GoaD on the Run - Mon thru Wed (?)

glennowill Posts: 134 Member
This thread is for GOADies who like to run. New runners, old runners, and even wannabe runners meet here to discuss the joys and challenges of running. Use this space to log your miles, ask questions, share your race reports, or for anything else related to running.

New runners - and even those just thinking about starting out - are always welcome. There's no reason to lurk here. Join the pack and tell us about your running!

Oftentimes the GotR thread will pose a question or raise an issue in order to facilitate the conversation, but this is always an open forum to chat about any running-related topic.

Topic: Does watching olympic athletes make you want to run harder or just give up altogether?

Alt: How should we post this thread now? Since the new message board allows threads to be bumped to the top based on most recent comments, would it make more sense to have kind of a weekly thread or maybe bi-weekly thread? Any thoughts or volunteers would be appreciated!

Missing: Stuart and Dennis. Any others I'm not thinking of?


  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Good Morning!

    I had a note pop up on my FB that today is Dennis' birthday. I miss him as a friend. I hope that everyone here knows that he has passed (June 10.) Dennis was a good friend to many. He certainly died way too young. He would have been 63 today.

    Alt: I think that perhaps a weekly thread? Once we get more organized, if it seems like there should be a topic then we could branch out? I've lost track of who is really checking in here, and I am sorry to admit that I have lost track of who is running what lengths/races these days. I pretty much dropped completely out of running for about two years, but I am running 3x a week now, and I'm getting my mileage back very slowly. I have even run outside for the last two Sundays!

    Missing: Dave in NOLA. He's on Facebook, and he's running again. Perhaps we can talk him into checking in here?
  • glennowill
    glennowill Posts: 134 Member
    I had no idea Dennis passed away... thanks Steve.

  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    Hey, guys.

    I think I can find Stuart's email address if I remember to search. Dave has been here on MFP and will find his way back, I'm sure. I put a post on the GotR FB group last Friday with the "breadcrumbs" for any of those guys to follow if they wanted to join in. There are (I think) about 30 members of that (mostly quiet) FB group.

    Unfortunately, we're not getting our Dennis back. Very sad, but so many great memories. He was a great friend to so many.

  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    I love, love, love track and field on the big Olympics stage. It is inspiring in a way, but I love to watch it for what it is more so than trying to relate it to what I do.

    Alt: the twice-weekly thing we've been doing works pretty well for keeping the thread on the front page. I'll keep launching the thread on Fridays.
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    Good workouts over the weekend. Ran 3 miles with 3x400 pickups on Friday, rode my bike 20 miles on Sat, and ran 6 on Sunday. Took yesterday as a rest day, planning on 3 easy-paced miles this evening.
  • glennowill
    glennowill Posts: 134 Member
    Alt: I can take over the Tuesday post.

    I love watching the olympic athletes as well, and it does have an inspiration factor for me. It honestly doesn't matter what event it is, but just seeing them do their thing makes me want to get up off my *kitten* and train.

    I got out for 2 last night, just trying to get back into the swing of things. It was tough, but easier than last week's run since the weather was a bit cooler. Really looking forward to autumn running.
  • lilybbbbb
    lilybbbbb Posts: 88 Member
    It doesn't matter how often you post the thread, you still can't make me run. :p
  • GavinFlynn1
    GavinFlynn1 Posts: 1,664 Member
    Hey guys, long time, no post.

    Like Glennowill, watching elite athletes does inspire me to get off my dairy-air and keep moving. I'm not worried about being their level; I just want to be at my best level.
  • bfmorrill
    bfmorrill Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Gavin and everyone! Coaching track 2 nights per week now and preparing for Long Beach Half in October & Surf City Full on Super Bowl Sunday.
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    I sent out a Stuart signal. It might be an old email address, but we'll see.
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    3 hilly miles in a break between the storms here. Humid as *kitten*. Feels awesome!
  • StuartPW
    StuartPW Posts: 30 Member
    "I ain't dead yet" Python, Monty

    Good to see so many friendly faces. Gotta figure out how to add an avatar to my name. I'm searching under "George Clooney" but better looking :wink:
  • jbrack381us
    jbrack381us Posts: 345 Member
    StuartPW - Good to see you on here!

    Watching the Olympic runners does not provide any additional inspiration to go run any more than watching football, basketball, or baseball inspire me to play those sports. I just like watching world class athletes do there thing.
  • gadgetgirlIL
    gadgetgirlIL Posts: 1,381 Member
    Good to see so many of you pop in!

    I've been up north on vacation- Bayfield on the shore of Lake Superior. Watched some of the Olympics but am spending more time outdoors plus catching up on sleep.

    2 runs of around 6.75 miles each up here. Yesterday's had a long climb but great views. Also a lot of bike riding on a rental bike. More hills!
  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Good Morning! Just ran 2 on the TM. Working on building a base again. Using HR based running. I like that method the best. Much easier now with the VivoSmart HR.
  • glennowill
    glennowill Posts: 134 Member
    Welcome back Stuart!
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    Weights and core stuff today. Got it done!
  • StuartPW
    StuartPW Posts: 30 Member
    Hey Jack and Glennon! Sorry I've been absent. Still running but my new job doesn't let me access this site during work hours so I can only post rather late. Still, I miss all the fun we used to have here so I'm going to make an effort.
  • StuartPW
    StuartPW Posts: 30 Member
    CalBrian, glad to see you are still alive. We'll all have to explain what our new avatars are!
  • StuartPW
    StuartPW Posts: 30 Member
    I think the heat index was somewhere near the surface of Mars. Got in 3.7 miles with a lot of whining and complaining. I think the whining and complaining is worth extra points.