how much weight have you gained



  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'6"
    Pre-pregnancy Weight: 134.5 lbs
    Goal to Gain:25-30 lbs
    Due: August 15, 2016
    Week 4: 134.5
    Week 5: 134.5
    Week 6: 136.5
    Week 7: 135
    Week 9: 137.5
    Week 10: 136.5
    Week 11: 136
    Week 12: 138
    Week 13: 139
    Week 14: 139.5
    Week 15: 140.5
    Week 16: 144.5!!!
    Week 17: 144
    Week 18: 145
    Week 19: 146.5
    Week 20: 147
    Week 21: 149.5!!!
    Week 22: 151
    Week 27: 155

    I'm still not weighting myself at home which has been good for me, I'm not longer obsessing over it. My weight gain has slowed down a lot, which is good. I've gained 20lbs and I'm almost at the end of the second trimester, not amazing but not terrible either. I've been eating at maintenance and exercising daily so I think I might just be someone who gains in pregnancy. Even if I gain a pound a week for the rest of my pregnancy I should still end up around 30-35lbs.
  • _cassie623
    _cassie623 Posts: 51 Member
    Beginning Weight: 166 lbs (8 weeks pregnant)
    Started MFP at 20 weeks

    20 weeks: 164.8 lbs
    21 weeks: 164.4 lbs
    23 weeks: 165.8 lbs
    24 weeks: 165.4 lbs
    25 weeks: 165.4 lbs
    26 weeks: 167.0 lbs
    27 weeks: 167.2 lbs
    28 weeks: 168.8 lbs
    29 weeks: 168.4 lbs

    Total: +2.4 lbs
  • Eliz_99
    Eliz_99 Posts: 85 Member
    Age: 33
    Height: 5'6"
    Pre-pregnancy Weight: 143lbs
    Goal to Gain: 20-25lbs
    Due: 11th August
    Total Gain So Far: 6lbs
    Week 4: 143
    Week 5: 144
    Week 6: 142
    Week 7: 141
    Week 8: 140
    Week 11: 139
    Week 12: 138
    Week 17: 140
    Week 19: 141
    Week 20: 142
    Week 21: 143
    Week 22: 142
    Week 23: 143
    Week 24: 144
    Week 25: 144
    Week 26: 145
    Week 27: 147
    Week 29: 149
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    @Eliz_99 and @_cassie623 you've both gained so little!! I don't get it :( I have been working out like crazy and tracking and I'm still up 20lbs. Oh well, what can I do!
  • thegirlwthegreenapple
    thegirlwthegreenapple Posts: 40 Member
    edited May 2016
    I'm 20 weeks and up 12 lbs--and dang proud considering how much I had gained by halfway last time around! I do hope to slow my gain a tad though to stay under my final goal of 30 lbs.
  • thegirlwthegreenapple
    thegirlwthegreenapple Posts: 40 Member
    And Lisa--we are all different and I think you are doing great
  • _cassie623
    _cassie623 Posts: 51 Member
    LisaTcan wrote: »
    @Eliz_99 and @_cassie623 you've both gained so little!! I don't get it :( I have been working out like crazy and tracking and I'm still up 20lbs. Oh well, what can I do!

    Keep in mind I was overweight when I got pregnant. That definitely plays a factor. I already have some extra chub to go to that baby lol I bet working out throughout your pregnancy will help you drop that weight very easily after you have your little one, so keep your chin up. It's all worth it in the end, I promise! :smile:
  • fit_mama30
    fit_mama30 Posts: 178 Member
    LisaTcan wrote: »
    @Eliz_99 and @_cassie623 you've both gained so little!! I don't get it :( I have been working out like crazy and tracking and I'm still up 20lbs. Oh well, what can I do!

    We're all different... Also, your pre-pregnancy weight determines how much you should gain according to my doctor... So try not to worry about it! You're doing great, there is little you can do at this point.

    I'm 29 weeks and also up almost 20 pounds. I'm ok with it, and so is mt doctor. I seem to gain a little less in the end, but we'll see how it goes this time around.

