The July Motivation Journal



  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited July 2016
    Goal Reminder:
    WifiresGettingFit July Goals
    • 4 active days out of every 7 days for at least 30 minutes (I'm working on making exercise a habit again) so 12 active days out of 21 days (3 weeks) If I do more - great but this would be the absolute minimum
    • 17 calorie days at or below goal out of 21 days (3 weeks)

    July 5th:
    Under calories by 123 (1297/1420)
    No exercise today

    So this has been my week so far:

    7/1/16: Under calories ✓ Worked out ✓
    7/2/16: Under calories ✖ (1/4) Worked out ✓
    7/3/16: Under calories ✖ (2/4) Worked out ✖ (1/9)
    7/4/16: Under calories ✖ (3/4) Worked out ✖ (2/9)
    7/5/16: Under calories ✓ Worked out ✖ (3/9)

    and this is how I'm hoping the rest of the week plays out:

    7/6/16: Under calories ✓ Worked out ✓
    7/7/16: Under calories ✓ Worked out ✓

    I only have one more day that my calories can be over goal.
    I have six days left that I can go without a workout.

  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    July 5th

    Nailed both goals
    I ate 1650 out of 1804 calories for a nice little 154 left over
    I rode the bike for 40 minutes and sweat my butt off

    5 days into challenge
    4/5 for calories
    4/5 for exercise

  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    July 6th: Success

    Under calories by 25 (1395/1420)
    Calories with exercise (2036/2061)
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    @WifiresGettingFit Nice work, just do that again today and you will have hit your mini goal in your mini goals!

    July 6th

    Nailed both goals again
    Ate 1642 calories out of 1858 for a surplus of 216
    Rode the bike for 30 minutes and did 12 minutes of T25

    6 days into challence
    5/6 for calories
    5/6 for exercise
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @50extra Thank you! I'm planning on it! =)

    Way to go on nailing your goals again! Keep it up!!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited July 2016
    July 6th: Success

    Under calories by 25 (1395/1420)
    Calories with exercise (2036/2061)

    July 6th: CORRECTION (apparently I forgot to change the serving size of my chicken which I realized today since I'm having the same thing and was pre-logging it and I'm OCD about correcting things/being as accurate as possible. haha)

    Under calories by 50 (1370/1420)
    Calories with exercise (2011/2061)
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Good day. Wednesday was good.
    1. Drink 6-8 bottles of 16 oz water per day. *completed
    2. Eat 75 g protein per day. Try to get protein in at each meal/snack *at least 78. Stopped counting at dinner time since hit goal.
    3. Eat 3 meals and 2-3 snacks per day. *completed
    4. Try for a fruit or veggie at each meal/snack also. *lunch, afternoon snack, and nightly snack.... no f/v*
    5. Limit the amount of processed foods eaten. **did really good on processed food today**

    I went to weight watchers this morning. I was stoked. I weighed in at 281.2; when I went last Tuesday I was at 300.2. This is very important to me. In 2015, I had surgery and gained 22lbs of fluid in 2 nights. It took me 6 weeks to lose all the fluid. This time, it took 2 weeks and I actually lost a little weight also. YEAH ME!!!!!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @carimiller7391 That's awesome Cari! =)
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    July 7th: Success

    Under calories by 12 (1408/1420)
    Calories with exercise (2232/2244)
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Nice work Cari, good to see you were able to hit your food goals. Wifire, good job stringing a couple wins together in a row! Coming into the weekend now, how are you going to do?

    July 7th
    Hit both goals but calories just barely
    Calories 2081 out of 2208 for 127 remaining ( I hate eating back this many calories of exercise)
    Exercised for 53 minutes (25 mins of T25 and 28 mins on the bike)

    7 days into the challenge
    6/7 on CICO
    6/7 on Exercise
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited July 2016
    @50extra Well I'm going to knock it out of the park. haha I'm going to be under calories all weekend. I'm going to take today off of exercising but will resume workouts tomorrow.
    Way to go on your success so far! Keep it up! =)
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    July 8th

    Stayed within 200 calories of allotment 1650/1470 +180
    Did no exercise

    8 days into the challenge
    7/8 on CICO
    6/8 on exercise
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    July 6-9
    OK training is back on track. Have posted 4 workouts this week and all of them have made me sore so I know I have worked hard. I'm totally stoked. A new program at the gym has gone a long way restoring my motivation as has joining in some of the classes and getting to know a few of the regulars. Really happy with this.

    Now nutrition......well hasn't been so great..........actually terrible..............oh ok downright rotten. Have been binge eating and making very poor food choices. I partially blame my lack of will power but also other factors such as PMS and possibly not eating enough during the weeks preceding me falling right of the wagon. PMS i can't do a lot about but can try and excercise my willpower more. It's like a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it gets. I'm going to try a few weeks increasing my calorie intake but staying in a deficit to see if that helps curb these binge attacks.

