New here. Anyone else ttc?



  • LolaDeeDaisy23
    LolaDeeDaisy23 Posts: 383 Member
    Today marks 4 days past my 5 day blastocyst transfer. I haven't felt much different. Day of and after transfer I was so so exhausted. I slept for hours both days. Day of transfer, I felt sharp twinges of pain in my lower right abdomen that night.
    Counting day of transfer as Day 0, my breasts felt extremely sore and looked bigger on Day 2.
    They are still sore but I feel like the aching is going away?
    Yesterday I had a moment of nausea but it might be what I had for lunch?
    Today I am extremely light headed but maybe it's because I haven't been sleeping well. Been feeling more thirsty as well.

    All in all, no major symptoms. I'm a bit nervous that this cycle is a bust. Can't help but feel sad. Beta is on May 23rd, exactly one week away.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I never EVER got symptoms that quickly. I got symptoms with my miscarriage around 4 weeks, which is two weeks after implantation, and with the second pregnancy (that was my daughter), I never even noticed symptoms until after 6 weeks, because I thought it was all the stuff going away from the miscarriage. So I'd say another week or 2 before it's even likely for you to have symptoms. Some don't get hit with morning sickness until 8-12 weeks, it just all depends on person and hormone levels.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    I didn't have any symptoms for the entire 9 months of my pregnancy!!! If I hadn't had a bump and kicks etc I would not have known I was even pregnant.

    I wish you all the good luck in the world - really hope you have a sticky egg x
  • LolaDeeDaisy23
    LolaDeeDaisy23 Posts: 383 Member
    Thanks ladies. I think the progesterone and estrogen meds are giving me false symptoms :disappointed: right now I am taking progesterone 3x a day and estrogen 2x a day.

    Today is day 5 and I couldn't help myself and took a first response test and it was negative. I know it's still really early but I'm already giving up hope.
    *sigh* I just need to be positive but it's so hard when all the other cycles have been a bust.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    (hugs) While I never went the fertility/implantation route, I do remember the giving up hope and negative results making the whole world seem dimmer OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. I know it's nigh on impossible, but try to focus on something else if you can, even for 5 minutes. A watched pot never boils, etc. Killing yourself with stress and depression really just doesn't help that much. (hugs) Wish I could wave a magic wand and make everything better!
  • LolaDeeDaisy23
    LolaDeeDaisy23 Posts: 383 Member
    @KnitOrMiss A watched pot never boils. Wow I have never heard of that. Very true. I need to keep myself busy. I read online (doing way too much online reading during the two week wait) and one of the girls said she is "pregnant until proven otherwise." I think I'm going to adopt this way of thinking. At this moment in time, I have a a fertilized embryo inside and I am pregnant until proven otherwise.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I'm not sure if I'm just old - or an old soul too boot! I've heard that phrase a million times over again! LOL

    I like that concept. Pregnant until proven otherwise. As long as it doesn't cause a harder crash if disproven later, that's a great positive spin... I'm not going to feed to you a bunch of crappy sayings, but you are still young - you have a lot of time ahead of you. So (hugs)...

    Still bombarding you with all the good thoughts!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    edited May 2016
    Really? I swear I only posted it once! UGH. Duplicate.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    edited May 2016
    And triplicate.
  • LolaDeeDaisy23
    LolaDeeDaisy23 Posts: 383 Member
    Hey ladies. Today is 8 days past the transfer. The first response pregnancy tests have been staring at me day after day and I couldn't help myself and thought I'd test this morning. Big fat negative.
    I'm so down today. If I was pregnant, shouldn't the pregnancy hormone be detected by now? I feel so sad and disappointed and angry and just...a failure. I've been crying everyday just thinking "what if it doesn't work?"
    I've even had suicidal thoughts and that's not like me at all. I told my husband and he said it's all the hormones taking a toll on me. My beta blood test is this Monday and my heart drops every time I think about it. I want this so badly.
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    edited May 2016
    With my daughter I barely had a faint + at 10 days after ovulation estimate I think I was at for the first test I took. 2 days later it was bright it's a long wait I know but I imagine if you wait until 10-12 past transfers it is better to be there. I was charting and noticed some twinges and slight pink on wiping at one point but I knew it was for sure when my temp spiked up 14 days after ovulation. I lost my first pregnancy at 6 weeks. SO I was super scared and that lost one took 10 months to conceive. My daughter happened right away first cycle off the pill no long trying I was shocked.

