Foods you thought you'd miss before LCHF/keto

Before I went LCHF/Keto there were some foods I thought I couldn't live without - now I realise how bland they were and that there are much, much better alternatives!

Crisps – Pork scratchings are so much tastier!
Pizza – Keto pizza (spinach and mozzarella base) is so much nicer I wouldn’t want to go back!

What did you think you'd miss and have found you don't crave/have a better alternative?


  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I was totally addicted. I literally ate candy every single day and usually a few times a day.

    A few days in, I was no longer having sugar cravings and I tried sugar free candy thinking I would need a replacement, but I recently found the sugar free stuff I bought and it had all expired and I had to throw it out. I had forgotten that I even had it.
    I've found that I don't need replacements for any of the high carb things I used to eat.
    Sandwiches don't need bread. Pizza doesn't need a crust. I don't miss them at all.
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    Starbuck's Very Berry Hibiscus Refreshers. But I've learned to live without em.
  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    Potatos and rice. I still miss pasta, making due the best I can with spiraled veggies but potato and rice I do not miss like I thought I would. I do really miss bananas though.
  • cstehansen
    cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
    ice cream, popcorn and pizza.

    Pizza is not a big deal because the crust was just a method to get the good stuff into my mouth without using a fork. Cauliflower crust works just fine if I season it well.

    Popcorn is only an issue when I go to a movie because I like to mindlessly munch and I don't know of any alternative that would not end up being about 3000 calories by the time the movie ended.

    Ice cream is the only thing I really miss. However, it is easier by the day. I even dished out some for my daughter the other day and the temptation to like the scoop afterwards was minimal (I successfully refrained).
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I was totally addicted. I literally ate candy every single day and usually a few times a day.

    A few days in, I was no longer having sugar cravings

    This. I actually kind of put off going LCHF because I knew this would happen and I was pre-mourning my sweets. I don't even have a bit of desire for them now. I know...I'm only 2 weeks in so I haven't proved much, but it's a big deal to me. :)
  • suzqtme
    suzqtme Posts: 322 Member
    Dumplings. How could I live through a winter without beef stew with nice fluffy dumplings. I haven't looked for a replacement, but I made stew with lots of beef and some low carb veggies and it was yummy. Followed it up with cocoa whipped cream. And I was full. Dumplings left me wanting more...and more...and more, well, you get the picture. >:)
  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    Bread - I used to make a homemade loaf once every week or two. My poor bread machine now sits unused.
  • AshStout83
    AshStout83 Posts: 190 Member
    Fried food, pizza, pasta, rice, bread, rolls, biscuits, basically all non-sweet carbs.
  • kdz0444
    kdz0444 Posts: 143 Member
    I thought I would miss pasta and rice more. But the more I eat healthier and see results the less I think I might want it.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    French fries. I was fairly obsessed with them and I honestly don't miss them at all. :)
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    edited September 2016
    French fries, marzipan, wine, crisps and rice noodles. And popcorn! There is no substitute for freshly popped popcorn, although pork cracklings tastes pretty good.

    I had marzipan not too long ago and ewww so sweet now, I still miss the rest though but no cravings. I just like the savoury stuff.
  • LowCarbInScotland
    LowCarbInScotland Posts: 1,027 Member
    Ummm... Every carbohydrate based food - candy, cakes, bread (including pizza dough), potatoes, rice, Asian noodles of every variety and pasta (but just a little bit, I wasn't all that into it).

    I don't really make substitution foods, the fake bread and cakes, fat bombs, fathead pizza, etc, it's easier for me to just avoid carbs and carb-like foods in general other than my veggies.

    I still struggle, I cannot have carbs in my house, it's just too dangerous. I don't miss the foods exactly, I miss the pleasure of eating sweets and bread, but I just remind myself about all the crappy things that come along with that experience and it no longer sounds so fun.

    99% and 90% chocolate is my saving grace, I don't feel deprived or miss candy when I can eat chocolate every day.
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    All the sweets. Bread, pizza ect. Although I've found subs for all of them. And oddly enough, in general, I seem to be able to moderate the LCHF versions better than the carb-laden ones. I don't know why. They're just more satisfying.
  • genmon00
    genmon00 Posts: 604 Member
    hot Cheetos, cheeto puffs and slurpees, diabetic nightmares yet I ate them at least 4-5 a week Smh, I think I had death wish. I can't have the Cheetos around, still tempt me but better not to have them around my kids either. I tried the SF slurpee but sickeningly sweet yuck!
  • nscal
    nscal Posts: 72 Member
    Chocolate of any type or anything with chocolate on it! Along with rice, pasta and bread. My cravings have really subsided to all of those and I have found alternatives to help if and when I do get a craving.

    I actually do have sweets, rice, pasta and bread, etc. in the pantry and cook them for the hubs or when the kids come home but I have to say that I am pretty proud of myself because I don't touch them and I'm by myself all week long and only have to cook on the weekends when everyone is home. (They all work out of town.) The "want" is just not there any more for all those things.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Oh, the list I could make.

    Start it off with rice. I used to buy that in 10-20 kg sacks. Why not? I knew I would eventually eat it all. French fries, of course, and bread. I used to bake my own bread and bagels. Sweets? Yeah, I liked those also. But, probably didn't worry too much about them.

    When I was a kid, I remember my mom offering a bet of $100 if I went a whole year without candy. I refused the bet. Now, I regret it. I should have started back then.
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    I thought I would miss chocolate, but I am not missing any sweets at all. I am also surprisingly not missing any bread, pasta, or chips, but I do miss cheese. Luckily, it's only the cheese I have when I visit my family in Egypt, and that happens like once every 5 years lol. I also miss some potatoes and french fries, but I have sweet potatoes every once in a while.
  • tribal351
    tribal351 Posts: 72 Member
    Pizza. Cheeseburgers. Cheesecake. Ice cream. Doritos.
    I've tried substitutes for pizza (fathead pizza) and it was delicious, but caused a stall in my weight loss. I decided I could live without it.
  • LolaDeeDaisy23
    LolaDeeDaisy23 Posts: 383 Member
    I miss ice cream. Going out with the hubby and I see families licking and enjoying their Coldstone ice creams. I also miss apples and oatmeal.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Candy. I still miss but but I no longer crave it.