

  • JulieHurdman
    JulieHurdman Posts: 2 Member
    And I almost skipped the Chigger episode...

    5'2" - 195 lbs.
  • meking81
    meking81 Posts: 4 Member
    I think it's awesome that many of us found this group during one of the grosser SYSKs out there. Anyway... Hi, I'm Mike. 5'7" 255ish. Fairly active, but I love pizza and beer more. I'm looking for friends and motivation from those who also love the sweet, sweet voices of Chuck and Josh. Cheers!
  • SashEdwards
    SashEdwards Posts: 78 Member
    And I almost skipped the Chigger episode...

    5'2" - 195 lbs.

    Hahaha, me too ;)
  • Lovethesnow35
    Lovethesnow35 Posts: 2,070 Member
    I agree with Lndarden50! I started my first few days entering what I eat on a normal day. Then set goals to lower the calories, cholesterol and sodium. I find foods that will keep the macros in line with my goals. I pre plan my meals the day before and type them in. That way I can remove the food that doesn't belong before I consume it. I love being able to share ideas with such a great group! Thanks Chuck for mentioning this on SYSK
  • deannajf
    deannajf Posts: 3 Member
    Dunno if this will be relevant still but making sure to log daily is really helpful in learning how to keep a healthy diet and to see real results!
  • kapri01
    kapri01 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone, so glad to be a part of this club!
  • quackmeow
    quackmeow Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Chuck and fellow fans! Chuck, what a great idea, and I'm so proud of you (tho you don't know me - is that creepy?) These things are so much easier to accomplish when you're not in it alone.

    My interest is mainly with maintaining healthy weight and nutrition as I age -that's right, I didn't think it would happen to me ;), but next thing I know, I'm 51 yrs old and entering the wonders of menopause.

    After 35 people generally put on a pound a year even with no change in habits - there is that to battle. Also, I need to transition to more weight-bearing exercise and I'm struggling with that. I'm more moody and irritable than I was at 15! And I really rack up the carbs as a result (mostly in the form of fine Portland craft ales). So I'm all yo-yo.

    I don't want to dilute or shift the main focus here to my particular issues. But I really hope I can join in, get motivation from my SYSK Fanship and give some in return. Who else would I rather hang with and talk to?

    Thanks!! Lisa (aka Pickle Magucks)
  • kirstareisinger
    kirstareisinger Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I am Kirsta 5'3" 166.4lbs recently won the biggest loser at my work. My goal is to get to 150. I have been a listener of sysk since 2008. I am a wife and have a 3 year old daughter. I am a nurse and work night shift, so I have some difficulty with keeping up with exercising because of constantly switching my sleep schedule. I hope to keep losing weight with the added support since I dont have the challenge anymore.
  • KlickittyK
    KlickittyK Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all. I've finally gotten around to joining this group, even though I signed up on MFP a bit ago - I live in China and the internet here, it can be a bit, aahhh, finicky, let's say. I've enjoyed reading through the other intros and looking forward to being part of the group. I had a doctor's appointment this past week and weighed in at 230, the biggest I've ever been, so that was a bit of a shock and has motivated me to get my act together. I think I eat pretty healthy stuff, I'm not a junk food junkie or a sweet tooth, but just way too much of it, so I've got to work on portion control. Also I drink too much booze - when you live someplace like Shanghai and never have to drive, life can sometimes be a bit too much like one long cocktail party. So I'll have to cut back on that too. And of course, I need to move my butt a bit more. Nice to meet everyone and good luck to us all :-)
  • haleyholland12
    haleyholland12 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi guys! I'm a big SYSK fan and also heard about this on the chiggers episode. I'm a little embarrassed because my goals are actually quite different. I'm 5'4" and 134 lbs, and I'm 10 weeks pregnant so my goal is actually healthy weight gain. I also really want to watch my balance of nutrients (lots of protein, calcium, iron, folic acid, DHA etc) and I'm not super active so I need to push myself to get moving! I have two kids already and I'm exhausted so making time for exercise will be really tough. Any advice there would be much appreciated!

    Any other preggos out there in SYSK land?
  • littlemermaidmaiah
    littlemermaidmaiah Posts: 3 Member
    Hi haleyholland12! I have 7 month old twins now but I went through that while pregnant; I wasn't gaining much weight initially and was told to double my protein (I eat fish and eggs but otherwise vegan so had to start eating more of those). The app helped me keep track though I'm bad at remembering to log so often I used an old-school notebook and pen to see what my meals looked like. I also stayed very active, and even after I was deemed high risk I was allowed to walk and swim; if you like swimming it's a great workout while preggo!! Hope your pregnancy goes well, xoxo