how much weight have you gained



  • papagal212
    papagal212 Posts: 93
    I am 32 weeks and up 7 LBS. I actually lost 3 LBS! She is not concerned since baby is right on, that's good.

    whoa! just 7lbs? If your dr is not concerned then everything should be fine. What was your starting weight? I'm just 9.5 weeks along but I haven't been gaining any weight yet. I started at 128 and got down to 126 in the beginning but that lasted like 2-3 days and I went up to 130 and then dropped back down to 128. It doesn't make sense to me. LOL I feel very round and I feel like I gained 5lbs. Either both of my bathroom scales are broken or i'm losing muscle mass. I'm 5'5. By your profile pic you look amazing. Hope I will have minimum weight gain this time around as well. With my other 2 kids I gained the whole pregnancy, so this is different for me lol
  • joianett
    joianett Posts: 79 Member
    Aw thanks girl. I am bigger than you. I am 5ft 8in and pre-pregnancy/ first doctor's appointment (I don't weigh myself), I was 145 LBS.

    I was running but had issues in the first trimester and had to quit working out and I gained the LBS that first trimester due to eating a ton of fruit and not working out. I don't normally eat a lot of fruit/carbs.

    I got the green light at 13 wks to workout but did not feel right going back to running after taking off 3+ months! So, I have been walking 4 miles 3-5x/week and doing weights and cut back on the fruit as I am back in love with protein LOL.

    I will say, she does want me to gain the last 8 weeks though and told me to eat back the cals I burn within an hour of working out. She loves that i eat healthy and suggested I drink a healthy protein drink like Boost, Ensure, etc.
  • JennypegMarie
    JennypegMarie Posts: 133 Member
    Hiya Ladies,

    I am really concerned. BC I was 198 lb not really gained in 1 st trimester, now I'm 22 weeks I've totaled 8lb.

    Because my BMI was 34, the most I should gained is between 15-20 throughout the pregnancy. I'm gaining on avergage 2lb a week for the past 3 weeks. I'm scared I'm going to go over.

    I'm still on calorie controlled diet averaging between 1650-1900 (on a hungry day)

    Having a lot of joint problems, so exercising is basic and low.

    Any advice? thank you x
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Hiya Ladies,

    I am really concerned. BC I was 198 lb not really gained in 1 st trimester, now I'm 22 weeks I've totaled 8lb.

    Because my BMI was 34, the most I should gained is between 15-20 throughout the pregnancy. I'm gaining on avergage 2lb a week for the past 3 weeks. I'm scared I'm going to go over.

    I'm still on calorie controlled diet averaging between 1650-1900 (on a hungry day)

    Having a lot of joint problems, so exercising is basic and low.

    Any advice? thank you x

    I find that my calorie intake- while important - does not affect my gains and losses as much as the TYPES of calories I eat. So if you're like me at all... I would try eating more protein and fewer carbs and sugars. (especially together!) If you're eating a lot of breads and such, try to cut that way back. Also keep an eye on your sodium.

    I average around 1600 calories a day, sometimes more sometimes less. But I do much better on the days that I eat high protein!
  • justinskitty
    justinskitty Posts: 47 Member
    We found out at 3 weeks... I had a uti and they did a pee test for that came back slightly positive and then blood work said yeppers. I had morning sickness until week 10. This is my 2nd pregnancy. I'm 5'6.

    Week 3 - 150
    Week 5 - 149.2
    Week 7 - 147.6
    Week 8 - 147
    Week 10 - 148.4
    Week 11 - 148.8
    Week 12 - 148.4
    Week 13 - 150.6
    Week 14 - 151.6
    Week 15 - 152.6
    Week 16 - 150.6
    Week 17 - 155
    Week 18 - on Tuesday

    The last jump was thanks to a ton of factors. I went to my grandma's and spent the night. We had fried tenderloin sandwiches and pizza. Also I didn't walk or do anything for a few days and to top it off I needed some good bathroom time. I'm working on getting it back down because I'm sure it's mostly water weight gain with a few pounds of oops I ate too much junk. I will know in a few days.
  • KatieTee83
    KatieTee83 Posts: 196 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 159.9
    Height: 5'9"
    Found out I was pregnant at 4.5 weeks :love:

    Week 5: 160
    Week 7: 162-ish
    Week 9: 163.3

    I haven't been weighing myself every week, but I'm pleased with how I'm doing so far. I haven't had the energy AT ALL to exercise, but I've set my MFP cals to a .5lbs/week loss, and that seems to be the right amount to keep me full and satisfied and basically maintaining my weight at this point. I'm really only up about 3-4lbs so far, and I just hit week 9 today. I do a fair amount of walking during my commute, so I think that's helping.

