Why do you want to lose weight?

cxrdxnxs Posts: 10 Member
Please share!


  • Aaliya7
    Aaliya7 Posts: 38 Member
    I am 33;I have some health issues that are known to be affected by weight like diabetes, back problem
  • 56andproud
    56andproud Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! I want to lose this weight because weighting 195 at 5'8" makes me feel fat and old. After about 8 really rough years with my family - and we're all doing better - I am ready to take off this stress related weight and feel younger, lighter, and proud of my body.
  • nbintliff
    nbintliff Posts: 22 Member
    I want and need to lose weight! I have let 50lbs add on after having kids. I'm 34 and even though overweight, im pretty healthy. But I know that won't last long and I want to be around for my kids. I want to be able to shop at stores easily instead of going to plus size stores. And I want my knees to stop hurting! I want to feel comfortable when I look at pictures and in the mirror. I love the beach and don't want to have to worry what I look like I'm a bathing suit.
  • ChaleGirl
    ChaleGirl Posts: 270 Member
    My reason is quite shallow. I just want to look good and feel comfortable in my skin! I also want to feel good which I don't. I'm really craving that bright energetic feeling that I had when I was a kid lol!!
  • MrsKila
    MrsKila Posts: 320 Member
    edited September 2016
    I had a terrible injury. Broke my ankle in 3 places. Was non weight-bearing for 6 months. Struggling with ambulation, and put on 14 more lbs on top of weight that already needed to be loss. Now I am 20 lbs. Down and need to lose 30 more to be at goal. I can feel the weight lifting off my knees. If this can be accomplished by December it would be great. The thing is, I plan on having a 3 day break around thanksgiving. So I need to stay very focused until then. I wish everyone luck!
  • cxrdxnxs
    cxrdxnxs Posts: 10 Member
    edited September 2016
    :) I'm looking to fix my lack of energy and inability to participate in certain things I like, I constantly feel like my weight holds me back and also affects me with high anxiety. While I consciously work on my self-esteem and confidence as well I also (shallowly) want to enjoy visually what I think looks good in the mirror. Mainly highly on losing the flab on my arms so can do dresses in the summertime without an additional top and shrinking. I'd like to go to stores and not worry about covering up certain body parts.