Stuck and gaining weight

humble64 Posts: 69 Member
I started this group right before I went on vacation and stuck to it as much as I could. After 12 days on vacation, I resumed my eating plan and began working out again. I need to lose 30-40lbs and I'm feeling as if nothing is working for me. I'm wondering if I need to get on a specific meal and workout plan. I'm so depressed right now and this is getting to me. I am not feeling my normal self anymore. I need to get this weight off! I would love any suggestion, support, motivation any help at all to help me accomplish this goal.


  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    welcome to the group, @humble64
    Have you checked out our stickies on the front of the discussion group in here? There is a ton of information there that will help you get started. Here is the first link of things you should take a look at first

    Without knowing much of your past dieting history and what brought you here, its a little hard to know what exactly you are looking for. Can you share a bit about yourself and your dieting past?

    EM2WL Ambassador and Moderator
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling like that. I know it can be really frustrating when we don't feel anything is happening.
    How long is it since you came back from vacation? If you were eating or drinking differently or doing different activities it could still be things balancing out.
    Try going back to basics.
    How is your calorie intake? Are you consistently nailing your macros? Getting enough fibre? Getting enough water? Getting enough sleep?
    I know you won't want to hear it, but the results take time. This is not a quick fix solution but it does work as a sustainable and maintainable solution if you can give it time and patience.
    If we disregard the scale for the moment, are there any positive changes you have noticed since increasing your calories?
    Things like feeling warmer(not cold all the time) better skin, better nails, better hair, more energy, less mood swings.
    Maybe reading this blog post might help?
    If you answer some of the above questions, I can start to help.
    You can do this.
    EM2WL Ambassador and Moderator
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    I agree with these ladies. I've been here since November. My first cut revealed to me that i wasn't ready to cut. My first transformation has been mental. This takes time.
  • humble64
    humble64 Posts: 69 Member
    OK so here's my story. I have been overweight for the majority of my life, I mean 80 pounds at least overweight. I am a 34-year-old female, 6 feet tall with two kids. I have a 10-year-old daughter and a seven-year-old son. After I had my son I got tired of being overweight (260lb), and trying all the different diet plans such as, Jenny Craig, weight watchers, FMD, diet supplements etc. At this point I began to restrict my diet, I cut out carbs, sugars and fats. I mostly ate vegetables, protein and very few fruits. I also hit the gym hard, doing mostly cardio daily and I was burning around 1000 cal and I also restricted my diet to 1200 cal. This was very successful for me. Within a year I lost 80lbs and weighed 165lbs. This was less than I even weighed in elementary school. I felt more confident, healthy and beautiful. The biggest problem was that I missed food. I was going to my bed hungry and I developed an unhealthy relationship with food. Most food had become "taboo" for me. This was my lifestyle for about 3-4 years. After a while I start binging occasionally on sweets like cakes, cookies, etc. I loved sweets and because I was restricting myself for this food group it resulted in binging behavior. I then began to gain weight gradually even when I reverted to what I did to initially lose the weight. This year I noticed that I began to gain weight more rapidly and I also most admit I was binging on sweets a lot more. I probably gained 20lbs this year and now I'm up to 208. I have not been this weight since 2010. I started EM2WL in June of this year and I'm still trying to hit my macros. I have up my cals to 2000 now (I up it 100 cals a week) and I'm trying to stay here until I hit my macros because I'm still off. I just started back working out this week since my vacation a week ago. I'm mostly doing strength training/ weight lifting and I incorporating cardio twice a week. Let me know what you think. Thanks for all of your help.
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    I would keep focused on the protein - do you hit your macro on that? Your macros do not have to be perfect. That will come over time. It took me 7 months to nail my macros most days.

    I think you are on the right track, just be patient. This will be much more sustainable in the long run. When you can eat more and you don't cut out food groups, you can enjoy treats while reaching your goals, without binging.

    Use this time too to lift even heavier. Since you are so tall, you could be at a fine weight. But, if you lift heavy and eat at maintenance you could do some awesome body recomp.
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Ok, so after reading your story I most definitely recommend a metabolic reset
    And you say the eating 1000 and working out loads was very successful for you but was it? Was it really? Was it worth how it changed how you viewed food, how you feel now because you gained back weight?
    I'm not trying to make you feel bad, the past is gone but we can focus on changing here and the future.
    This should also help to explain why each time we lose weight we change shape when we regain it back. It's a vicious cycle that we have to just break out of or it never stops.
    I would concentrate on nailing the protein for the moment. It's great that you're doing strength training. That combined with the protein will help transform your body but it is s process. Try not to put too much focus on the scale for now. Take progress pics, measurements how your clothes feel. Focus on one thing at a time and change that until it becomes second nature.
    I hope your vacation was great!
    EM2WL Ambassador and moderator
  • TerezaToledo
    TerezaToledo Posts: 613 Member
    @humble64 I am so glad to see you posting here! @Raynn1 , @saranharm and @empressichel gave you excellent advice! Protein and lifting. Ditch the scale and focus on inches.

    Team EM2WL
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story. It definitely helps to understand where you are coming from. And I agree with Ichel. A reset is the best thing for you. Your body has gone through so much metabolic damage from your past history, it needs to remember what normal healthy eating is again. A reset will help you to do that.

    Also as Ichel pointed out, your past "successes" weren't successes if you gained the weight back and have an unhealthy relationship with food groups. Most of us dont realize that until we are well out of the diet haze and fully understand what "dieting" has done to us.

    As for macros, concentrate on protein only, and get your calories up to your TDEE level. The macros will come to you easier later. Your goal right now is to fill your belly with TDEE and Protein:)

    I cant really add much more. Ichel said it all best..
    Please let us know how things go

    EM2WL Ambassador and Moderator