Proceedure Date

ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
When did everyone have or planning to have their endoscopic proceedure? I had mine February 22nd.


  • darrylparker
    darrylparker Posts: 3 Member
    My procedure was 3/28
  • brp1627
    brp1627 Posts: 24 Member
    I have an appointment on 4/12. This will be my first appointment, so I do not have a scheduled procedure date yet. How long did the process take for you from when you first contacted the study people, to when you had your procedure?
  • Mabess987
    Mabess987 Posts: 3 Member
    Mine was April
    1st... Just started the purée duet today.

    How are you all doing with it?
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    bryrony wrote: »
    I have an appointment on 4/12. This will be my first appointment, so I do not have a scheduled procedure date yet. How long did the process take for you from when you first contacted the study people, to when you had your procedure?

    Welcome to the group!
    For me it only took me a few weeks from when I filled out the survey and had my first appointment. After that maybe another 2-3 weeks for my actual procedure.
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    Mabess987 wrote: »
    Mine was April
    1st... Just started the purée duet today.

    How are you all doing with it?

    Welcome Mabess987! I had my procedure on Feb. 22nd. I'm doing great! Really the only thing I had the hardest time with so far was I had a cold when I had the procedure done and for about a week after, it felt like something was stuck in my throat. I could eat and drink fine, but it was just really irritated. I also had some cramping, but nothing that I needed to medicate for. The liquid diet was the hardest for me because I like to chew my food and I really didn't enjoy having to drink my meals. Thankfully, it was only for 10 days. My parents both had gastric bypass and it was a longer period of liquids and soft foods. How are you doing so far? How was your procedure?
  • brp1627
    brp1627 Posts: 24 Member
    Procedure is scheduled for 4/25.
  • Mabess987
    Mabess987 Posts: 3 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi All!!
    I started very good, tomorrow will be 3 weeks from procedure. Started loosing weight very fast, but have been in a rut the past 3 weeks :neutral: .... But I think I need to stop weighing myself daily so I don't stress :)
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    bryrony wrote: »
    Procedure is scheduled for 4/25.

    Are you getting nervous or excited?
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    Mabess987 wrote: »
    Hi All!!
    I started very good, tomorrow will be 3 weeks from procedure. Started loosing weight very fast, but have been in a rut the past 3 weeks :neutral: .... But I think I need to stop weighing myself daily so I don't stress :)

    I started off with a bang as well. I lost 6lbs in the first week and then the weight loss slowed. It is very frustrating at times, but I have to keep reminding myself that it took years to put on and it may take years to take it off, but as long as it is still going down it is headed in the right direction. I got in the habit of weighing everyday too. I think I'm going to download an app called trendweight. I've heard other people talk about how it is good for getting a feel for the fluctuations that happen. I think I'm losing inches as well because I have noticed a few pairs of my pants, both work and jeans are getting loose enough to need a belt:) I am going to set mini non-food goals for myself. I've already decided that when I hit 15 pounds down(8 pounds away), I'm going to get my hair colored. At 20 pounds, hopefully I will need to go shopping and that may be my treat for that goal.
  • brp1627
    brp1627 Posts: 24 Member
    ptsmiles wrote: »
    bryrony wrote: »
    Procedure is scheduled for 4/25.

    Are you getting nervous or excited?

    Excited!! The only thing I'm nervous about is being disqualified up until the procedure. Although my BMI at my screening appointment last week was 37.5, so I have some wiggle room. I just don't want my weight to fluctuate any before the 25th. I go this Wednesday for my baseline appointment as well. I'm quite short, so a very small weight gain or loss makes a big difference in my BMI. I just want to get the procedure over with.
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    brp1627 wrote: »
    ptsmiles wrote: »
    bryrony wrote: »
    Procedure is scheduled for 4/25.

    Are you getting nervous or excited?

    Excited!! The only thing I'm nervous about is being disqualified up until the procedure. Although my BMI at my screening appointment last week was 37.5, so I have some wiggle room. I just don't want my weight to fluctuate any before the 25th. I go this Wednesday for my baseline appointment as well. I'm quite short, so a very small weight gain or loss makes a big difference in my BMI. I just want to get the procedure over with.

    I was worried about that too. I was 35.5 and they told me not to lose any weight before my procedure. I had a great time not trying to lose weight. :-) How tall are you?
  • brp1627
    brp1627 Posts: 24 Member
    ptsmiles wrote: »
    brp1627 wrote: »
    ptsmiles wrote: »
    bryrony wrote: »
    Procedure is scheduled for 4/25.

    Are you getting nervous or excited?

    Excited!! The only thing I'm nervous about is being disqualified up until the procedure. Although my BMI at my screening appointment last week was 37.5, so I have some wiggle room. I just don't want my weight to fluctuate any before the 25th. I go this Wednesday for my baseline appointment as well. I'm quite short, so a very small weight gain or loss makes a big difference in my BMI. I just want to get the procedure over with.

    I was worried about that too. I was 35.5 and they told me not to lose any weight before my procedure. I had a great time not trying to lose weight. :-) How tall are you?

  • brp1627
    brp1627 Posts: 24 Member
    Baseline appointment went well today. All set for procedure on Monday. I will check in later next week.
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    @brp1627 Glad to hear your baseline went well! Good luck on your procedure on Monday and I can't wait to hear how it went. I go for my 2 month endoscopy tomorrow.
  • Mabess987
    Mabess987 Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck BRP 1627!! It's been 3 weeks from procedure date for me :)
  • brp1627
    brp1627 Posts: 24 Member
    Procedure went well. Sore throat an had some abdominal cramping when I got home, but I took one of the anti-cramping med they gave me and now I feel fine (other than the sore throat, of course). Hungry - ate (drank) some vegetable soup broth. I think the liquid diet for the next few days will be the hardest part. Luckily it's only 3-4 days.

    How are the rest of you doing?
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    I agree that the liquid phase was the hardest, but it is only 3 days. I got very excited when I could progress to the soft food phase. Weight not coming off like I was hoping it would, but I know that part of it is I need to get control of my weekend eating.
  • carenajoy
    carenajoy Posts: 1 Member
    Just had my procedure today- July 8th and was so so happy to find this group! Looking forward to the journey. Resting now- throat is so sore from the breathing tube. :/
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    Welcome to the group! I hope your procedure went well.
  • smithebeth
    smithebeth Posts: 16 Member
    Hello everyone! I am so excited that I found this group. I go for my baseline on August 9th and the procedure is scheduled for August 16th. Are all of you in the endobesity studyII where it is in place for 12 months? I know the first one was only for 6 months. I have gained so much weight and I am on 3 blood pressure meds a day and I am only 38 years old. My goal is to lose weight and get off of medicine!!! Has anyone seen a difference of it affecting their blood pressure (for the good)?