder to keep lean. Im very frustrated with the struggle but not giving up, I'll do anything to feel even a little bit better.
  • annherrin
    annherrin Posts: 35 Member
    Hey ladies!! I'm 5'0", 28 years old, and 120lbs. I'm working on my muscle mass which will burn off any extra fat. I've got the hourglass shape but if I get too heavy I become very pear shape.

    Add me and we can motivate each other!!
  • vnukinga
    vnukinga Posts: 130 Member
    edited April 2016
    5'2", 39 years old mom of two and currently 120 lbs. Gained quite a few pounds on the "chocolate diet" around Easter. Now trying to lose 6 lbs to fit again into my summer dresses. Today is my first day of going back to my old routine of wake-up Yoga followed by a run or a 30 day shred video (alternate between days). Sunday is my day off. Also, completely dumping sweets and any sort of junk. I'll keep you posted! Best of luck to all of you!
  • emilylauren1110
    emilylauren1110 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 4ft 11, 21yrs old, from the UK and currently 124lbs looking to get to 110. Losing weight and toning up to look good on holiday and at a wedding this summer, but ultimately to feel better about my body image. Feel free to add me
  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    i'm 5'1 and 130 pounds. I am 32 years old. I gained weight from my BC. I gain weight around my stomach and arms. Want to get back to my weight of 108 which was January 2015.
  • foxygirl14
    foxygirl14 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm 5'2" and 108, trying to get to 101 and 18% bf
  • QueenofComeBacks
    QueenofComeBacks Posts: 165 Member
  • WinterOak22
    WinterOak22 Posts: 5 Member
    edited April 2016
    I am 4'11 and 115 lbs. My goal weight is 95-100 lbs. I've switched my diet up and have been doing cardio and yoga. I'd like to start strength training, but really don't want to look muscular.

    Oh and all of my weight is in my thighs. Since I had my daughter, my stomach isn't nearly as firm. I'd like to work on it. I'm unhappy with my current body!

  • nkg41
    nkg41 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 4'11''. Current weight is 115 pounds. Trying to get down to 100 lbs and lose the belly fat, get toned, and want abs of steel! Started working out again, and so far I've lost 1 pound a week. I want to lose at least 2 pounds a week, but hey I'll take what I can get! Slow and steady, right?!
  • flaminica
    flaminica Posts: 304 Member
    I'm 5'0' and age 50+. I'm maintaining at 122 right now but I want to drift down to 118-ish and recomp to firm up.
  • Jsweet2261
    Jsweet2261 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm short and having been working very hard to lose weight after having my baby. I found this website that really helped me out and I would love to share it with you guys.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,096 Member
    edited May 2016
    Glad to see some 5'4" ladies check in, else I'd be the jolly green giant here...

    5'3", 51yo, 147 current (7 lbs overweight per BMI); goal is 120. I think tracking the macros has started helping me get a handle on my eating issues, just started a couple days ago.

    Glad to see others here trying to get into the 120's and less, since many of my RL friends are telling me to not loose weight even though I feel chunky and crappy most of the time. I was a skinny kid, and up until my late 20's. When the 30's hit, I started packing it on (though my 'heavy' weight then was 135). I lost 20 pounds in my early 40's, but I guess I fell apart in my late 40's and early 50's - I'm blaming the hormone fluctuations (peri-menopause/imminent menopause) and some chronic illness challenges (that are mostly overcome).

    I started racing paddleboards last year, and I also want to lose the weight to be more competitive with my tiny 100-105lbs competitors, many who also compete in triathlons and marathons. Less weight means faster speeds. I can't run due to bad knees, but I love racing the boards, and getting the all over body workout that they provide. Started getting some core/ab definition at the end of the season last year, but had a challenging winter battling some depression, and gained most of the weight back that I had lost last summer (was down to 139 lbs). Since I've not been able to get other systems to work lately, I'm hoping the macro counting will get me back on track, and having some accountability partners will help me stay on track.
  • MissFit_Megan
    MissFit_Megan Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 5'1" and weighed in this morning at 128lbs - I don't personally care what the scale says but I want to lose the belly fat and gain lean muscle. I want to be strong not just skinny :D I currently workout 6 days per week (30 mins cardio daily and weight training) and eat as clean as possible while still allowing 1 meal per week as a "cheat".
  • dtlp
    dtlp Posts: 46 Member
    shaybee377 wrote: »
    Hey, I'm 5'2," 22, and 115 lbs. I've also got the problem of being mostly bottom-heavy, and so I'm looking to get to about 108 and then gain some more lean mass. Right now I have no idea how much of my legs/butt are fat and how much is muscle because of all this "fluff" and cellulite! If I could just get my eating under control, I'd be good to go :D

    Ladies that are tiny on top--I've come to find that weight training your upper half helps you look more proportionate! Since we're so lean up there, you see results much quicker as well, which can be really motivating.

    I'm 5'2, 22 and 116 lbs. My goal is between 108-110 and then I'd like to tone up too. My problem is eating as well, I'm generally pretty good but some days tend to over eat. We are very similar :)
  • jca_kelley
    jca_kelley Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'3" 29 @ 167 Ideally I would like to be a solid 140ish.....The weight loss has slowed but I think that has something to do with lifting weights but it may be time to do a detox to shock my system again.
  • Mimosetta1967
    Mimosetta1967 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello I'm 5.21 current weight 118,38 I want to get back to my size 3 and 103 lbs let's see if I can pass summer exam in bikini....