


  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Aye. Yesterday bad day. Diazepam wore off pretty quick and i was just shot away. My husband took it into his head to go out and leave me with the kids and i ended up ringing him demanding he came home because i could t deal with the bugs on my skin, the movements, the racing thoughts, noise or even being touched. Did sleep eventually from about 1130 pm to 630 am then dozed on sofa for two more hours. Am really just trying to get to monday when i see my dr as i think quetiapine is bad and so is diazepam and i dont want them. Sorry to message in here i am trying not tk text my friends all the time as i get a lot of compulsions to tell them the thoughts
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Lise, don't apologize. We are here for you.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Lise, I know you've been buffering your husband away from some of the worst of this episode...did he not realize how bad it really was - or did he just need a break too? I'm glad you called him, regardless. I know that my own experience with men is that we expect them to GET what we need because we can normally read them like books, but we forget that they often miss that same insight into us... We have to come out and clearly state exactly what we want/need, and for most of that is really hard. They don't have to do that, why should we? It's b-witchy demand things like that. We're so selfish to ask for so much. Etc. Most of us see it as a mental failing that we should have to ask - or that we NEED at all.

    But as we all know well, mental illness and mental hiccups - they LIE to us...they distort the truth, make us feel alone, insane, dealing with symptoms of things, etc. I'm SOOO sorry that you're struggling with getting level on your meds. I know what a hellish misery that can be...Hopefully you've already seen the doctor today, or will soon.

    As for the meds, why do you consider them BAD? Because of side effects you are having? Or because of just the emotional connotation to those medications? Remember, what works for one person, may not work for another, and they just have to go through the different medications and different combinations of medications to see what your body needs. It has nothing to do with anything you have done right or wrong - it is just the way your body is wired or deficiencies your body has developed. Some meds may be temporary, some permanent. Just don't give up, because there ARE combinations out there that will help you get back to your level of normal again...

    And don't ever feel bad about hitting me up, even in the middle of the night. FB messenger will pop up on my phone, and I'm up at all sorts of crazy hours. I've been there with all the racing crazy thoughts, the ones that you think if you tell another living soul, they will all run screaming from you and work to having you committed. You know me, I will be straight-forward with you, but I will also listen and refrain from judgment as much as humanly possible, because we all have different struggles. Plus, I don't have to SEE you every day and deal with my own issues with yours as context, etc. (which is what most close personal friends can't deal with)... I can see you from a distance, so it's SAFER, right?

    So, hit us up if you need us...we are here!!!! And as Cari says, don't apologize for needing people who GET you in your life...and for needing more than you are getting. We've all been there and likely will be there again at some point. We're a tribe. Hugs and love, Lise, @maoribadger .... Hugs and love - and because I'm so far away, I can do it WITHOUT touching you... I know how that can feel, too.
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    No he was just determined to go out he had been playing it from before me getting bad and it clearly wasnt gonna stop him even though he knew i was a mess. He did get stroppy about being called back then said he knew if id actually gone as far as admitting i needed his help it was a bad time and chilled out.

    I saw the dr today. I went to art this morning and was gonna leave when i found out they were doing chaalks as even prior to this i never deal with the sound and now it goes through my brain like a knife. They let me sit in the office and draw though with my music on. Saw psychiatric dr at 1230 who went over what happened at the weekend. He said i seemed highly anxious and asked why and i said BECAUSE IM COVERED IN BUGS MAYBE! He then asked if i do cocaine and i said no drugs ever. Like i could afford coke on a nurses salary! He then started asking about my relationship with neil and how i felt about him. Then he asked about my friends and why i dont trust people and moved onto my parents. He also asked about my tattoos piercings and mohawk and why i like to dress and present myself in a very alternative way. *kitten* knows what hes driving at. