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  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    The more you're in the bathroom, the more electrolytes you need to replace...
  • midcitycat
    midcitycat Posts: 60 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Leanbean65 wrote: »
    Thanks for the great advice. I'm feeling quite wozzy and shakey right now, I'm at work and don't have time for a break until noon. I don't feel hungery just kinda out of it? Any suggestions?

    @Leanbean65 SALT!!! Someone can link you to the post of why. Pickles. Broth. Or if desperate, like salt out of your palm.

    Be careful. I had no idea about the effects of a LC diet and after 6 days I ended up so dizzy about to pass out on the bathroom floor and I couldn't even get up to call my boyfriend to help me. Had to wait until he found me there and brought me an ice pack and fluids! I made veggie broth from a bouillon cube, drank it straight from a mug (yum!) and it revived me - but now I am more careful about my caffeine, sodium and water intake. Had no idea and learned the hard way. :)
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Yes, yes, yes, to the sodium! Read the section above, where the launch pad is located, about the electrolyte issues that go along with this woe! It gives wonderful information about how to circumvent the effects!
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    "The decision that we should be eating more carbs and less fat was made by a politician, not a scientist. "

    Glad to see another reader of Taubes Good Calories Bad Calories book. It was SHOCKING to learn how a low level vegetarian flunky in the 1970s was tasked with writing the rules of Senator McGovern's* new USDA nutrition policy.

    What we don't see in the making of rules of our nation is WHO writes this stuff.. usually young, inexperienced staffers. And like Frances Moore Lappe' and 1971 "Diet for a Small Planet" people have very biased ideas of what ALL need to eat. (she won a 2008 humanitarian award, and is still active)

    Unfortunately we, as a society are all paying the price 40+ years later to this SKEWED "once size meal feeds all" influence.

    As one MD said "the change to high grain diet was the largest untested experiment forced on the population ever" ( roughly quoted, can't find the exact words)

    Many don't know that Adkins was also interviewed by McGovern's decision board, and was soundly vilified by his peers and tossed out after, so we never had a chance to choose LCHF.

    *McGovern himself was influenced by Pritikin and his harsh "no fats, all grain" diet, but even McGovern was not able to go more than 4 days on it!!!! But good for us, right?
  • Leanbean65
    Leanbean65 Posts: 176 Member
    Day 4 and I am feeling a bit better. Not so groggy. I went to the gym after work yesterday even though I wasn't feeling great. I had 2 pepperettes and a handful of salted almonds on the way. Once I started my class I felt fine and had a good workout.
    I made myself a chicken stir fry with broccoli and garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper then added some 10 percent cream. It was delish. I still feel weird eating cream, such a taboo in the past but I'll stick with this and see where I get.
    I had a dream last night that I drank a liter of apple juice! I woke up in a panic that I had blown it, but it was all just a dream :)
    I'll check out the recipe section for breakfast ideas, I'm getting a bit tired of eggs.
  • Leanbean65
    Leanbean65 Posts: 176 Member
    Also going to the family BBQ tonight. I won't be driving so I'd like to have a drink. Is a vodka soda OK?
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Vodka and soda is a great option! Add a twist of like to make it even better!
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,489 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    Vodka and soda is a great option! Add a twist of like to make it even better!

    This. Vodka and club soda with a squeeze of fresh lime is a great drink. I loved it even pre low carb.
  • Leanbean65
    Leanbean65 Posts: 176 Member
    Phew! The BBQ went fine, no one even noticed that I didn't eat any carbs. I was being overly sensitive I think :)
    Today is day 5 and I feel great! No morning grogginess. Also my appetite is much better controlled. My usual problem is snacking in the evening and I'm not even thinking about eating after dinner now.

    I did feel some nausea though, especially after eating a fairly large piece of sausage. Normally I would avoid sausage but I decided to let myself have some. The first few bites where ok but then I got a strong wave a of nausea and a funny metallic taste in my mouth. Everyone else was enjoying the sausage no problem so I don't think it was off. But I think I will avoid it from now on, it was the greasy feel in my mouth that triggered the nausea I think.

    What should I do if I don't feel hungry like this morning? Eat anyway? I don't want to leave it too long then be stuck somewhere without the right kind of food options.

