Motivation, Accountability, and Support August 1 thru August 7

bevkidd1 Posts: 265 Member
This week I will work on the following:

1. More water...must drink more water
2. Logging every bite...not so good at this right now.
3. Exercise 5 days a week...i was for a long time but stopped.
4. No eating out...but have to hit the grocery store.

What will everyone else be working on? Have a great week everyone!


  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    This week I will do the following:

    1. Increase my steps
    2. Drink 95% water
    3. Do Zumba class every day on my Xbox
    4. No alcohol
    5. Watching my sodium.

    Good luck everyone!
  • pnece
    pnece Posts: 179 Member
    I'm still going to keep just one goal -- logging at least 5 days this week. Day one down! It wasn't pretty. But I recorded it. Good luck everyone!
  • emilym820
    emilym820 Posts: 992 Member
    1. Drink more water
    2. Log everything
    3. Hit 10,000 steps a day on my fitbit
  • pnece
    pnece Posts: 179 Member
    Day two logged! Going for three tomorrow! How's everyone else doing?
  • emilym820
    emilym820 Posts: 992 Member
    I'm 800 steps from meeting all 3 goals today. B)
  • pnece
    pnece Posts: 179 Member
    Go @emilym914!!!
  • pnece
    pnece Posts: 179 Member
    Made it through day 3 -- although pizza did me in, I still logged it.
  • bevkidd1
    bevkidd1 Posts: 265 Member
    Still having problems with exercising, getting more water in but still not enough, but logging my food has been better. I ate out one day this week and I felt sooo lousy afterwards. Think I will be cooking at home instead
  • pnece
    pnece Posts: 179 Member
    @bevkidd1, logging isn't easy! Congrats on doing better!! That's great!
  • bevkidd1
    bevkidd1 Posts: 265 Member
    Thanks! The food has really been kickin' my behind lately. I want to be healthy and I can't do that if I don't eat healthy and exercise. It's so easy to get off track and soooo much harder to get back to it. I have been struggling for the last 2 months. I just made up my mind that enough is enough. I'm gettin' back to it...