Treadmill Runners/joggers/walkers

sNachers Posts: 30 Member
Does anyone like to run/jog/walk on the treadmill? I've been trying to at least 3 days a week. Anyone wants to be my virtual gym buddy? :D


  • akmomof7
    akmomof7 Posts: 162 Member
    I do my couch to 5k on the treadmill on Monday Wednesday and Friday (although it may not happen today because I have to be in court all afternoon!
  • akmomof7
    akmomof7 Posts: 162 Member
    Also wanted to add that I have decided to do 30 min of walking on Tuesday and Thursday, probably tandem wearing the twins.
  • sNachers
    sNachers Posts: 30 Member
    As luck would have it, I hurt my bad really badly somehow. My chiropractor thinks it was a mix of the rotation in my spine, pelvis being tipped forward and then running with both issues which kind of put my back over the edge. This last week I was completely out of commission. The pain was at night and morning, and it was so intense. Anyway, I'm back on the mend. I'm walking with a work buddy at lunch today. I plan to make sure I'm walking enough until my back feels 100% and then start jogging again. I've been missing it and the sweat! lol