    Once I get some energy back, I plan to add back in some exercise.

    The morning sickness hasn't been as bad with this pregnancy, which is allowing me to make better food choices, rather than just, whatever sounds edible at the time. Just trying to pick the healthiest options I can every time!
  • joianett
    joianett Posts: 79 Member
    KatieTee - You have your MFP set at 0.5 LB loss? or gain? What made you decide to do that over maintain my weight?

    This is PURE curiousity :wink:
  • papagal212
    papagal212 Posts: 93
    Prepregnant: 128
    height: 5'5

    5wks- 128.5
    6wks- 129.6
    7wks- 129.4
    8wks- 130.5 (just got back from vacation where I ate like a mad cow, lol surprised that it was just 1lb gain)
    9wks- 128.7 ??? weird

    I was 128 the whole week last week but this weekend was full of take out and had some cake on sunday. Had some pizza and coke today too, whoops. Cleaning up my eating tonight. Need to eat healthy for my baby.
    I'm not doing anything to watch my weight either. I'm pretty happy with my gain this pregnancy, my other 2 my weight was creeping up the whole 40wks. I had really bad food aversions and nausea in the beginning but that's gone now so I expect to see weekly gains here on out.

    total gained: +1.4lbs
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    KatieTee - You have your MFP set at 0.5 LB loss? or gain? What made you decide to do that over maintain my weight?

    This is PURE curiousity :wink:

    I can't answer for her, but I have mine set at 2 lb loss, and I'm maintaining for the most part. I've gained about 1 lb. (I'm limited to a 15 lb gain per my OB) But I was gaining really quick at maintenance (according to MFP's settings), so I backed it down until I was maintaining. To be fair, though, I'm not exercising consistently or anything. Just a random walk here and there with my 1 year old, general housework, etc... It might be different if I were. :laugh:
  • joianett
    joianett Posts: 79 Member
    What does it have you at for that weight loss? I am just curious :)
  • Enic03
    Enic03 Posts: 165 Member
    Pre-Pregnancy: 120 lbs / 5'1

    20 Weeks: 126.5 (+6.5)
    21 Weeks: 125.8 (-.7)
    22 Weeks: 127.4 (+1.6)
    23 Weeks: 128.8 (+1.4)
    24 Weeks: 131 (+2.2)
    25 Weeks: 132.8 (+1.8)
    26 Weeks: 131 (-1.8)
    27 Weeks: 132.8 (+1.8)
    28 Weeks: 132.6 (-.2)
    29 Weeks: 133.2 (+.6)
    30 Weeks: 135.4 (+2.2)
    31 Weeks: 135.4

    Finally got around to priming the nursery last night and tonight I can start painting! It feels like the due date is coming up fast but then I realize I really still have 2 months left. My sweet tooth is still obnoxious but I am trying to find alternatives like homemade frozen yogurt sandwiches, cold tea and frozen ice pops. I am okay with my weight gain thus far but am definitely not trying to gain toooo much more. Still 9 weeks to go!
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    What does it have you at for that weight loss? I am just curious :)

    Around 1500 calories. I eat somewhere between 15-1800 depending on the day. Which probably isn't enough according to most people when you're pregnant. My OB told me to aim for 1800. But I seriously have like, no metabolism because I don't exercise. :blushing: And I don't go hungry at all. My last pregnancy, I tried to eat the recommended calories, etc... and ate whatever. I gained at least 50 lbs. Also, I don't really measure and weigh my food, so I'm sure my serving sizes are probably a little bigger than what I'm logging, so I assume that I'm getting at least 100-200 more calories than is showing up in my log.

    This pregnancy, I eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm satisfied (not stuffed). I eat a little more often, but not as much at a time. (which is probably why I am not getting heartburn as bad as with my first...) And I'm eating as healthy and clean as possible, although I do occasionally give in to my sweet tooth and eat some ice cream or a cookie, etc... and every once in awhile, pizza. lol

    It might not be the "correct" approach to eating when pregnant, but it's working for me.
  • KatieTee83
    KatieTee83 Posts: 196 Member
    KatieTee - You have your MFP set at 0.5 LB loss? or gain? What made you decide to do that over maintain my weight?

