Can you remember the last game you actually finished?



  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Technically? Disgaea 3 on the Vita, though I still have a bunch of postgame stuff I could do. Got caught up playing Persona 4 though.

    On the PC though? Hmmm...I honestly don't even recall. Steam sales have ruined my ability to complete PC games. Oh wait, no, it was SOMA. I remember because I finished right before 2015 ended. The ending of the game made me question why we were bothering with a 2016. That was some heavy stuff.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    edited July 2016
    I just finished Resident Evil 4 using Steam

    Yeah, I'm actually not too far from the end of that one. Ashley just gets on my nerves and I have to put it down ever so often. It was the same way for me, back when I had it on Gamecube.
  • TheCrawlingChaos
    TheCrawlingChaos Posts: 462 Member
    I just finished Dark Souls 3 last weekend, finally. My pseudo-completionist nature had me grinding for stones to max out the weapons I liked, even though I still only used pretty much one weapon the whole entire game, even after maxing the ones I was grinding for.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I just finished Dark Souls 3 last weekend, finally. My pseudo-completionist nature had me grinding for stones to max out the weapons I liked, even though I still only used pretty much one weapon the whole entire game, even after maxing the ones I was grinding for.

    I still haven't finished all of the stuff I want to do in DS2, and I'm over 100 hours invested. Had to put it down for a while though. Think I am going to do a full run of all three Witcher games before I pick up 3 and hit the Souls again though.
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    The Witcher 3: Blood & Wine. Sure, there are about a million more things I could do with the game, but I completed the story line.
  • xxxTiaxxx
    xxxTiaxxx Posts: 304 Member
    Assassins Creed - Black Flag. I've got so many games I start but never complete. I thought Edward was attractive though so I needed to keep playing. Oh.. actually Unity. Again, same scenario. Horrible reason.
  • ladyraiah
    ladyraiah Posts: 110 Member
    Last one I finished was Tomb Raider. My hard drive was trying to die on me while I was playing too, so I had horrible lag the whole time. Now I'm working on The Witcher 3 on my brand new machine that runs it beautifully.
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    The last one I completed was Stardew valley :) doing a replay of it and its even better now that I know what im doing.
  • TheCrawlingChaos
    TheCrawlingChaos Posts: 462 Member
    I just finished Dark Souls 3 last weekend, finally. My pseudo-completionist nature had me grinding for stones to max out the weapons I liked, even though I still only used pretty much one weapon the whole entire game, even after maxing the ones I was grinding for.

    I still haven't finished all of the stuff I want to do in DS2, and I'm over 100 hours invested. Had to put it down for a while though. Think I am going to do a full run of all three Witcher games before I pick up 3 and hit the Souls again though.

    i beat DS2 early on but never went back for the DLC. I got Scholar of the first sin not long ago and going back to DS2 after 40-ish hours in DS3 is rough. It feels very different and my rolls are all horribly timed now.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I just finished Dark Souls 3 last weekend, finally. My pseudo-completionist nature had me grinding for stones to max out the weapons I liked, even though I still only used pretty much one weapon the whole entire game, even after maxing the ones I was grinding for.

    I still haven't finished all of the stuff I want to do in DS2, and I'm over 100 hours invested. Had to put it down for a while though. Think I am going to do a full run of all three Witcher games before I pick up 3 and hit the Souls again though.

    i beat DS2 early on but never went back for the DLC. I got Scholar of the first sin not long ago and going back to DS2 after 40-ish hours in DS3 is rough. It feels very different and my rolls are all horribly timed now.

    DS2: Scholar is the only one that I have any experience with. I've been a PC gamer since 2001 (damn you Diablo II), and I just couldn't wrap my head around the idea of using a controller with a PC. As such, the first DS was out for me, because holy crap the controls for that on m/k look like AIDS. I'm also too much of a miser to pay full price for a game soon after release, so DS3 will have to wait until either a GotY type edition comes out, it hits a 50-75% off sale, or preferably both.
    That's part of the reason I took so long to dive into The Witcher. Honestly, the only game that I know is coming any time in the future, that I plan on pre-ordering, is Cyberpunk 2077. I was a huge fan of CP2020, and CDPR has won my heart with their storytelling and design for The Witcher series.
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    Wow, I had to really think about this question. Last fall, I finished the campaign in Age of Mythology (RTS) which was really cool. Also, took a character to level-cap and did all the main quests in the F2PMMORPGFPS(!) Firefall. That has fun mechanics (movement and shooting in particular), but people who still play are saying the game's getting worse and worse with every patch. I don't mess around with "endgame" in MMOs - once I hit level cap and finish the main quest line, I'm out and on to something else.

    Weird to think about. I spend plenty of time on games, but most of them are multiplayer or arcadey or skrimish-ish and don't have endings. Of the ones that do, I rarely stick with long enough to finish the campaign or whatever. Usually lose interest if they get feeling like a grind. Maybe finish two or three a year. If that.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Wow, I had to really think about this question. Last fall, I finished the campaign in Age of Mythology (RTS) which was really cool. Also, took a character to level-cap and did all the main quests in the F2PMMORPGFPS(!) Firefall. That has fun mechanics (movement and shooting in particular), but people who still play are saying the game's getting worse and worse with every patch. I don't mess around with "endgame" in MMOs - once I hit level cap and finish the main quest line, I'm out and on to something else.

    Weird to think about. I spend plenty of time on games, but most of them are multiplayer or arcadey or skrimish-ish and don't have endings. Of the ones that do, I rarely stick with long enough to finish the campaign or whatever. Usually lose interest if they get feeling like a grind. Maybe finish two or three a year. If that.

    Your mention of MMO storylines compelled the following question: did you ever play through SWTOR?
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    Your mention of MMO storylines compelled the following question: did you ever play through SWTOR?

    No! I was playing it and liked it a lot - my guy was level 12 or so and then I stopped, last summer maybe. Don't remember why. Maybe I'll go back to it, but won't remember how any of the systems work and will probably have to start over again. Bleh.

    Have you? I've seen a lot of people say the expansion storylines are really good, too.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Your mention of MMO storylines compelled the following question: did you ever play through SWTOR?

    No! I was playing it and liked it a lot - my guy was level 12 or so and then I stopped, last summer maybe. Don't remember why. Maybe I'll go back to it, but won't remember how any of the systems work and will probably have to start over again. Bleh.

    Have you? I've seen a lot of people say the expansion storylines are really good, too.

    I honestly haven't touched it since before it went F2P. The ex-wife and I were former hardcore raiders in WoW, so we utterly annihilated the sorry end-game that it had at the time, and just never went back.
    The playthrough while leveling was pretty awesome though, especially given that there were different storylines for each class.
  • geminiswede
    geminiswede Posts: 903 Member
    Dragon Age: Inquisition for me. Though technically I never finished the last DLC because my husband hogs the Xbox. So if that doesn't count, it'd be Mass Effect 3.
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I completed the story for Grand Kingdom. I'm not finished with the game, but I technically completed the main story.
  • phoofy
    phoofy Posts: 6 Member
    Most recently, Witcher 3 (plus 1st expansion). Currently working on the 2nd expansion, but just like the main game, I want to do all the side quests first.
  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    Dark Souls 3 and I'm just about done with Bloodborne. DS3 was my intro to the Souls series and I loved it, so I got Bloodborne. Before that I'd have to say it was either Skyrim or Diablo 3.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Just finished my first playthrough of Persona 4 Golden tonight (took about 75 hours). About to start NG+, because screw it, this game is fantastic.
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    GTA V for the 3rd time.