how much weight have you gained



  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    as of 34+1, I've gained 30 lbs
  • sunflower92630
    sunflower92630 Posts: 76 Member
    Starting weight: 156 lbs

    Week 13: 160.2 lbs (+4.2 lbs) right on track
    Doctor told me whatever I am doing keep doing it cause I am right on track was told not to gain more than 20 pounds for the whole pregnancy which seems so hard but I am going to do my darndest to stay in the 20 -25 pound total range.
    Was told at the 20 week mark I should not have gained more than 8 pounds Total!

    First trimester ate at maintenance calories + exercise calories back, walked everyday 20 -30 minutes plus cardio minimum 3 times week 30 -60 minutes

    Moving into second trimester I will only be upping my calories by average 200 more calories a day (Sometimes eat over, sometimes under depends how my hunger is not trying to force anything) plus keep exercising now that I have more energy and eating back most of my exercise calories.
    I know I can do this! :happy:

    Feeling very motivated and was sooo excited to see ultrasoud today since looks like a "baby" now instead of a lil nugget!
  • eks1208
    eks1208 Posts: 10 Member
    I have gained 4 pounds at week 11. Feeling like much more though! i have not been exercising enough but my energy seems to be returning and I started my routine over again today and feel great!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member

    Week 4 - 135
    Week 6 - 134.4
    Week 8 - 135.0
    Week 10 - 135.2
    Week 12 - 137.2
    Week 14 - 136.0
    Week 16 – 139.8
    Week 18 – 141.4
    Week 20 – 144.0
    Week 22 – 146.4
    Week 24 – 149.4
    Week 26 – 149.2
    Week 28 – 150.2
    Week 30 – 153.6
    Week 32 – 152.2
    Week 34 – 154.4
    Week 36 – 155.6
    Week 38 – 156.4
    Week 39 – 157.2

    Alright baby, time to get out. This start and stop **** is old. Please, just be on the outside.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    @Sunflower: Did your doctor say why he wants your weight gain limited to 20lbs? My doctor limited me to 20lbs too but I weigh an awful lot more than you do! At 156, you aren't obese and not really overweight either. I would be positively thrilled to only weigh that much!
  • sunflower92630
    sunflower92630 Posts: 76 Member
    @ tiggerhammon : I am 31 years old and only 5' 3" a "shortie" and at my starting weight 156 lbs so that is in the overweight category for my BMI (28) so that is why the doctor said 20 pounds is the acceptable range for my height and weight.
    SSAHM Posts: 172 Member
    I've been following this for a while now to see how my gains are going compared to others. I think I might join in to help keep myself accountable. If heaps of other people can see my progress I'll be less likely to succumb to eating crap and not moving. I've been trying to eat healthily, still tracking my food, trying to exercise most days. My pre preg weight was 82kg I'm 170cm tall. My midwife gave me a gain limit of 7-11.5kg.

    I'm currently nearly 15weeks and have put on 1kg.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I really need to better study how to convert these numbers. It always fumbles my mind when people post kgs.
    ...So,you started at approx 180lbs and approx 5.5ft tall and have gained approx 2.2lbs.
    ... You are doing really good!
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    Started at 163 pounds imm about 5'7 32 wks and I'm 206 pounds grumble: my midwife only told me to get to 189 pounds the BMI had something to do with that now that was my due date weight:noway:

    first pregnancy I put on 44 pounds so I think I may be on track, ill properly go over a few pounds but I feel that's the average for me when pregnant, pity I have no controll over it even with calorie counting 2500 under cal a day and then exercise 4x a wk 30 - 45 min a day at most. It's so silly to put a number to pregnancy weight gain it makes people like me sad and frustrated that I've done something wrong cos I've already gained the recommended weight..
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I agree! My doctor told me not to gain more than 20. I am only up 14 now, but 12 of that was in one month. My doctor starting telling me I was gaining weight too fast and I wanted to tell him off, lol.
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Started at 163 pounds imm about 5'7 32 wks and I'm 206 pounds grumble: my midwife only told me to get to 189 pounds the BMI had something to do with that now that was my due date weight:noway:

    first pregnancy I put on 44 pounds so I think I may be on track, ill properly go over a few pounds but I feel that's the average for me when pregnant, pity I have no controll over it even with calorie counting 2500 under cal a day and then exercise 4x a wk 30 - 45 min a day at most. It's so silly to put a number to pregnancy weight gain it makes people like me sad and frustrated that I've done something wrong cos I've already gained the recommended weight..

