Why are so many people saying Keto is bad for health?

Anicamarais Posts: 46 Member
edited August 2016 in Social Groups
I just want to hear this from you guys who seem to support low carb diets... What are your thoughts on the Keto diet??


  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @Anicamarais I am so glad you make it to this low carb sub forum. These people are awesome and helpful. My reply on to you on the main forum is covered here in one way or another and if you have more questions I will reply here. Since you are seeing good success your first month of keto I expect you will be fine. Best of success.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    the simple answer is because it goes against everything they've learned their entire lives and many aren't ready accept that there is more than one way to fuel your body. its a natural resistance to anything different that most humans tend towards. no big deal, do what you feel is right for you and they can do what they feel is right for them.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    edited August 2016
    I saw your post and thought I would find some great examples of what everyone here has been saying.

    Here you've got someone not understanding the fact that your body becomes more efficient (mitochondrial development) at using fat (including body fat) and that the consumed fat is not the only fat that is used. It would appear he may not believe in calorie math with the assumption that regardless of intake, the only fat you burn is consumed fat.
    Also, he expresses the feeling of being restricted... to me this suggests an emotional attachment to food.
    Bonus unicorn points for the statement that it's pointless without a medical condition and for using the terms "fad" and "magical".


    This person is just 1000% incorrect. They have zero actual understanding of how the body works.


    On this next one, who knows why it "didn't work" for her. I mean she goes to say how great she felt but since losing scale weight was all she cared about, she couldn't possibly keep it up. It can be hard to understand that we need to allow our bodies to heal, even if we aren't aware of any issues, there are waaaaaay more things going on. I personally couldn't trade health for being lighter on a scale.


    Oh! I didn't realize it's all about calories! Why didn't somebody tell me that?!?!?
    Well, Mr Original,
    I think that's been proven wrong in a bunch of ways that simply continue to get ignored. Even Kevin Hall proved there is at least a slight metabolic advantage to keto, though he literally stated his study proved there was no difference. The data was literally showing one.
    And there was someone that did an experiment where they ate X calories of high carb foods and then ate X calories of low carb, and there was certainly a difference for that guy. Sorry, I can't remember who that was.
    Personally, I think fat loss is about hunger, not calories. If you can't go for stretches of time without food, there's something wrong with your body. We need to go without food to eat less right? In order to eat less calories right? And we need to continue doing that consistently over time right? But our body also needs to be healthy enough to allow weight loss and how can we under eat consistently enough to force fat loss if we are hungry every 3 hours or even more often?
    Keto works because we gain control over hunger that was lost in a metabolically broken body (among other reasons, but that's a big one)
    Oh, and don't miss the part at the bottom where he blames the person for their lack of weight loss. I mean, everyone knows that if you eat exactly 3500 calories less than you need that you WILL see a 1 pound loss right? If you don't, then you don't know to measure. I mean what do you want from him? He can't hold your hand. Lol


    Anyway, these are literally the first 4 comments on your post and without even scrolling down further I know all the rest are just the same.

    DO NOT bother trying to convince people that think this way. If a research scientist ignores and publishes research data that proves one thing, but then says something entirely different about it, you're not going to affect the thinking of anyone on a public forum.
    Especially if they simply cannot live a happy life without their beloved donuts or occasional "special" treats! As if that's something to equate to actual loss and suffering. Smh
  • jassnip
    jassnip Posts: 116 Member
    . Your brain only needs a certain amount of glucose to run, but even that is not necessary because your brain learns to run on ketones.

    Correction...the brain does not run on ketones. But the body can certainly manufacture the amount of glucose the brain needs.
  • silverfiend
    silverfiend Posts: 329 Member
    I'm late to the party, so just +1 everything they said. I can't say it any better!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @Sunny_Bunny_ that was an awesome post where you broke down the wrong comments.

    I went low carb (did not know that name at the time) for pain manage instead of weight loss and it was a good thing. It was 6 weeks before I lost the first point yet was somehow losing inches without losing pounds. If I had been doing for weight loss I would have stopped I expect before 6 weeks. I did start getting good pain relief in just 30 days.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    jassnip wrote: »
    . Your brain only needs a certain amount of glucose to run, but even that is not necessary because your brain learns to run on ketones.

    Correction...the brain does not run on ketones. But the body can certainly manufacture the amount of glucose the brain needs.
    jassnip wrote: »
    . Your brain only needs a certain amount of glucose to run, but even that is not necessary because your brain learns to run on ketones.

    Correction...the brain does not run on ketones. But the body can certainly manufacture the amount of glucose the brain needs.

    @jassnip not sure if your post was serious or not.


  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    jassnip wrote: »
    . Your brain only needs a certain amount of glucose to run, but even that is not necessary because your brain learns to run on ketones.

    Correction...the brain does not run on ketones. But the body can certainly manufacture the amount of glucose the brain needs.
    jassnip wrote: »
    . Your brain only needs a certain amount of glucose to run, but even that is not necessary because your brain learns to run on ketones.

    Correction...the brain does not run on ketones. But the body can certainly manufacture the amount of glucose the brain needs.

    @jassnip not sure if your post was serious or not.



    I'm thinking (hoping) it was a typo and the word "exclusively" was left out ...
  • jassnip
    jassnip Posts: 116 Member
    @Sunny_Bunny_ I wouldn't have put it if I didn't think it was correct. I will check out your sites, but my reading over the years has led me to understand the brain does not run on Ketones, ever. My understanding is that the body has the ability to convert protein and or ketones to the glucose it needs. If I am misinformed, I apologize.
  • jassnip
    jassnip Posts: 116 Member
    Thanks @RalfLott It seems I took all of the brain's energy needs as being glucose, rather than some. I stand corrected.