    Everyone sounds like they're doing great. Keep it going. we're all over this
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited July 2016
    @50extra Still doing good! Way to go!

    @Kell2912 I'm so glad you're getting your mojo back for your workouts/the gym! That's great to hear!
    I know what you mean about the PMS. I have a couple days where I want to eat everything and that isn't an exaggeration. I'm like a bottomless pit. I know some people mention eating maintenance those days, if the increasing the calories a bit doesn't help you could always try that. I also suggest some jello if you like it. Lots of volume for very little calories. I hope upping the calories helps! Let us know how it goes! =)

    July 8th: Success (Posting late because time got away from me. haha and now off to sleep.)

    Under calories by 90 (1330/1420)
    Calories with exercise (1878/1968)
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Good Saturday morning everyone!! It's raining out here, not hard but just enough to make it so darn yucky out.

    1. Drink 6-8 bottles of 16 oz water per day. *completed
    ** Does anyone think that sugar free ocean spray juices would count as water?? I know on weight watchers, they count as fluid because they are sugar free... Just wanted to get your thoughts. I can't drink plain water. I drink with the mix-ins like strawberry crush or grape crush. The taste of plain water to me is gross. I do sometimes will put a wedge of lemon in it as a natural diuretic.

    2. Eat 75 g protein per day. Try to get protein in at each meal/snack *at least 78.
    3. Eat 3 meals and 2-3 snacks per day. *completed
    4. Try for a fruit or veggie at each meal/snack also. ** Having the hardest time getting in F/V in with meals because I am so focused on trying to get in the protein. This is a work in progress.
    5. Limit the amount of processed foods eaten. **Doing pretty well on controlling processed foods.

    Hope everyone has an awesome and productive weekend.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Week 1 - got my walking done every single day, got my crunches in 5 days, got my workouts in 5 days (missed an upper body and a yoga), didn't do stairs at all this week...I think I'm going to need to work harder if I'm going to get stairs in!!!

    Results: down 1/2 inch each chest, waist, and belly button...up 1/2 inch on hips - hopefully some muscle building in my butt, can't be Harley Quinn without a nice round booty...just under a pound down on weight -0.8

    Oh, and I remembered to take new pictures, so I have that done...last set of pictures was over a year ago and I had a lot of fun comparing them...the differences aren't huge, but a little slimmer, a little more muscle, a little less fluff...I'll take the little victories!!!!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    I personally don't think chemically flavored juice counts as a supplement for water. Water is the second most important thing your body needs to stay alive. Every single part of your body needs it. Love it or hate it, in order to have a healthy body you need to drink it. Sure put a couple drops of lemon in it if you want but don't substitute juice in place of clean water.

    If your taking suggestions, get all of the junk unhealthy food out of your house. Throw it all away or give it to someone. If you are struggling to eat healthy get rid of the temptation. If the only thing you have in the house is healthy, non processed food, then all you will eat is healthy non processed food.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    July 9th

    Calories eaten, Nailed it! Ate 1666 out of 2071
    Exercise, Nailed it too! 42 Minutes of T25

    9 days in
    CICO 8/9
    Exercise 7/9

    Having to post in this thread is definitely helping me stay on track!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @carimiller7391 You're doing great! As for your question on ocean spray sugar free juice, it would count as a liquid and not water. If you use the mixes to add to the water then it would count but juice is juice in my opinion.

    @tcunbeliever You're always on it! Way to go!

    @50extra another successful day! Keep it up!

    July 9th: Bust

    I was well over maintenance as my boyfriend surprised me with a dinner date while we were traveling and then I made it worse once we got home. No exercise because i was having hip pain since waking up and was limping all day so I either slept wrong or over did it with my long workouts the previous days. I'm fine today but won't be pushing it. Will update later about how today goes.
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Good Sunday morning everyone!!!! I finally got back to my weight watchers normal Sunday meeting today and am feeling really good. Physically, my back is very swollen. To the point, I'm calling the surgeon in the morning. For the end of week 1, I'm feeling good about it. I got all the water weight that I gained in the hospital plus some.


    1. Drink 6-8 bottles of 16 oz water per day. *completed
    2. Eat 75 g protein per day. Try to get protein in at each meal/snack *at least 78.
    3. Eat 3 meals and 2-3 snacks per day. *completed
    4. Try for a fruit or veggie at each meal/snack also. ** Having the hardest time getting in F/V in with meals because I am so focused on trying to get in the protein. This is a work in progress.
    5. Limit the amount of processed foods eaten. **Doing pretty well on controlling processed foods.

    New goals for week two: 7.10.16-7.16.16

    1. Continue drinking water daily 6-8 16oz bottles.
    2. Continue working on 75 grams of protein per day
    3. Add 1 intentional flight of steps per day over the normal up and down the steps.
    4. Continue to try to get a fruit/veggie in with each meal and snack.
    5. Since I am limited in the weight I can lift, start with 3lb weights, do arm exercises. 5 different exercises, 3 sets, 15 reps each.