    This is PURE curiousity :wink:

    I got the idea from a board on MFP for pregnant ladies, it may have even been this one, that setting the MFP goal to a .5lbs/week LOSS was actually a good way to stay on track, at least in the first tri, with eating enough to stay satisfied without gaining a million pounds in the first 12 weeks. So far I think it's been working out to a good number, it gives me between 1600 and 1700 cals per day, which lets me basically eat to my heart's content, and I've basically been maintaining my weight so far. Once the morning sickness goes away though, I'll probably start wanting more than that.
  • joianett
    joianett Posts: 79 Member
    I am 32 weeks pregnant. I appreciate you all answering my nosey questions :)
  • justinskitty
    justinskitty Posts: 47 Member
    In your first trimester which lasts until week 14 you don't really need to add any calories to your daily intake. I read a ton of sites to make sure of this because I didn't want to cause a problem either way. I stuck to a 1lb LOSS until week 14 which kept me at 1470. Before I was pregnant I was at a 2lb loss which put me around 1200. After that I went to .5lb loss which put me at 1720. So far I'm 18 weeks and up a total of 3 pounds which I am very happy with. With my first I gained almost 60lbs so slow and steady is the way I'm playing it now. I walk a lot and do yoga at least twice a week. I feel strong and healthy. When I get to my 3rd trimester I will move my calories to a maintenance calorie gain. I was not under or over weight so I followed the guide lines for my weight and height. Everyone is different and doing your own research is a great idea. Gaining a lot of weight during pregnancy isn't good for either of you but so is not gaining enough.
  • joianett
    joianett Posts: 79 Member
    Very good information @justinskitty. I am at maintenance right now and am into my third tri, 33 weeks, and consume between 1600-1800 calories with my maintenance saying its 1860 total. Some days I am really hungry and other's, not much.
  • justinskitty
    justinskitty Posts: 47 Member
    Week 18 - 153.4

    I knew I would lose some but I wish more of it was water weight lol. Oh well a little gain is ok.
  • papagal212
    papagal212 Posts: 93
    Week 18 - 153.4

    I knew I would lose some but I wish more of it was water weight lol. Oh well a little gain is ok.

    you're doing great!
  • papagal212
    papagal212 Posts: 93
    Pre-Pregnancy: 120 lbs / 5'1

    20 Weeks: 126.5 (+6.5)
    21 Weeks: 125.8 (-.7)
    22 Weeks: 127.4 (+1.6)
    23 Weeks: 128.8 (+1.4)
    24 Weeks: 131 (+2.2)
    25 Weeks: 132.8 (+1.8)
    26 Weeks: 131 (-1.8)
    27 Weeks: 132.8 (+1.8)
    28 Weeks: 132.6 (-.2)
    29 Weeks: 133.2 (+.6)
    30 Weeks: 135.4 (+2.2)
    31 Weeks: 135.4

    Finally got around to priming the nursery last night and tonight I can start painting! It feels like the due date is coming up fast but then I realize I really still have 2 months left. My sweet tooth is still obnoxious but I am trying to find alternatives like homemade frozen yogurt sandwiches, cold tea and frozen ice pops. I am okay with my weight gain thus far but am definitely not trying to gain toooo much more. Still 9 weeks to go!

    wow you're doing awesome. I wish I could be 135 at 31 weeks!! lol
  • katebrog
    katebrog Posts: 44 Member
    Starting weight: 113lb. 5'4 height -- currently I'm 30w/2d and weigh right at 129.5 - so an overall gain so far of about 16.5lbs. I seem to be gaining right at .5 or 1lb. a week, so I'm beating I'll gain another 9 or 10 pounds before our first baby girl is here. I've been pretty happy with the weight gain and so is my doctor. My husband's the only one who is concerned. I think he is used to seeing other pregnant woman blow up all over their body - for me my gain has mainly been in my belly. I've always had a small frame, so my gain is typical to my body type and I'm also pretty active still working out 5 days week - either elliptical or cycle class and light upper body weights (used to be an avid runner, but had to cut that out due to hip/groin/tendon pain). I just get frustrated that my husband is concerned about my weight, he's going to the doctor with me next week, so hopefully once he hears that everything is right on track from the doctor, he'll finally calm down and quit shoving milkshakes down my throat, haha.