July 2016 Weightloss Challenge

bevkidd1 Posts: 266 Member
Thought I would just get it ready to go since the end of June is just about here. Can you believe half the year is already gone?!

Name: Bev
Height: 5'8"
Heaviest Weight: 311
Starting Weight: 285.6
Goal Weight: 280

July 1:
July 8:
July 15:
July 22:
July 29:

Loss for the week:
Loss for the month:

Let's get to it!


  • Pandabear0324
    Pandabear0324 Posts: 425 Member
    The year is definitely going by quickly!! My one year fit-versary is September! I can't believe it!!

    Name: Ashley
    Height: 5'7
    Heaviest Weight: 380
    Starting Weight: 256.2 (6/30)
    Goal Weight: 250

    July 1:
    July 8:
    July 15:
    July 22:
    July 29:

    Loss for the week:
    Loss for the month:

    Setting a more modest goal for this month! Fingers crossed I can meet/exceed it!!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,632 Member
    I have been slowly making better choices again and tracking my food. I want this month to count, its still hard for me to exercise with some issues but I am now starting PT so I hope this helps get me where I need to be

    Name: Des
    Height: 5'5"
    Heaviest Weight: 371
    Starting Weight: 352
    Goal Weight: 340

    July 1:
    July 8:
    July 15:
    July 22:
    July 29:

    Loss for the week:
    Loss for the month:

  • bevkidd1
    bevkidd1 Posts: 266 Member
    Name: Bev
    Height: 5'8"
    Heaviest weight: 311
    Starting weight: 285.6
    Goal weight: 280

    7/1: 287.2

    Loss/gain for the week: 2.4
    Loss/gain for the month:

    Well I'm not starting out so great but I am having to replace my fridge probably this weekend. I just replaced my freezer last month. So as of right now we dont have much food in the house. Hopefully that's about to change...
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Name: Cari
    Height: 5'4"
    Heaviest Weight: 411
    Starting Weight: 292.0
    Goal Weight: 285

    July 1: 292.0
    July 8:
    July 15:
    July 22:
    July 29:

    Loss for the week:
    Loss for the month:

    Having back surgery really screwed up my month. Talk about retaining fluids, UGH. My back, legs, arms, feet and hands... (every darn part of me) is swollen. I really feel like I could "POP" me with a pin and fly around the earth a few times. So I'm starting today at a place I feel more comfortable with. My goal is to lose 7lbs this month.
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    Name: Kim
    Height: 5'6"
    Heaviest Weight: 410
    Starting Weight: 410
    Goal Weight: <410

    July 1: 410
    July 8:
    July 15:
    July 22:
    July 29:

    Loss for the week:
    Loss for the month:

    I left MFP for a while and the entire process tanked. (TBH, it was already tanking when I left.)
    I haven't weighed yet today; I am using the weight from my last doctor visit (about a month ago), so will edit this post if needed.

    Today is DAY 1. I cannot mentally process setting EXACT goals for this week. I am just going to get my butt out of my chair and not eat junk. We'll see where that gets me. When the week is done I will evaluate and make a goal for the month.
  • Madelinec117
    Madelinec117 Posts: 210 Member
    Name: Madeline
    Height: 5'7"
    Heaviest Weight: 380
    Starting Weight: 324.4
    Goal Weight: 315

    July 8:
    July 15:
    July 22:
    July 29:

    Loss for the week:
    Loss for the month:

  • Pandabear0324
    Pandabear0324 Posts: 425 Member
    Name: Ashley
    Height: 5'7
    Heaviest Weight: 380
    Starting Weight: 256.2 (6/30)
    Goal Weight: 250

    July 1: 255.4
    July 8:
    July 15:
    July 22:
    July 29:

    Loss for the week: -.8
    Loss for the month: -.8

    Almost forgot to post lol
  • WIGirl1970
    WIGirl1970 Posts: 29 Member
    Name: Kris
    Height 5'9"

    SW 412 (2/2016)
    CW 378
    Goal 372

    7/1 378

    Slow and steady wins the race. That's my motto for this rodeo. Trying to do it for a lifetime.