    I don't want to stress about it too much, we can just focus on losing the weight after giving birth :)
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    Thanks everyone! I appreciate your support. When I brought it up with my doctor she was not worried at all and said my weight gain was right on track. I'm 29 weeks so there isn't too long to go now anyways!
  • Eliz_99
    Eliz_99 Posts: 85 Member
    My weight is going on a lot more quickly now, I had a small appetite in my first trimester and my metabolism seems to have sped up in pregnancy. I'm more worried about post partum weight gain as last time I gained around 30lbs whist breastfeeding and could only lose it after we stopped!
  • _cassie623
    _cassie623 Posts: 51 Member
    Beginning Weight: 166 lbs (8 weeks pregnant)
    Started MFP at 20 weeks

    20 weeks: 164.8 lbs
    21 weeks: 164.4 lbs
    23 weeks: 165.8 lbs
    24 weeks: 165.4 lbs
    25 weeks: 165.4 lbs
    26 weeks: 167.0 lbs
    27 weeks: 167.2 lbs
    28 weeks: 168.8 lbs
    29 weeks: 168.4 lbs
    30 weeks: 171.2 lbs
    31 weeks: 172.0 lbs

    Total: +6 lbs
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'6"
    Pre-pregnancy Weight: 134.5 lbs
    Goal to Gain:25-30 lbs
    Due: August 15, 2016
    Week 4: 134.5
    Week 5: 134.5
    Week 6: 136.5
    Week 7: 135
    Week 9: 137.5
    Week 10: 136.5
    Week 11: 136
    Week 12: 138
    Week 13: 139
    Week 14: 139.5
    Week 15: 140.5
    Week 16: 144.5!!!
    Week 17: 144
    Week 18: 145
    Week 19: 146.5
    Week 20: 147
    Week 21: 149.5!!!
    Week 22: 151
    Week 27: 155
    Week 30: 161.5!!!
    Total gain - 27lbs

    Well Ive gained 6 lbs in three weeks but I've also been retaining a lot of water in the heat. I've been continuing to work out several times a week and walk a lot (got 20K steps in today) and I'm consistently eating 2000 calories a day. I think I'm just destined to gain 35lbs in pregnancy so I've accepted that. I know I'll be able to lose it after, I've lost this much weight in the past when it was all fat!
  • fit_mama30
    fit_mama30 Posts: 178 Member
    The water retention is crazy in those temperature... I feel the same way :(
    We can motivate each other once we give birth, I find it's easier to lose the weight afterwards than to try to control is during pregnancy. I mean, we have control to some degree, but unfortunately not entirely...
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    This is gross, but I need to wait to weigh in until a day where I actually go potty....When you haven't gone in 3 days your weight is definitely up. I'm at 8.5 weeks and I think up 3lbs....I'm also pretty bloated. I know it's bloat because in the morning I just look a little chubby and by 6pm I look 4 months pregnant. lol
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    Hi! Sorry I haven't logged on for a while, been busy trying to get all my work done before baby arrives. Well done for still logging up and updating on here. If you feel frustrated that you are gaining too much/too fast, just think what the situation would be if you did not eat healthily and work out.

    40+3 today and still sporting a big bump :) Summer has finally arrived here and as I am not used to any heat I find it unbearable. I recon I have another week or so to go before I pop.

    Here is my latest weight-in:

    28 w: 1.8 Total: 1.5
    29 w: 0.7 Total: 2.1
    30 w: 0.7 Total: 2.8
    31 w: -0.2 Total: 2.6
    32 w: -0.2 Total: 2.3
    33 w: -0.9 Total: 1.5
    34 w: 0.4 Total: 1.9
    35 w: 2.0 Total: 3.9
    36 w: 2.0 Total: 5.9
    37 w: 0.4 Total: 6.3
    38 w: 0.9 Total: 7.2
    39 w: 0.0 Total: 7.2
    40 w: 2.2 Total: 9.4 pounds

    This is such an improvement on the massive gains in my previous pregnancies, but I think it was just because I was bigger to start with. I recon our bodies know what is required. Interestingly, the pregnancy where I gained most weight is the one where I got back to pre-preg weight fastest (within 3 months) so I am cautious about expecting too much after this baby arrives... Eventually it will go though, one way or another!

