18 Pounds / 18 Days

alecmocha Posts: 2 Member
edited May 2016 in Social Groups
I've lost 18 pounds in 18 days committing to a lower carb, lower calorie lifestyle. In the 18 days, I managed to lose that weight even though I had 2 days with 1 cheat meal and 1 entire cheat day. I've been doing great aside from cravings but just to confirm that I'm not doing any damage, I've scheduled an appointment with a doctor for Friday. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


  • Mesemoore
    Mesemoore Posts: 33 Member
    That is a job well done. What was your Carb range? 0 carb or less than 20 carb a day? On your cheat day did you count calories?
    Thank you
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    I think people lose a lot in the beginning - mix of fat and water weight. This is true especially if you have a lot to lose to begin with.
  • alecmocha
    alecmocha Posts: 2 Member
    edited May 2016
    Thank you Meseretmoore. Actually I have my goal set to 65g but average 80g of carbs per day. In the 18 days, the cheat day was the only one that I didn't log but I can guarantee you it's over 3000 calories. I probably didn't log it because I doubted that I could recover from the binge but here I am.

    Samantha, I wouldn't doubt it. Thanks for the input.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Don't be surprised if the doctor tells you that your new diet is going to cause you a heart attack and isn't sustainable long term... Though there's no reason to think either are true.
    Congrats on the great start!
  • daisygirl2017
    daisygirl2017 Posts: 107 Member
    Update us with what your Dr says. I'm interested to learn.
  • Mesemoore
    Mesemoore Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you Alecmocha for the response that is going to help me a lot in determining my carb range I always think I have to keep my carb under 20gram per day if I want to continue seeing a result.
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    Alec mocha I am about the same 20/20. Today is day 21 and down another. I have a lot to loose . But am starting to question if it's too fast. I also made appointment but it's not for two weeks. Are you concerned you are loosing muscle? I have never had a problem with it coming off too fast but in past I have never cut out sugar and white flour.
  • ktilton70130
    ktilton70130 Posts: 211 Member
    wow, that is awesome! So you stayed under 65g of carbs and lost literally a lb a day what is your workouts like
    alecmocha wrote: »
    I've lost 18 pounds in 18 days committing to a lower carb, lower calorie lifestyle. In the 18 days, I managed to lose that weight even though I had 2 days with 1 cheat meal and 1 entire cheat day. I've been doing great aside from cravings but just to confirm that I'm not doing any damage, I've scheduled an appointment with a doctor for Friday. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

  • sallielozo
    sallielozo Posts: 41 Member
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    mrzpeep391 wrote: »
    Update us with what your Dr says. I'm interested to learn.

    Me too