Other challenges?



  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,878 Member
    LOL Paula! o:)
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,693 Member
    edited June 2016
    mochapygmy wrote: »
    Almost all the members of the Fellowship have had training in various forms of combat and are relatively familiar with the other regions of Middle Earth. However the Hobbits start from the very beginning.

    For this mini challenge we are going back to the start to try and get the Hobbits as prepared as possible for the journey ahead.

    Move: Increase your NEAT for 6 of 7 days this week. NEAT is non-exercise activity thermogenics so all the energy you expend during your day that isn't exercise. Some health professionals believe that NEAT levels are more important than time spent exercising.

    Some ways to increase your NEAT: park as far from the grocery store/mall/work as you can and walk in. Be concious of safety of course. After you pick up all of your groceries take a "victory" lap or 2 around the store before checking out. March in place while brushing your teeth, during TV commercials or every hour on the hour. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. Walk to the park instead of driving there. Even better if you can pull the kids in a wagon. Walk your dog or a neighbor's dog. While waiting for your dinner to be ready do some toe touches. Go on a hike with others and offer to carry all the water. Please feel free to share other ways you increase your NEAT.

    Eat: Pre plan to prevent poor choices while hungry. Examine some of your favorite recipes and identify which ones you could easily double the quantity to freeze half of for future use. If you already do this regularly search online for new recipes. Having tasty healthy portioned food available in your freezer may stop you from making a poor decision while hungry not to mention can save you $ if you are able to buy things on sale as well as time by cooking bigger batches in the same amount of time. You don't have to actually cook one of these recipes to get this point but great if you do.

    Discover: What is in Sam's big bag? The tools to better health, of course! Identify the tools you use or would like to start using to get you on the path to good health. Some obvious answers may be a food scale, a bathroom scale, gym membership etc. What are the other tools that keep you on the right path? Maybe a pair of goal jeans, a friend that has turned her/his health around, a goal activity or other tools. Feel free to share these tools with everyone as well because you never know if your tool might be just what someone else needs.

    3 points for this mini challenge.

    Bonus goal for the next 2 weeks: Gather your Fellowship! Who are the people in your life that help you stick to your goals? Can you gather them to take some Lord of the Rings-y fun photos to share with everyone?

    Here is the link to the mini-challenge:

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,693 Member
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,693 Member
    Okay, the Two Towers Challenge will start soon. Are we going to all join the same team? Here are the options. What's your preference?

    Team Moonglow: You are changeable like an opal. What color someone sees in you depends on their angle. Life is mysterious and you are enigma. You are lit from within. Others don’t always understand you but eventually they see there is wisdom in your oddness.

    Team Sunshine: You are easygoing. What you see is what you get. You believe that things should be simple? Why make life complicated? You take great pleasure in making your home and friends comfortable.

    Team Mist: You are very careful selecting friends. You may even choose to go through periods with just a couple important friends instead of a large group of people that isn’t as close. You will reveal your secrets but only with time and consideration. Friends know you are always there for them waiting in the shadows.

    Team Mud: You are fierce and oftentimes misunderstood. Some view you as a nuisance like mud, something to be scraped off but in reality you are so much more than one dimensional. When you form into clay you are an integral part of any group of friends.

    Team Rock: You have sharp edges and are certainly not suited for everyone and that’s the way you like it. You have no desire to change for anyone. Your friends just “get you” and if they don’t it wasn’t meant to be.

    Team Moss: You are hesitant and slow to trust. You don’t like jumping into anything. You rely on your friends to advise you. It takes you time to establish friendships but once established they last forever.

    Team Big Sky: You are patient and can see the big picture. Yes, the everyday annoyances of life irritate you. No matter which group of friends you are with, you remain the same. You are pragmatic and always looking at the big picture.

    Team Flower Fields: You know life is all about cycles. What is new now, was once new in the past and will be new in the future. Life is long and change happens. You are a dependable and welcome friend.

    Team Cloudy Days: You believe life isn’t sunshine and daisies so why pretend it is? You recognize life isn’t always great but there are bright spots and it’s best to seize them when they happen. You take the time to laugh and celebrate before returning to the grind.
  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Hmm, I miss the option of being a hobbit, but it sounds like I fit in either Sunshine or Flower Fields.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,693 Member
    edited June 2016
    Sunshine feels very hobbit, Michelle.