    Also, what is the thought on protein powder mixes, my son has one that is low carb (3 grams per serving) can I use that along with unsweetened almond milk (1 gram per serving) to make a smoothy?
  • Leanbean65
    Leanbean65 Posts: 176 Member
    I've also decided to stay off the scale for at least 2 weeks. I am so discouraged when I weight myself so I've decided to keep that to a minimum and to just go by how my clothes are fitting, what I see in the mirror and how I feel.
  • karebear5891
    karebear5891 Posts: 141 Member
    Leanbean65 wrote: »
    What should I do if I don't feel hungry like this morning? Eat anyway? I don't want to leave it too long then be stuck somewhere without the right kind of food options.

    My suggestion is a) be prepared with a nut or seed snack. I know we have to be careful about having too much, but in a pinch it's good. And b) for breakfast I often just start out my morning with a bulletproof coffee, and if I'm working or going somewhere, bring a prepared breakfast in a container with me to eat mid-morning. Also, you talked about nausea, I find that by spreading my meals out a little more like that, it doesn't make me as nauseated. Don't know if that would help you considering you said it was sausage that made you feel that way, but if you've had it otherwise, that could help.
  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    Leanbean65 wrote: »

    I did feel some nausea though, especially after eating a fairly large piece of sausage. Normally I would avoid sausage but I decided to let myself have some. The first few bites where ok but then I got a strong wave a of nausea and a funny metallic taste in my mouth. Everyone else was enjoying the sausage no problem so I don't think it was off. But I think I will avoid it from now on, it was the greasy feel in my mouth that triggered the nausea I think.

    Nausea and a bitter taste in your mouth after eating fatty foods can be signs of a gallbladder problem. After eating LCHF for several months, these symptoms, and now pain, led to tests which determined that I have three large gallstones. Surgery is scheduled for next week.

  • Leanbean65
    Leanbean65 Posts: 176 Member
    Day 6, feeling good, no nausea yesterday. It is weird how my feeling of hunger has diminished. Last night I was lying in bed feeling full, dinner had been 3 hrs earlier, steak and veggies. I initially felt guilty thinking what did I eat after dinner and before bed to make me feel full. Normally after dinner is my binge time. I stand in front of the fridge or cupboard half consciously foraging. But I realized that I had eaten nothing since dinner, and still felt full and satisfied.
    I almost feel like this isn't going to work because I don't feel hungry or deprived. I'm used to having to feel that way to lose weight.
    As I said, I'm not stepping on a scale for at least 2 weeks to give this a chance to work.
    Also I noticed that when I was a t the gym yesterday It felt like my legs were a bit less strong when I was doing my spin class. Normally it takes a few tracks to warm up then I feel fine but yesterday even after a few tracks my legs were still a bit heavy. I decreased the tension a bit and did fine. Is this because I have used up the glycogen stores in my muscles?

    I know it is harder for the body to covert fat to energy than to use carbs. Will this symptom improve with time?

    Thanks for all the great info, it is helpful to have such great feedback, it keeps me motivated.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Decreased strength during adaptation to this woe isn't unusual. But, make sure you're keeping a watch on your electrolytes (sodium, magnesium, and potassium need to be watched closely)! Read the section about electrolytes in the launch pad area! These are needed to adapt without symptoms that lead you to believe you need carbs, when just some sodium can make all the difference!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    Decreased strength during adaptation to this woe isn't unusual. But, make sure you're keeping a watch on your electrolytes (sodium, magnesium, and potassium need to be watched closely)! Read the section about electrolytes in the launch pad area! These are needed to adapt without symptoms that lead you to believe you need carbs, when just some sodium can make all the difference!

    Truth (in my experience too).
  • Riche120
    Riche120 Posts: 154 Member
    When I was in high school I was extremely thin and often accused of being Anorexic. The funny thing is, the nutritionist I worked with back then encouraged me to eat more fat to help gain weight. That was back in the 80’s when everyone thought that eating fat made you fat. Well, guess what, I did NOT gain any weight and stayed very thin through my 20s. Fast forward a decade or two and 40 pounds and now I’m trying to lose some weight. What happened? I got a little older and had kids but I think the biggest culprit: I became a vegetarian. I wanted to eat healthier, but I did it the wrong way. My diet was filled with carbs, the good ones and the bad ones, pasta, rice, etc. and very little fat. My advice is to not fear the fat! I recently started eating LFHC and am already feeling better and the weight is coming off. Good luck!
  • Leanbean65
    Leanbean65 Posts: 176 Member
    Salt not carbs! I'm having more broth and loving it.