pEDaLing GoAdiEs monday Monday!!

podkey Posts: 5,095 Member
From a fixie one gear to a gazzilion gears from one mile to a gazzillion miles we share a bond (stuck to our bike seat)

QOTD: How was your week-end??


  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,095 Member
    I got in a nice über über fast hilly ride in on Friday climbing our local 1000' hill. Knocked 5 minutes off my best recent time. Saturday was super rainy but rode to the store twice including one at night to pick up a new Bonavita coffee maker to replace my dead one. Rode to WW meeting yesterday. So far this year I am at about 95% for days ridden (6.2 miles or 10K minimum to qualify as a ride day in the challenge).

    How bout you???
  • Swtdwy
    Swtdwy Posts: 83 Member
    Nice riding Bob! As far as the number of rides this year, I'm at 78. Total miles is 2476.

    Saturday about 9 of us took a road trip to Malibu. It's about an hour drive. Here's the route I did (let me know if you can access it!) url=""][/url]

    It ended up being 46 miles and 4000' of climbing. One cool thing was that a triathlon was going on at the time along Pacific Coast Highway, so they had lanes cordoned off from cars, and rolling stops through intersections. So we rode alongside triathletes for awhile in the relative safety of coned off street lanes. I was actually pretty beat after getting to the top of the main climb, Mulholland. My choice at that time was (a) take a left turn and do the planned route with everyone else, which entailed 3 significant (1 to 1.5 mile) and steep (all average at or above 7%) climbs before descending back to the coast, or (b) take a right turn and descend immediately, before hitting 1 significant climb, then finish descending to the coast. I and another chose the latter. The positive thing is that it was about 85F and rising up in the hills where we were, so the sooner I got down to the cool coast the better. The negative thing was that it kinda backtracked, so it added 6 miles of rollers along the coast to get back to the car. Anyway, did it. It was good. I was wiped.

    Not happy with my glacial pace. Fairly happy with my mental fortitude.

    We went and had lunch at Malibu Seafood - a well known place, great food, outdoor patio with views of the coast.

    Sunday our local group ride experimented with having a A ride and a B ride. This was fortunate because it seems like all the fast riders showed. So five of us did the B ride. Good route - 33 miles, 1800' of climbing. Typical of rides around here, all uphill headwind on the way out, downhill tailwind on the way back. So it's really a grind the first 1.5- 2 hours. But after that is the fun part!
  • klmackey893
    klmackey893 Posts: 118 Member
    Saturday I got 31 miles in(flat course for the most part). Cool and sunny weather perfect fall day. Sunday I got a little of 6 miles in with DW and church friends. These Sunday rides for me are more for the social and a recovery ride from my Sat ride. I passed 2600 miles for the year on the way to work this morning. Depending on the snow/ice I should get close to 3500 miles for the year. If I do buy a fat bike/mt bike for the winter commute I may even get more in.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,095 Member
    Nice job Mark and Kevin. Wow ya skipped a couple of climbs or so and still had over 4000' of climbing in 46 miles. Yeah my "standard" for typically nice and hilly routes around here is about 1000' for each 10 miles. One of my hardest really local rides has 2600+ feet in 30 miles (seems like it use to be closer to 3000 feet before some tweaks on website). Definitely has an 18%+ short steep part in first half mile of the tough uphill rollercoaster 3 mile climb.

    All the new websites from strava to ridewithgps have dumbed down the climbs quite a bit but we still have to get over them. I looked at another local climb which has a short over 10% section in it and it is shown as grade of 4% (uh nope). don't know the new algorhythm but it sux in the way they overcompensated for past generous readings. Trust me a lot of folks walk for 100 yards up this one.
    Anyhoo great job Mark and Kevin.

    I just looked and updated my bikejournaldotcom log and it shows me at a surprising 2826 miles this year or a pinch ahead of you guys for the moment. With my injuries I have not pushed for miles but I always enjoy seeing the 3000 mark which has been my happy spot for a few decades. Gosh looks like I will coast by that one soon.

    Probably no more 6000 years in the foreseeable future and I am super OK with that.
  • countcurt
    countcurt Posts: 593 Member
    I did the MS150 (kansas city) this weekend. More or less. I did the century route on the outbound and then on the return did the 'short' ride. The weather was close to perfect (a little cooler than I would like, but the jacket came off before lunch).

    It's not the most challenging ride, I suppose, but still a few hills to get the heart pumping. It is a fun event. I rode with a group that rides a bit faster than I usually ride, so it was a quicker than usual pace.

    It was an enjoyable weekend. I will see my riding start to wind down now as the weather turns (yes, I'm a fair weather rider) and then go dormant until spring. I am probably adding a second MS150 (Boston to CapeCod) in 2017.

  • Swtdwy
    Swtdwy Posts: 83 Member
    Looks like a great ride, actually rides Curt! Nice!