  • Deem114
    Deem114 Posts: 83 Member
    Name: Diane (Dee)
    Height: 5'9"
    Heaviest Weight: 441+ lbs
    Starting Weight: (6/26) 329.8lbs
    Goal Weight: (7/31): 320lbs

    July 3: 328.2
    July 10:
    July 17:
    July 24:
    July 31:

    Loss for the week:
    Loss for the month:

    I have noticed when I'm not as active on the boards (reading/posting) I'm not as focused on my drive and it shows. I'm still losing, so it's all in the right direction, but I need to keep the focus on me and not everything that is blowing up around me, especially things that I have no control over! Keep control of things I can control...that's my food and water intake, exercise and attitude. July is going to be the month of Dee. :smiley:
  • purplesis8
    purplesis8 Posts: 9 Member
    Name: Shelley
    Height: 5'9"
    Original Starting Weight (8/4/15): 347.8 lbs
    Starting Weight (7/4): 326.6 lbs
    Goal Weight (7/31): 319 lbs


    Loss/gain for the month: - -

    I originally started this journey last August but fell off of the bandwagon. While I am disappointed that I didn't meet the goals I set last year I'm happy that I have only regained 3 lbs. This year I'm determined to set more realistic goals for myself. :-)
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member

    I have been off MFP for a while. It is time to get back at it.

    Name: Samantha
    Height: 5'4"
    Heaviest Weight: 315
    July Starting Weight: 302.7
    July Goal Weight: 299.5

    July 5: 302.7
    July 9:
    July 16:
    July 23:
    July 30:

    Loss for the week: First Weigh in for the month.
    Loss for the month:

    Here we go again.
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member

    Name: Adia
    Height 5'10"

    SW 340 (7/1/16)
    CW 340
    July Goal 330

    7/1 340
  • bevkidd1
    bevkidd1 Posts: 266 Member
    edited July 2016
    Name: Bev
    Height: 5'8"
    Heaviest weight: 311
    Starting weight: 285.6
    Goal weight: 280

    July 1: 287.2
    July 8: 289.2
    July 15:
    July 22:

    Loss/gain for the week: 2
    Loss/gain for the month:

    I am not going in the right direction!! Biggest problem is there is really no food in the house. Tonight there will be. I am not waiting for others anymore, I need to get food so I stop buying out. Just need yo utilize my crock pot and my rotisserie oven until it gets cooler here. I have been exercising but it won't do much if I'm not eating right. Back to the drawing board........
  • Madelinec117
    Madelinec117 Posts: 210 Member
    Name: Madeline
    Height: 5'7"
    Heaviest Weight: 380
    Starting Weight: 324.4
    Goal Weight: 315

    July 8: 320.6
    July 15:
    July 22:
    July 29:

    Loss for the week:-3.8
    Loss for the month:

    Not expecting next week to be that good since I will be at a conference all week. Have a plan to eat a snack for breakfast and lunch then a higher calorie meal in the evening so maybe I won't gain or will at least minimize the amount gained. Of course when I bought some snack crackers I had to buy extra for my husband - he's been eating some all week.
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    Name: Adia
    Height 5'10"

    SW 340 (7/1/16)
    CW 340
    July Goal 330

    7/1 340
    7/8 338.6

    So far so good.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,632 Member
    I started my PT yesterday and wow did that hurt at first, felt a bit better as the day went on but last night I was in some pain. I am still the same weight, I haven't lost and I haven't gained :(

    Name: Des
    Height: 5'5"
    Heaviest Weight: 371
    Starting Weight: 352
    Goal Weight: 340

    July 1:352
    July 8:352
    July 15:
    July 22:
    July 29:

    Loss for the week:
  • Pandabear0324
    Pandabear0324 Posts: 425 Member
    edited July 2016
    Name: Ashley
    Height: 5'7
    Heaviest Weight: 380 (9/30/15)
    Starting Weight: 256.2 (6/30)
    Goal Weight: 250

    July 1: 255.4
    July 8: 258.4
    July 15:
    July 22:
    July 29:

    Loss/Gain for the week: +3
    Loss/Gain for the month: +2.8

    This TOM can kiss my a** !! Being a woman trying to lose weight can be so dang frustrated! Hoping for a huge whoosh before next week!
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Name: Cari
    Height: 5'4"
    Heaviest Weight: 411
    Starting Weight: 292.0
    Goal Weight: 285

    July 1: 292.0
    July 8: 280.0
    July 15:
    July 22:
    July 29:

    Loss for the week: -12.0
    Loss for the month: -12.0
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member

    Name: Samantha
    Height: 5'4"
    Heaviest Weight: 315
    July Starting Weight: 302.7
    July Goal Weight: 299.5

    July 5: 302.7
    July 9: 298.0
    July 16:

    Loss for the week: 4.7 lb
    Loss for the month: 4.7 lb

    It was a good week better than expected. Let's keep it going.
  • AngryGangrel
    AngryGangrel Posts: 37 Member
    I just noticed this thread--is it too late to join? I need something to kickstart my July. :)

    Name: Patsy
    Height: 5' 4"
    Heaviest Weight: 440
    July Starting Weight: 374.8
    July Goal Weight: 365

    July 3: 374.8
    July 10: 371.2
    July 17:
    July 24:
    July 31:

    Loss for the week: 3.6
    Loss for the month: