
katie22mfp Posts: 386 Member
I would love to set us all some challenges to help us on our way! Any ideas guys?


  • katie22mfp
    katie22mfp Posts: 386 Member
    edited June 2016
    Ok challenge 1

    Say no to chocolate

    Are you rolls of fat caused by your chocolate addiction? Mine are!

    This challenge is to say no to chocolate! If you join you must confess slip ups and the rest of the group will decide a forfeit for you!
  • lisawilkes20
    lisawilkes20 Posts: 138 Member
    I've only just joined the group & had a piece of chocolate Swiss roll, but that's cake so if you're talking about 'chocolate ' so far I've not indulged, mainly because I can't eat one chunk I have to eat the whole bar!
  • katie22mfp
    katie22mfp Posts: 386 Member
    Comment if you are joining in!
  • michelle_frew
    michelle_frew Posts: 14 Member
    A challenge lets see .. Can you drink 8 glasses of water a day and no midnight snacks x
  • katie22mfp
    katie22mfp Posts: 386 Member
    A challenge lets see .. Can you drink 8 glasses of water a day and no midnight snacks x

    Great challenge I definitely need to try and drink 8 glasses a day!