Day 8 of my Keto diet - food cravings, is this normal?

jaymo602 Posts: 52 Member
Hello all, I think this is my first post in the group and had a question for those who follow a Keto diet. I have just started the diet last Monday (May 16th) and have followed it to the "T" without any concerns for the last 8 days, tracking and adding everything into my food log here on MFP.
As a reference, my Intake averages has been 1550 Calories, 41 Carbs, 100 Protein, 97 Fat (I am working to figure out the right percentages for my journey), and I have had no problems feeling hungry whatsoever until today.
Today is different in the fact that I felt hungrier this afternoon, and found myself snacking outside of the regular plan.

Now I didn't grab anything carby - in fact I do not have ANY desire for carbs, just a desire for protein/fat in which I allowed myself to indulge in via eating 7 chicken wings with skin, half a bag of pork rinds, and some Turkey Jerky.
My actual nutrition intake today is 1920 Calories, 34 Carbs, 111 Protein, 148 Fat.
In addition my water intake has doubled today (96 ounces)

I am new to Keto and am trying to understand if this is natural, or if its a sign of my goals not being set properly.

Any help or advice is appreciated. :)


  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Sounds like your calorie intake was really low for a full week so I would expect your body was just asking for more because you needed more... Following your hunger is going to be needed in the long term when you get to maintenance. So the advice to eat when hungry and don't eat when you're not is good. At that calorie range, I don't think there's any fear of the hunger causing you to overeat.
  • jaymo602
    jaymo602 Posts: 52 Member
    My calories are on the lower side as I utilized an online Keto calculator to estimate the amount of calories I need, as well as my macros. This was the recommendation from the calculator.
    However , not being my first Diet Rodeo....I figure I will go with what it says for now, and try to tune it out eventually to something that works for me.
  • CarCar0207
    CarCar0207 Posts: 59 Member
    I have been reading a lot of studies and informational articles and books on the keto diet lately and am surprised about the macronutrients suggestions I have come across. It's sounds like a lot of ur "off plan snacks" we're all protein based. Be careful that ur protein count doesn't get too high because if u don't use it all up through activity your body will convert it to glucose and it could hurt ur ability to remain keto adapted.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    edited May 2016
    CarCar0207 wrote: »
    I have been reading a lot of studies and informational articles and books on the keto diet lately and am surprised about the macronutrients suggestions I have come across. It's sounds like a lot of ur "off plan snacks" we're all protein based. Be careful that ur protein count doesn't get too high because if u don't use it all up through activity your body will convert it to glucose and it could hurt ur ability to remain keto adapted.

    That's really only an issue for people with hyperinsulinemia from insulin resistance or diabetes.
    Which, is a large portion of the population... Even if they don't know it, but without that condition excess protein isn't much of a concern as you would have to eat a tremendous amount of it before it would interfere with ketosis. It's a demand driven process.
    There is a really good discussion going on here about this.
  • CarCar0207
    CarCar0207 Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks @sunny_bunny_ I will check it out
  • CarCar0207
    CarCar0207 Posts: 59 Member
    edited May 2016
    Ok I read the article and while I love soaking up all the information I can get my hands on, I'm going to stick with my original analysis. This guy is a coach, and while I appreciate his input his lean muscle mass and (I'm assuming activity level) is a hell of a lot higher than the average joes (particularly mine). Food scientists and doctors alike that have studied the keto diet label it as a high fat, low carb, MODERATE protein diet with a hell of a lot of science behind why that's true. In reading the article, though he doesn't encourage limiting your protein, he does make reference to there being a point where it's too much (such as the example with the chicken breasts) and suggests that fatty meats may be the better way to go as your body will tell u that u have had enough. As with any diet, conflicting information is out there and everybody's caloric and macronutrients needs are different but @jaymo602 is also new to keto and he might as well be aware of all the science to make tweaking his specifics the most informed for success.
  • CarCar0207
    CarCar0207 Posts: 59 Member
    edited May 2016
    Please don't let this sound like I'm attacking, my nurse brain just encourages research and learning to seek out the best practice and supported information. I still appreciate hearing all opinions.
  • jaymo602
    jaymo602 Posts: 52 Member
    I don't really feel my Protein intake is too high, as I am taking in 0.6 grams per pound of lean mass. At a lean body mass of 195 pounds (estimating 50% body fat) that would be 117 grams of protein......and that does fall right in line with the consensus of a sedentary lifestyle for almost all diets I have read. When I shed my first goal weight off, and have a lighter load on my knees - I intend to start exercising at some frequency and re-evaluate my protein goals.
    Does anyone know if the Keto diet calls for a lower level of protein to support body functions?
    LINIA Posts: 1,067 Member
    You simply had one hungry day, every now and again I too feel hungry. Not often but if I simply drink chicken boullion broth, the cravings are removed.
    You're really doing an excellent job- good luck.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    CarCar0207 wrote: »
    Please don't let this sound like I'm attacking, my nurse brain just encourages research and learning to seek out the best practice and supported information. I still appreciate hearing all opinions.

    No worries. There's certainly much to be discovered yet.
    I was more referencing the discussion among our group members though than the article.
  • kennygang
    kennygang Posts: 93 Member
    your are doing a great job. I often find myself hungry on some days and not hungry on other days. I also drink chicken broth when I am craving something and that helps. I also find that I am craving pickles and peanut butter...not together of course!!!!
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    Some days I'm more hungry than others. If I keep calories too low over a long period of time, my hunger lets me know lol. If I'm hungry I just eat more keto friendly snacks. Almonds, a protein bar, boiled eggs, celery with ranch dip, whatever I need more of to fit my macros basically.
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    jaymo602 wrote: »
    My calories are on the lower side as I utilized an online Keto calculator to estimate the amount of calories I need, as well as my macros. This was the recommendation from the calculator.
    However , not being my first Diet Rodeo....I figure I will go with what it says for now, and try to tune it out eventually to something that works for me.

    If you're just starting, don't set the deficit too high. I think the tool tells you that. Aim to lose 1-2lbs a week. Give yourself time to learn new recipes and figure out your macros. Once you have that down, then start restricting calories more if you want.

    I think I started around 1800 - 2000 calories a day for 3-4 days and then fluctuated between 1400 and 1600 depending on how hungry I was. Some days MFP wouldn't let me "complete" my diary just because I didn't log 1000 calories for that day, but I just wasn't hungry! Grr.
  • jaymo602
    jaymo602 Posts: 52 Member
    Thank you all for taking the time to chime in!
    BUZZIEST Posts: 18 Member
    If you have a lean mass of 195 pounds, then 1500 calories a day is not enough, which is probably why you are hungrier.