Favorite alcohol?

MzKrystle Posts: 74 Member
For me it's red wine however I feel like it's been giving me some gnarly hangovers. And I'm not drinking a lot...2 glasses. Just tried Skinny Girl Spicy Lime Margarita. Love it. Also trying to like Vodka and Soda.


  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    Vodka and soda with limes is my favorite. I have a glass every night :)
  • 52baltimoreravens52
    52baltimoreravens52 Posts: 83 Member
    I like white wine. A friend said that one glass of pino Grigio is the best choice when trying to lose. Any thoughts?
  • tarabole
    tarabole Posts: 166 Member
    Vodka and soda water, red wine and sparkling whites tend to be what I gravitate towards. I find lighter reds are less hangover producing for me so I tend to stick to Pinot noirs.
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    I loooooooooooove wine. Vodka/club soda, flavored vodkas/diet sodas, straight rum, and straight tequila are my other drinks of choice.

    The quality of your wine can really impact if you get a hangover. The bottom-shelf mass-produced stuff (Barefoot, Yellow Tail, CK Mondavi, etc.) uses a lot of additives to ensure they get a consistent product, and a lot of people have bad reactions to them. I'll get a wicked hangover from one glass of Barefoot, but I can drink a bottle of more expensive small-batch wine and feel fine the next day. Drink water with your wine, too - if your alcoholic beverage is more than 10%, it will be dehydrating. Most beers and mixed drinks are less than 10% ABV - think about how much soda you add to your vodka - but wine and straight liquor are more than that.
    I like white wine. A friend said that one glass of pino Grigio is the best choice when trying to lose. Any thoughts?

    Pinot grigio is one of the lower-alcohol whites (starting around 12%), so it's less caloric than other wines. It's a good choice is wine is your preferred alcohol, but still not as low-cal as a vodka soda.
  • 52baltimoreravens52
    52baltimoreravens52 Posts: 83 Member
    Any favorite type of vodka?
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    We keep Russian Standard stocked at home. I like Ketel One and Monopolowa too.