Any short girls ?



  • Choromyslny
    Choromyslny Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5'3" and about 118 lbs with a goal weight of 110. All my visible excess fat sits on my stomach and lower sides. I do cardio and ab exercises, but those benefits have seemed to plateau. Any tips to get rid of that?
  • samgamgee
    samgamgee Posts: 398 Member
    Another 5'3" checking in! First goal weight is 120 (currently about 8 lbs away) but I'd like to eventually work my way down to 110.
  • fatlittlewoman
    fatlittlewoman Posts: 21 Member
    Yet one more 5foot 3 incher checking in lol. Was 126 last year, got down to 116 last summer, picked it up to 120 over the winter with no exercise, currently 117. Would like to get to 114 or so, BUT I need to be active to get more muscle. Am 46 years old. Feel free to add me as friend.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,101 Member
    edited May 2016
    I'm 5'3" and about 118 lbs with a goal weight of 110. All my visible excess fat sits on my stomach and lower sides. I do cardio and ab exercises, but those benefits have seemed to plateau. Any tips to get rid of that?

    I'm no expert, but maybe mix things up a bit with some different exercises - maybe some general core work instead of just focusing on the abs - and then go back to what has been working. Sometimes your body just needs a change up to get out of a plateau. For me in the past, my biggest challenge with weight loss was those last 10 pounds because they seem to want to come off sooooo slowly. Just keep doing what you are doing and you will get there!
  • eSTEF012
    eSTEF012 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I'm 5'2", I've been struggling with gaining and losing weight and falling back to bad habits. Currently I'm 140 about 32% BF give or take, I'd like to get closer to 120. For me it's not all about the weight but getting leaner and lowering my BF %.
  • tyreannj
    tyreannj Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 5'2 & my current weight is 136Lbs. My "goal weight" is around 130 I believe, will have to just workout, and try to get my body where I'd like it then weigh myself. I naturally have a thicker/muscular frame, & don't feel comfortable dipping too low.
  • SashEdwards
    SashEdwards Posts: 78 Member
    This is really fantastic to see this group. A lot of people I know roll their eyes when I say I have to lose weight that I've gained - they don't understand, but for us smaller women - a little means a lot.
    I myself am 36, 5'0 and currently weigh 121. I quit smoking nearly 4 months ago - enough said lol. My previous weight was a steady 108 which I was comfortable with but am looking to attain 105 the healthy way. I have a child (12) for which has left me with the ponch of dead skin (ugh) in my lower stomach, to boot before I had her I was about 30 pounds overweight. So between weight loss and child, my skin is pretty droopy. Over the years I'd worked out, achieved greatness and fell off the wagon for various reasons. This time I can really feel not only the weight gain, but the loss of muscle and the shift of my body. I'm not getting any younger, and now realizing the over 35 hump and how difficult it is, I'd better get cracking!
    My goal really is not only the weight loss, but to tone up the best I can and build some muscle. Over the last 2 months I've taken running up again, I've always loved to run - and now that I don't smoke it's really progressing. However, my legs and butt are toning up, but I've not seen much weight loss and it's pretty frustrating. Looking to incorporate interval training, core work and strength training.
    Anyway, there's the long and skinny from me....looking forward to sharing tips and creating connections!
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    This is really fantastic to see this group. A lot of people I know roll their eyes when I say I have to lose weight that I've gained - they don't understand, but for us smaller women - a little means a lot.
    I myself am 36, 5'0 and currently weigh 121. I quit smoking nearly 4 months ago - enough said lol. My previous weight was a steady 108 which I was comfortable with but am looking to attain 105 the healthy way. I have a child (12) for which has left me with the ponch of dead skin (ugh) in my lower stomach, to boot before I had her I was about 30 pounds overweight. So between weight loss and child, my skin is pretty droopy. Over the years I'd worked out, achieved greatness and fell off the wagon for various reasons. This time I can really feel not only the weight gain, but the loss of muscle and the shift of my body. I'm not getting any younger, and now realizing the over 35 hump and how difficult it is, I'd better get cracking!
    My goal really is not only the weight loss, but to tone up the best I can and build some muscle. Over the last 2 months I've taken running up again, I've always loved to run - and now that I don't smoke it's really progressing. However, my legs and butt are toning up, but I've not seen much weight loss and it's pretty frustrating. Looking to incorporate interval training, core work and strength training.
    Anyway, there's the long and skinny from me....looking forward to sharing tips and creating connections!
    Same here they roll there eyes! Hate it that they don't understand
  • Tofuli
    Tofuli Posts: 79 Member
    4ft 11 here, started at 129lbs and went down all the way to 90.5lbs but have put on a few pounds this month (on purpose, I was too thin). Anyone free to add me, the more friends I have the more motivated I am to stick at this :smiley:
  • Garveryr
    Garveryr Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 40, 5'2" and currently 106. Trying to get down to a lean 98-101lbs. My set weight was 95lbs for most of my life, but the last 7 years or so, the numbers have just been creeping up. Add sedentary desk job on top....:( Strength training 3x week and HIIT cardio 3x week. I've dropped about 5lbs in 2 weeks so far.