    I'm a little bit of each group and don't know which to choose...
    • Moonglow: Others don’t always understand you but eventually they see there is wisdom in your oddness.
    • Flower Fields: You know life is all about cycles. What is new now, was once new in the past and will be new in the future. Life is long and change happens. You are a dependable and welcome friend.
    • Cloudy Days: You recognize life isn’t always great but there are bright spots and it’s best to seize them when they happen. You take the time to laugh and celebrate before returning to the grind.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,371 Member
    I think Flower Fields for sure!!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,693 Member
    edited June 2016
    Okay, We have a plan! Yay!!!

    Pick a level (see below) and declare your membership. There are already 2 people there at Option 3. I'm debating Ent (1) or hobbit (2). It's so cool to be with you this time!!! :smile:


    Here is the link to join the Flower Fields team:
    Choose your Team AND your Activity level!:

    The Council wants the challenge to be available to everyone, of all fitness and time levels. We recognize that in past challenges while all forms of exercise were equal despite MET levels or difficulty however the sheer number of minutes of cardio/strength/flexibility required was very daunting to someone who may be new to exercise. Also the challenge is time consuming so someone who has other commitments may not be able to participate.

    Activity Levels: You have 4 options.

    Option 1: Ents! ~ If your schedule is unpredictable or you are brand new to exercise this is a great option for you. You do whatever exercise you can, when you can. You participate in the 3 non exercise challenges (Elevenses, Discovery and Eye of Sauron) when you can. You never have to declare on or off weeks. You can report your minutes/points if you like but you will not be counted in your team's weekly score. You are auditing the challenge. This is a great option for people training for a specific event, for example a marathon or a powerlifting meet. Since so much of your time may be devoted to running or lifting you may not be able to get all the minutes in all three exercise categories (cardio, strength, flexibility).

    The next 3 options are all active options and your scores count towards your team’s weekly score. You are expected to get minutes in all 3 fitness categories. You will also need to declare yourself “off” per the rules mentioned above if you need time off.

    Option 2: Merry and Pippin! ~ Your total exercise minutes per week will be between 2 to 4 hours. You will complete the 3 non fitness goals. Please remember that the 3 non fitness goals usually require a time commitment as well that varies based on each week.

    Option 3: Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli! ~ Your total exercise minutes per week will be between 4 to 6 hours. You will complete the 3 non fitness goals. Please remember that the 3 non fitness goals usually require a time commitment as well that varies based on each week.

    Option 4: Frodo, Sam and Gollum! ~ Your total exercise minutes per week will be between 6 to 8 hours. You will complete the 3 non fitness goals. Please remember that the 3 non fitness goals usually require a time commitment as well that varies based on each week.

    Options 2-4 will all be worth 6 points because we know everyone is putting in their max effort. You should choose the option that is best suited for you and your lifestyle. Please remember this is a challenge so pick an option that will challenge you. If it’s hard that is okay, stressed out and upset that you can’t hit your exercise minutes is not okay.

    To be clear the option you choose is the activity level you will be at for the whole challenge. You do not get to pop down to a lower activity level when you have a busy week. That is when you take the week off. If at some point during the challenge you discover that you have not chosen the right option for you can move to a new activity level by informing your team leader and by informing the Council. There is no judgment towards any levels or any moves. We understand that everyone is making healthy choices for themselves. Each person has the option to move 2 times for the duration of the challenge for whatever reason. If a situation arises that you think you may need a 3rd change you will need to request permission directly from @Ceratopsy or @mochapygmy.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,371 Member
    Done...option 4 for me.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,693 Member
    Level 2 for me. 2-4 hours a week should be easier now that it's light late and possible to walk after work.

  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Did we decide if we're all going to try to get on the same team? I wouldn't mind joining Flower Fields with y'all. :smile: I'd probably go for a Level 3.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,371 Member
    edited June 2016
    Yes, Michelle, we are all going to join the same team this time. Last time we were separated and it wasn't as much fun.

    Join! Join! Join! Flower Fields! Join! Join! Join!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,693 Member
    I sent Shelley a mail and link.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,371 Member
    Good thinking. Hope she's feeling better.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,693 Member
    cpanus wrote: »
    Good thinking. Hope she's feeling better.

    She responded to the email - she has a really really bad cold. I hesitate to call it a cold because that doesn't make it sound as devastating as it really is. (The same thing laid me out flat for two weeks - but she's trying to work half days).

    She wanted to say Hi and let everyone know she is working on healing.

    She is signed up for the Flower Fields Challenge.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,878 Member
    Michelle hurry and join!

  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Okay, I joined our group! Can't wait to start! I need the motivation to get the flex work in.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,693 Member
    Yay! Should be fun. I'm really excited that I can be active at a lower level. I've started walking more regularly now that it is sunny. Can't wait to see what they have for us.
