First off! Introduce yourself!



  • akmomof7
    akmomof7 Posts: 162 Member
    Welcome Edie! I am with you on the laziness! ! (As I sit here playing on line while the twins sleep! ! So many other things I should be doing lol) I
  • marlies74
    marlies74 Posts: 15 Member
    Here I thought I was procrastinating, turns out it's just laziness! I like it, LOL! Hi Edie!
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    @edieb1985 Welcome to the group! I too have a desk job and we too order in everyday. I had to quit ordering in and I started meal prepping.
  • marlies_NL
    marlies_NL Posts: 10 Member
    Suddenly I was no longer a group member - is it because I changed my nickname? :)
    Anywayz... back in.

    marlies74 wrote: »
    Hi moms! I am so glad I found this group!

    I am Marlies from the greater Amsterdam area, Netherlands. I am 42 yrs old and my kids are 16, 12 and 9 years old (two boys and a girl in the middle). I used to weigh about 62-64 kgs before I ever got pregnant and I am 82 kgs now, so I gained almost 20 kgs (well over 40 lbs). Strangely, I did not gain them when the kids were smaller but most of it (75%) is quite recent, over the last 4 years. I guess medication is partially to blame. In addition, I have asthma so I gave up a lot of my physical activities. But in the end, I just gained all by eating, let's be honest. :)

    My goal is to take my weight under the magic 70 and stay there for a few decades. :)

    I have trouble reaching this goal because I am a stress eater.
    So when I got home from our summer vacation I decided this had to end. I hope the social part of MFP will help me to stay focussed.

    Hope this covers it for now!

  • marlies_NL
    marlies_NL Posts: 10 Member
    Must be the name change, because it ate 'all' my posts too! Boohoo! :smiley:
  • mrslambert824
    mrslambert824 Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome Ladies! Glad to have you in our group!!
  • jackies620
    jackies620 Posts: 37 Member
    STEP 1. Answer these questions:

    - How many kids do you have?
    - How much weight did you gain and have you lost any of it?
    - What is your goal?
    - What is keeping you from attaining that goal?

    STEP 2. Friend everyone who joins this group so we can hold each other accountable with our progress.

    STEP 3. Check in daily to participate in the daily challenge which will be posted here.

    Thanks for joining! I'm looking forward to meeting new friends!

    My name is Jackie :) I have 4 kids: my girls are 2, 6, and 9. My son is 13.
    I have gained about 30-35lbs over the course of having my kids, and I'm hoping to lose about 25lbs.
    My struggle is all of my kids' schedules as well as my husband's work schedule. It can get pretty hectic, so I struggle with making time to take care of myself.

    I'm so grateful I found this group! I'm hoping it will help me stay motivated and on track!
  • akmomof7
    akmomof7 Posts: 162 Member
    Hi Jackie! Nice to meet you! !
  • sNachers
    sNachers Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome @jackies620 !!!
  • Azaelia96
    Azaelia96 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi ALL!

    I am a mother of 2 young boys. I am back to my original weight, by losing 20 pounds since January. My goal is to lose another 47lbs total to get down to a much more healthy weight, so that I can set a good example as well as have a chance of keeping up with them! My biggest struggle is having self motivation to find the time while raising to kids, working full time, and taking college courses at night.

  • Scorpio8402
    Scorpio8402 Posts: 554 Member
    Welcome everyone!
  • fit_healthy
    fit_healthy Posts: 89 Member
    Hi everyone
  • jenniebean310
    jenniebean310 Posts: 60 Member
    Welcome ladies!