
Introduce yourselves! We need to get to know each other so that we can support each other!

What's your name?
Why are you here? (What's your goal?)
Current weight:
Challenge goal weight (by 1/1/17):
Ultimate goal weight:


  • livelifenow91
    livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
    As for me, my name is Cassie. I'm here to lose weight and get fit because my spouse and I hope to begin working on building our family in 2017 and I want to do all I can to make it a healthy pregnancy!! :) This is huge for me and has helped me with motivation SO much. I want to live a LONG and HEALTHY life.

    Current weight: 219
    Challenge goal weight: 185
    Ultimate goal weight: 150
  • smartin168
    smartin168 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi All. My name is Sharon and this isn't my first trip around this block. In fact, swore I'd never do this again but as you can see, here I am. Been here for almost two months now and thoroughly enjoying it. I like gadgets and seeing numbers so this app and my fitbit make a happy couple.

    Current weight - 226
    Challenge goal - 200
    Ultimate goal weight - 155
  • daniellek30
    daniellek30 Posts: 171 Member
    Hi there, my name is Danielle. I'm here to lose weight and be healthier! I have some nerve issues in my back, and was told by my neurologist that it would be best if I could lose some 'tummy weight', since it was pulling on my spine. I'd also like to look a little 'sexier' for my husband!

    Current weight: 183
    Challenge goal weight: 165
    Ultimate goal weight: 150
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited September 2016
    I'm Marcella. I've been about the same weight all year. But, as summer winds down, I would like to just throw it into high gear and reach my goal weight by year end. I lost about 30 pounds last year and have recently reset my MFP numbers to reflect where I am now.

    Current weight: 163.5
    Challenge goal weight: 139
    Ultimate goal weight (for now): 139
  • shnaz7
    shnaz7 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! My name is Shanna. While I'm generally happy with my size, I have noticed that I've gained enough weight over the past year that a lot of my clothes are too tight. This is primarily due to starting a desk job and leaving my 8-hour a day walking job as a server, in addition to terrible late night eating habits and stress cravings. As a poor university graduate I can't really afford a whole new wardrobe, but the more I try to diet on my own the more I seem to gain. I'm hoping that by being supported and supporting others in turn, it will help get me back to where I started.

    Current weight: 138
    Challenge goal weight: 128
    Ultimate goal weight: 122
  • alt50400
    alt50400 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm amanda. Here for support! Add me!

    Current weight 200
    Challenge goal 175
    Ultimate goal 165
  • dreamz48
    dreamz48 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello!! I'm Maria, nice to meet everyone!

    Why are you here? (What's your goal?) I need support! Something or someone to help me keep going and not give up this time! I need to lose fat, not just weight so I can be healthier for myself and my kids.

    Current weight: 262 lbs.
    Challenge goal weight (by 1/1/17): 200 lbs.
    Ultimate goal weight: 150 lbs.
  • DamitaJoe
    DamitaJoe Posts: 3 Member
    Hi my name is Dwanner and I'm here to lose weight. Tried many times by myself and failed (quit), so I decided to try again. But this time I would put myself out there and make friends so I would have support.

    Current Weight: 246.8lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 210lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 160lbs
  • 2111Cai
    2111Cai Posts: 8 Member
    My name is Cai, and I'm here to lose weight the healthy way and improve my overall health and fitness. I don't just want to be thin -- I want to be thin and healthy! Like Damita says, I'm trying to build myself a web of friends so that I have something to fall back on and I won't get crushed on the rocks of defeat.

    Current weight: 156.6 lbs
    Challenge goal weight: 140 lbs
    Ultimate goal weight: 120 lbs
  • smartin168
    smartin168 Posts: 9 Member
    So here's the thing. We can ALL do this. Where will we be if we don't. I'm 57 years old and if my weight keeps going up with my age I'll be dead before I'm 60.

    Do whatever you have to do to keep on track. I've been overweight most of my life and when I was younger having pics of thin, fit people around helped. Now, now I have pics of what I DONT want to look like that keeps me motivated. Sad, but shows like 'my big fat fabulous life' are my inspiration. I'm doing whatever I have to do!
  • drummell
    drummell Posts: 8 Member
    Hello! My name is Danica. I'm living in Indiana. I'm here to become more fit and eat healthier. And to help support others on their fitness journey!
    Current - 145
    Goal - 130

    I mainly want to tone and strengthen, and get rid of the baby pooch! My youngest baby is 5 so it needs to go already!! Look forward to chatting with all of you :)
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    Hi My name is Rae,
    I started in July 1915 and have lost 69 pounds. I was in a challenge that livelifenow91 last year and she posted some very interesting things. right now I am on maintenance because I broke my fibula and fibula climbing down Mt Bross after climbing mount Democrat, Cameron and Lincoln. (the hike was only 7 miles due to the saddles between the mountains) It was the third day of a 10 day vacation. Any how I thought that I should not try to loose weight while I am healing. I was just cleared to swim so Im excited about that. weight bearing will be in two weeks. I started this journey at 230 lbs and very sedentary.(average 2 miles a day that was with a tracker that tracked every step from wake up to sleeping. Most of those miles I earned at work) Before I broke my leg I was averaging 6.8 miles a day. I feel much healthier and happier.
    I want you to know if I can do this so can you. Try to make it a life style change not a diet. that will make it easier for you. For exercise find something you love. it will make it easer to do it.
    And be happy with yourself to the point of bracing at your improvements. Your only competition is your last score. You really CAN do it.
    Start of challenge 161
    Goal 158 this will start for me at the end of October
    Ultimate goal weight, I figure I'll See about that in 2017
  • Jwildeboer
    Jwildeboer Posts: 85 Member
    What's your name? I'm Justin W
    Why are you here? (What's your goal?) I lost a lot of weight with MFP before, and I can proudly say I've maintained that pretty well for over a year now on my own. I still want to lose a bit more, so I figured joining a group like this again should help me with the last few.
    Current weight: 166.5 this AM
    Challenge goal weight (by 1/1/17): 150 (pretty much 1lb per week)
    Ultimate goal weight: Maybe 145? We'll see when I get closer.
  • oceandaisies
    oceandaisies Posts: 47 Member
    HI All.
    My name is Jennifer. I live in a tiny community in the Interior of British Columbia (Canada).
    My goal is to increase my physical activity level and to lose weight and be healthier. I have chronic back pain due to multiple injuries and would also like to decrease the pain I have every day.
    I started using mfp regularly and weighing my food on June 1st. And have been just reading the groups and discussions without partaking up to now.
    Starting weight on June 1st: 238 lbs
    Current weight as of this am: 213 lbs
    Challenge goal weight (by Jan 1st, 2017): 188 lbs (lose 25 more lbs)
    Ultimate goal weight: 145 lbs which will put me just in the normal BMI for my height so I may adjust this goal as I get closer.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    HI All.
    My name is Jennifer. I live in a tiny community in the Interior of British Columbia (Canada).
    My goal is to increase my physical activity level and to lose weight and be healthier. I have chronic back pain due to multiple injuries and would also like to decrease the pain I have every day.
    I started using mfp regularly and weighing my food on June 1st. And have been just reading the groups and discussions without partaking up to now.
    Starting weight on June 1st: 238 lbs
    Current weight as of this am: 213 lbs
    Challenge goal weight (by Jan 1st, 2017): 188 lbs (lose 25 more lbs)
    Ultimate goal weight: 145 lbs which will put me just in the normal BMI for my height so I may adjust this goal as I get closer.

    Welcome glad t meat you