    So the bets are on: will I get to add a 41 week weight in to the list?????
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I bet the next good storm that rolls through that baby comes. (both of mine were born in snow storms, so I believe that old wives tale about barometric pressure.) Check the weather forecast @emmadetermined. Good Luck!
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    Haha, I am definitely not waiting for a snow storm!! Tonight's forecast though is for "Scattered thundery showers overnight" so maybe... My first was also born in a thunder storm. I just had 1 1/2 hours of prodromal labour, but I have had that many times the last couple of weeks so not getting my hopes up because of that.
  • Eliz_99
    Eliz_99 Posts: 85 Member
    Age: 33
    Height: 5'6"
    Pre-pregnancy Weight: 143lbs
    Goal to Gain: 20-25lbs
    Due: 11th August
    Total Gain So Far: 7lbs
    Week 4: 143
    Week 5: 144
    Week 6: 142
    Week 7: 141
    Week 8: 140
    Week 11: 139
    Week 12: 138
    Week 17: 140
    Week 19: 141
    Week 20: 142
    Week 21: 143
    Week 22: 142
    Week 23: 143
    Week 24: 144
    Week 25: 144
    Week 26: 145
    Week 27: 147
    Week 29: 149
    Week 31: 150
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    @EmmaDetermined I was wondering if you had delivered yet! Thanks for checking in! Do you normally go overdue with your babies? I am really hoping I'll deliver a little before my due date. My mom had be and my sister at 37 weeks, but who knows!
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    Hi Lisa, still as round as ever here :) There is definitely a genetic link with when women deliver, so you may be lucky. My other 3 were all around 10 days overdue, so I am prepared for another 5 days, but it could be any minute now. Tomorrow one of my boys has a big part in a school play, so it would be nice to catch that before anything happens.
  • packersfan0103
    packersfan0103 Posts: 251 Member
    19 weeks 3 days pregnant with twins.
    Up 3 pounds so far.
  • _cassie623
    _cassie623 Posts: 51 Member
    Beginning Weight: 166 lbs (8 weeks pregnant)
    Started MFP at 20 weeks

    20 weeks: 164.8 lbs
    21 weeks: 164.4 lbs
    23 weeks: 165.8 lbs
    24 weeks: 165.4 lbs
    25 weeks: 165.4 lbs
    26 weeks: 167.0 lbs
    27 weeks: 167.2 lbs
    28 weeks: 168.8 lbs
    29 weeks: 168.4 lbs
    30 weeks: 171.2 lbs
    31 weeks: 172.0 lbs
    32 weeks: 173.0 lbs
    33 weeks: 174.4 lbs

    Total: +8.4 lbs
  • Veeedot
    Veeedot Posts: 122 Member
    Im 25+5 and gained 8lbs so far. :) Hopefully it will continue at this pace but i'm expecting to balloon soon :#
  • _cassie623
    _cassie623 Posts: 51 Member
    Beginning Weight: 166 lbs (8 weeks pregnant)
    Started MFP at 20 weeks

    20 weeks: 164.8 lbs
    21 weeks: 164.4 lbs
    23 weeks: 165.8 lbs
    24 weeks: 165.4 lbs
    25 weeks: 165.4 lbs
    26 weeks: 167.0 lbs
    27 weeks: 167.2 lbs
    28 weeks: 168.8 lbs
    29 weeks: 168.4 lbs
    30 weeks: 171.2 lbs
    31 weeks: 172.0 lbs
    32 weeks: 173.0 lbs
    33 weeks: 174.4 lbs
    34 weeks: 175.4 lbs

    Total: +9.4 lbs
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'6"
    Pre-pregnancy Weight: 134.5 lbs
    Goal to Gain:25-30 lbs
    Due: August 15, 2016
    Week 4: 134.5
    Week 5: 134.5
    Week 6: 136.5
    Week 7: 135
    Week 9: 137.5
    Week 10: 136.5
    Week 11: 136
    Week 12: 138
    Week 13: 139
    Week 14: 139.5
    Week 15: 140.5
    Week 16: 144.5!!!
    Week 17: 144
    Week 18: 145
    Week 19: 146.5
    Week 20: 147
    Week 21: 149.5!!!
    Week 22: 151
    Week 27: 155
    Week 30: 161.5!!!
    Week 33: 166.5
    Total gain - 32lbs

