What made you



  • Smoked33
    Smoked33 Posts: 186 Member
    I found LC 17 years ago or so after a year in the gym eating low fat high carb and having almost no success. Admittedly I was doing more wrong but the structure of LC (and the fact I could eat all the bacon and sausages I wanted) made me take the plunge. I read Protein Power by the Drs Eades' and I was hooked. Lost 32lbs in 3 months before i eased off.

    I used it when I need to drop 20+ lbs, not a WOE for me but I'm a big proponent of it's benefits and I do try to help others that struggle by educating them on it and debunking the myths.
  • LauraCoth
    LauraCoth Posts: 303 Member
    I used to be able to lose weight by the calorie-deficit-only means, back when my body actually worked the way it's siupposed to (i.e. when I was about 18 years old).

    Fast forward 40-odd years, and I can no longer tolerate how hungry I get if I try to include high-carb foods into my daily diet while still attaining the calorie deficit I need to lose weight. It's all about feeling full and staying that way. If I have oatmeal in the morning and a sandwich for lunch, I'm hungry again in a couple of hours. But if I have a full-fat breakfast, I only need a noonish snack until dinner; no need for lunch at all.
  • s3rend1p1ty
    s3rend1p1ty Posts: 65 Member
    I chose this type of foodstyle (which I am still learning about and playing with) a few weeks ago. Since having my twins in November 2014, I have encountered a plethora of health issues leading to disabilty. Recently, my Ortho informed me that PT and diet changes were necessary to regain the abilities I lost. So as weight loss is necessary, I knew that ensuring protein consumption must occur to not lose more lean muscle mass thus becoming counterproductive to the PT. Upon research, the LCHP route matched my needs most closely. So here I am. :)
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I first discovered keto when it was suspected that I had a pituitary tumor. It turned out that I am fine (yeah) but I was intrigued by the idea and science. Plus all of the nutrition books I had read (like Taubes and Yudkin) seemed to point that way. It made sense, but I still didn't do it. LOL

    Pretty suddenly, after a year of steroids for autoimmune issues, I developed prediabetes. I started cutting back on sweets, which led to eating more, and I gained weight. I finally embraced keto.
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    Thank you all for sharing your stories. Some amazing results and ways you all found your way to LCHF <3<3<3
  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    @MimiOfTheLusciousLawn - Thanks for sharing your story. You are an inspiration!
  • supergal3
    supergal3 Posts: 523 Member
    @MimiOfTheLusciousLawn : Loved your story!
    What brought me to LCHF/keto was that I was trapped for years trying to lose the same 15 lbs which became 20 lbs, then 25 lbs., etc., etc. I finally took a good look at what was making me gain the weight and had to admit it was a sugar addiction which also included flour based products. Ok, then, find a diet that absolutely eliminates those items, but which doesn't prohibit eating in restaurants: voila! here I am.
  • Working2BLean
    Working2BLean Posts: 386 Member
    I gained weight on high carb low fat diets

    I read of lower carb diets and found books on reversing type 2 diabetes.

    It just worked really well and was pretty easy. The rest is weight lost and happiness gained.
  • dmariet116
    dmariet116 Posts: 530 Member
    I am loving this thread!!!! Congrats everyone on finding your way!