Logging PokemonGo as Cardio?



  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I love that technology is inspiring young people to go outside, kinda reminds me of when the Walkman was invented, I spent every weekend outside on my rollerskates once my tunes became portable!

    Roller skates and walkmans. Your dating yourself. LOL

    I somehow still had my walkman. I showed it to my kids and they had no idea what it was for. :D They turned it into spy gear for their play.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I love that technology is inspiring young people to go outside, kinda reminds me of when the Walkman was invented, I spent every weekend outside on my rollerskates once my tunes became portable!

    Roller skates and walkmans. Your dating yourself. LOL

    I somehow still had my walkman. I showed it to my kids and they had no idea what it was for. :D They turned it into spy gear for their play.

    Growing up, I had one years after everyone else did... my parents had no money. When I was a teenager and could work, I bought my own discman, but they skip, so no good. Then MP3's were invented and life was better. I'm not even old, but I know what a walkman is/was.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I'm happy to see more people active, but sad that some play the game without paying enough attention to their surroundings (not all, but the ones you hear about are the bad ones). I also worry about the increase in litter reported at parks after masses of Pokemon trainers have descended upon the parks. Finally, I worry about more remote areas. I'm not sure if people are playing this while hiking, but as someone who hikes and is familiar with some of the risks, I hope Pokemon trainers are taking precautions, watching for wildlife and other risks (cliffs, rising water, hyperthermia / hypothermia, etc.).
  • piper_granny
    piper_granny Posts: 9 Member
    RowdysLady wrote: »
    I was thinking the same thing.....will Pokemon Go make me get up off my butt???

    YES IT WILL!!!! I put it on my phone, caught my first one in my house, and was hooked!! and I'm 59 years old! (however, I'm a 2nd-5th grade computer teacher and junior high library lady, and I KNOW my kids will be all talking about this when school starts again - just trying to be 'cool' LOL). Seriously - it's fun and really does get you out walking...you never know when or where you'll find something ;) Go for it!!!!
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    The Wii didn't work.
    The Nintendo footpads from the 80s didn't work.
    But this...

    I'm telling you, Japan finally figured out how to make Americans get the *kitten* up and move around outside. It's brilliant. If this trend hangs on, we'll get our obesity statistics close to theirs in just a few years.

    I would actually be interested to see the data for our population's physical activity since this game's launch. I know it's not really possible, but my god I want to see that spike.
  • MyriiStorm
    MyriiStorm Posts: 609 Member
    There's a lake by my house that had a fitness trail - you know, a pull-up station, then 10 meters or so away was a stretching station, 10 more meters a sit-up station, etc. It was pretty popular. Now the lake is dry, because the park service is going to dredge it, and the fitness stations have all been removed.

    But where each fitness station was, there is now a Poke-stop. And there are gyms at two different spots around the lake. The walking trail is seeing much more use now than when the lake was full and the fitness stations were there!