    I almost don't want to post this but I think it's good to be accountable and also maybe it will be helpful for some other moms to see that some people just gain a lot of weight in pregnancy despite tracking calories and exercising. I'm not happy about it but my doctor isn't concerned as my blood pressure and sugar are fine, she said she sees women gain up to 60lbs. I guess if I hadn't been so careful I would have been one of them!
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    @LisaTcan I gained 45lbs with my first pregnancy, mind you I wasn't tracking or really all that active but I did retain a lot of water... I was down to pre-pregnancy weight by 5-6 months (body composition was a different story that took at least 9 months pp)

    This time I didn't track but I was really active (lifting weights, walking, cardio, yoga etc).... I gained about 35lbs (actually may have been more that was my last weigh-in). At about 4.5 months (right now actually) I am down to my pre-pregnancy weight and my pre-pregnancy composition is not far off.

    While I gained more with my first, both were very healthy pregnancies.

    Point is... you are well within the healthy limits of weight gain... try not to worry so much about it. You will gain, you will retain water... an extra few lbs really isn't going to make or break you especially since you are doing so well. Keep up the great work!
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I think your gain is absolutely appropriate for your starting weight. A lot of us are on MFP because we were overweight to begin with. That's why so many are aiming for minimal gains. According to bmi I was 2lbs into the obese category when I got pregnant. At a size 12 I didn't feel obese, just overweight. Living in my own dream world. I'd like to keep my gain to 20lbs....but I'm not sweating it. I'm 11weeks and up 4.5lbs already. But I feel really good and this is my last baby. I'm just going to try to enjoy it since I hated being pregnant the first two times.
  • melnikn
    melnikn Posts: 41 Member

    I almost don't want to post this but I think it's good to be accountable and also maybe it will be helpful for some other moms to see that some people just gain a lot of weight in pregnancy despite tracking calories and exercising. I'm not happy about it but my doctor isn't concerned as my blood pressure and sugar are fine, she said she sees women gain up to 60lbs. I guess if I hadn't been so careful I would have been one of them! [/quote]

    My 3rd pregnancy I was in this group and I gained 36lbs. This 4th time around at 35 weeks am already up 38 lbs. It's definitely depressing. I never gained under 35 with any of my pregnancies. My first i gained 65!!! My midwife didnt say anything about it. I WISH SHE HAD. i was a young mom and had no idea what to expect. My 2nd I learned to excerise more gained 45. My 3rd i used MFP and it was a great tool.
    From my experience all I can add is, it is possible to lose the baby weight after if your committed. And you stick to reaching your goal. A few more weeks and we will all be cheering for you when ur baby weight melts off! :)))
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    @sardelsa @melnikn thank you all so much for the support!! It really does make me feel better to know that other women have gained more than the recommended 25-35lbs and still got it off in a reasonable time postpartum. All the pregnancy books really make you feel like 35lbs is a strict cut off! I know that I will be committed to losing the weight and that some of it will come off pretty easily in the first 6 weeks.

    @enterdanger that's a good point, I did start off quite slim and with a low body fat percentage so it's definitely possible I just needed to gain more to support the pregnancy than someone who started overweight. My doctor said 40lbs would be a very healthy gain for me. I was also much more active pre-pregnancy, I am a pretty avid road cyclist but didn't feel safe continuing during pregnancy. Thanks for the support :) Ps - BMI is so funny, to me a size 12 is definitely not obese, my best friend is a dietician and she thinks its a ridiculous measure.
  • darkmiko2014
    darkmiko2014 Posts: 35 Member
    edited June 2016
    35 weeks and I've fluctuated a bit with weight. I was about 185 when I found out I was pregnant. Dropped to 178 during first trimester due to sudden lactose intolerance and now Im up to 195. Considering I gained 50lbs my first pregnancy and 30lbs my second im quite happy with my weight gain this time around. I work out daily, eat well, and keep myself going with daily greens and smoothies.