    Best of luck!!
  • aSearch4Me
    aSearch4Me Posts: 397 Member
    @LolaDeeDaisy23 While I don't have the IVF experience...I didn't know if this might help. My first + HPT wasn't until 13 days post ovulation...and that was a REALLY REALLY REALLY faint line...Like so faint I didn't believe it was positive, I just thought it was a bad test. I had been testing since about 10 days DPO. My first obvious positive wasn't until 14 days, and that was still a really, really faint line...just a little darker than the day before.

    I wouldn't count yourself out yet after 8 days post transfer. I've been thinking about you! Hang in there.
  • LolaDeeDaisy23
    LolaDeeDaisy23 Posts: 383 Member
    Thank you for posting your experiences. It really gives me hope. Today is Memorial Day so the dr closes early today but the nurse promised me I'll get my results today. I feel less anxious and more calm today surprisingly. I guess I've come to terms with the results if it comes back negative. I don't even know what a "good" beta number is. Is it over 100? Over 50? Idk. I'll keep you girls posted.
  • aSearch4Me
    aSearch4Me Posts: 397 Member
    I don't know the rules on hcg for IVF. But I think technically anything above a "5" on the blood test is positive. BUT what they will probably be looking for is a big increase 48-72 hours after your first hcg test (some call it a "doubling" but it doesn't necessarily have to be an exact doubling...)

    bHCG is a highly variable, non-exact number. It varies greatly woman to woman, and even the same woman with different pregnancies may not follow the same bhcg #'s or increase patterns.
  • LolaDeeDaisy23
    LolaDeeDaisy23 Posts: 383 Member
    Beta was negative. I was devastated. I couldn't even think about it yesterday without crying. Dr wants to set an appt to talk about our next steps, what went wrong, etc. I honestly just feel like hiding in a hole right now. I don't want to talk about it or be around anyone... We still have one frozen embryo graded 3AB. I need to take a break from it all. Lose the 5 pounds I've gained from hormones and stress.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    I'm so sorry :(

    I was so hoping that it was going to stick for you

    Allow yourself time to grieve and talk to the doctor, and maybe you'll be ready to try again in a few cycles x
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Beta was negative. I was devastated. I couldn't even think about it yesterday without crying. Dr wants to set an appt to talk about our next steps, what went wrong, etc. I honestly just feel like hiding in a hole right now. I don't want to talk about it or be around anyone... We still have one frozen embryo graded 3AB. I need to take a break from it all. Lose the 5 pounds I've gained from hormones and stress.

    (HUGS) I'm so sorry, honey, but I hope your doctor can find out what did go wrong! I hope that you can take that break and feel better...
  • aSearch4Me
    aSearch4Me Posts: 397 Member
    I'm so sorry. My thoughts are with you & your husband during this time. I was so hoping that this would work for you both. I hope you can take some time for you to rest, recover, & grieve as long as you need to...

    and when you're ready, that your little embryo-icicle is the baby you've been waiting for :smile:
  • LolaDeeDaisy23
    LolaDeeDaisy23 Posts: 383 Member
    Hey ladies. I've decided to take a little break. Ever since my transfer, I've had lower back pain. I have to ask my husband to massage my lower back every night. I'm not sure if it's from ivf or stress? I started a new job last week and having to relearn everything and being thrown in a new environment is a little stressful.

    Two days ago I started bawling in front of the hubbys family because they asked me about the transfer. I'm slowly trying to get over the ivf failure.
    I've requested to try metformin as I've heard it helps regulates cycles for pcos women? I'm on 1000mg but will go up to 1500 next week.
    I'm also thinking about trying acupuncture... For stress related reasons as well as fertility.

    I don't want to do another transfer until I'm physically and emotionally better. Any thoughts or comments are welcome.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    It sounds like your head is in a great place. I didn't have to deal with all of that stuff, so I've no specific advice. The Metformin helps by leveling out the insulin and other hormones. My only advice with it is to not have dairy 2 hours either side of it - and the drop your carbs or it will give you tummy troubles (but I think you've already done that). I think very highly of alternative medicine forms, like acupuncture, so I'm game for getting yourself healed and level and such. All the extra stress sure doesn't help. Talk therapy might help, too, if you can afford it... (hugs)