    I also have the issue in that I have no body fat on my upper body. It all sits below my belly button and on my hips and thighs. As I reduce those areas, my upper body begins to look skeletal. Anyone else have this issue? Will just putting on muscle mass there help reduce that appearance?

    I'm in that same category, but it looks like you mastered it! Can you share what you did? I'm following this meal plan (, but looking for a workout schedule for my body type. What was your workout schedule?
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    Well, I've gotten super lean and the upper thigh fat is still there. I don't think it's going anywhere. Maybe over several years of recomp. And my sternum/ribs still show through because I have no boobs. I think I'm going to do a slow bulk in the fall to see if I can put more muscle mass on my upper body.

    But to your question, I followed Body for Life for 12 weeks. Weight training every other day with upper/lower split (~50 minutes). HIIT cardio on in between days for 20 minutes. One rest day. 6 meals a day of equal carbs/protein and low fat (about 40/40/20 split). I aim for 100-130g protein/carbs a day. 10+ cups of water per day. You can get print out sheets for the workouts here:

    I'm in maintenance now and doing Bill's newer program Back to Fit. 4 days weight circuits for 25min. 2 days HIIT cardio for 25min. Although I've been substituting 10min sprint intervals for the cardio about 4-5x's per week. Same meal plan. I don't have a lot of time to workout, so I really like the shorter workouts.
  • angelberryz
    angelberryz Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'0", 30 years old and 112lbs. My goal weight is 100lbs but I'm really struggling to eat only 1200 calories a day. I just started tracking my intake and realized that I've been eating closer to 2000 calories :( I was at 100lbs for most of my life until I got married and then promptly piled on 12 lbs. Please add me as a friend :)
  • samiscute
    samiscute Posts: 3 Member
    Mom are you in here? Add me!!
  • Cathy10019
    Cathy10019 Posts: 5 Member

  • quyenphan1
    quyenphan1 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. I'm new to MFP.
    I'm 5'1", 138 lbs., and out of shape! My goal is to be in the 120 - 125 lbs range but strong and lean. I'm 52 y.o. so I think having a bit of fat is better for my health. I would love to have a few friends on here for support.
  • kittybr77
    kittybr77 Posts: 23 Member
    I am 5'3", 39 years old, and currently 133 lbs. I would very much like to be back down to where I was 7 years ago (between 115-120 lbs). I used to run but I will not be running any more (I am now a big fan of spin and elliptical). If anyone here would like to add me as a friend please feel free!
  • kas_chat
    kas_chat Posts: 13 Member
    edited June 2016
    hi I am 54cm, current weight 66kg, aiming for 55kg... Ive recently been watching some Dr Eric Berg you tube presentations about body types and also Dr Amy Myers about hormones and Dr Jason Fung about intermittent fasting and insulin control. I am married, have two boys who are 12 and 9 ... I'm pretty sedentary, around the house most days and live in Queensland Australia. I have a fitbit charge and use MFP mainly to track my weight monthly. Hello.
  • Jen2133
    Jen2133 Posts: 95 Member
    5' 2" and currently 118lbs. I started at 143lbs about a year ago, and am very happy with where I am at. My profile photo is from May 7th this year and I was 114lbs (at my first Figure competition). Diet and strength training are the key!
  • Jen2133
    Jen2133 Posts: 95 Member
    Oh, I'm 49 years old :)
  • tiffkittyw
    tiffkittyw Posts: 366 Member
    I'm 5'3" or 5'4" depending on who is doing the measuring. I had argued with the lady at my Doctors office during my last physical when she told me I was all of a sudden 5'3" LOL. Anyhow, I'm 120 lbs and 38 years old. I just upped my calories to maintain and I'm hoping to lose fat and build muscle with weight lifting.