    I agree, too. There are so many factors. I'd rather gain more while being active and eating full fat, whole foods than eating less healthy, but low cal or "sugar free", etc. Strangely enough, I've come to peace with this pregnancy. I haven't even weighed myself in several weeks b/c I don't care! lol I'm going to assume I'll gain 45lbs b/c i did with my past two pregnancies, which were completely different pregnancies! I was stressed out and always beating myself up last time and its just not worth it! As long as I lose it within a year, its all good! Now is the time to grow! And thats another thing. While I agree one shouldn't just eat whatever they want and and gain a super ton b/c they are eating unhealthy foods, I don't understand the whole dieting while pregnant thing and coming in below cals all the time. Especially with exercise! I don't look at anyone else's diaries anymore b/c I don't get how eating 1600-1800 calories is healthy when your pregnant, exercising, and your target calories are over 2000! But its really not my business, so like I said, I don't bother looking anymore! lol (And these are people with healthy bmi's).
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Well, today's doc appt weigh in says I am now up 18lbs. So, staying in the doc's range of 20lbs is out now too.
    I have exactly 1 month left as of today and I am sure I will probably see another 6lbs or so before the end.
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 142.8
    Height: 5'2"
    Found out I was pregnant week 7

    Week 1: 142.0
    Week 2: 144.0
    Week 3: 140.8
    Week 4: 140.8
    Week 5: 140.0
    Week 6: 139.6
    Week 7: 139.8
    Week 8: 139.0
    Week 9: 141.6
    Week 10: 143.0

    Net +0.2 lbs

    Yikes, weight has been creeping up the last week (I track it daily)--will try to watch myself this week!
  • Enic03
    Enic03 Posts: 172 Member
    I've been following this for a while now to see how my gains are going compared to others. I think I might join in to help keep myself accountable. If heaps of other people can see my progress I'll be less likely to succumb to eating crap and not moving. I've been trying to eat healthily, still tracking my food, trying to exercise most days. My pre preg weight was 82kg I'm 170cm tall. My midwife gave me a gain limit of 7-11.5kg.

    I'm currently nearly 15weeks and have put on 1kg.

    This is definitely my reason for starting! Though there are still some days I don't care and end up shoveling way too much food into this endless pit of a stomach I have going on now. Good luck!
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 240 lbs
    Height: 5'10"

    Weeks 1-8 : 240 lbs
    Week 9: 237.4 (-2.6)
    Week 10: 235 (-2.4)
    Week 11: 232 (-3)
    Week 12: 230 (-2)
    Week 13: 226 (-4)
    Week 14: 226 (0)
    Week 15: 224.5 (-1.5)
    Week 16: 222 (-2.5)
    Week 17: 222.4 (+.4)

    Total: - 17.6 lbs

    My first gain. Although I've been sitting around the same weight for almost 2 weeks now, so I was expecting it soon... especially since this week I seem to have developed a taste for chocolate ice cream! :blushing: I don't eat much, but I know ice cream affects me quicker than other sweet items. The odd thing is that I am not normally a chocolate person! Must be the baby's preference! :laugh:

    Other than the occasional ice cream, still trying to eat fairly healthy... which is hard considering most of my life, I've struggled with my weight and eating habits. Babies are good for that, eh? :tongue:
  • katebrog
    katebrog Posts: 44 Member
    Starting weight was about 113lbs. 5'4 height. Small frame, and very active. I wanted to try and not go overboard on the weight gain. At my 24 week checkup I weighed in about 123.5. My doctor was happy with my weight gain and exercise routine. Hoping I don't blow up during my third trimester, since my activity level will probably begin tapering off.
  • hiba_84
    hiba_84 Posts: 177 Member
    Height 5'4
    SW 124 lbs
    CW @ 32 weeks 150 lbs

    Total gain so far 26 lbs
  • seidel1325
    seidel1325 Posts: 94 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 134.0/66.5"

    Week 8: 137.5
    Week 10: 139.0
    Week 14: 142.0
    Week 16: 144.0
    Week 20: 148.0
    Week 23: 151.4
    Week 28: 153.6
    Week 32: 154.8

    Goal: 30-35 gain
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    SW: 157

    35+1: 186.6

    Total gained: 29.6

    Was really hoping to stay under 25 lb.. now 35 lbs. We will see. 5 weeks left.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member

    Was really hoping to stay under 25 lb.. now 35 lbs. We will see. 5 weeks left.

    Don't you love how our goals and limits change? My goal was no more than 15lb gain (I was obese prepregnancy and every scale and chart told me this should be the goal.) When I hit 12lbs I decided to stick with the 'no more than 20lbs' advice that my doctor gave me. Now that I am at 18 and starting to gain faster and get a little water retention I am thinking even a goal of 'under 25' may be unrealistic. My husband says I need to just decide on no more than 35 so I stop disappointing myself. *sigh* At least I know I have the power to take it back off again!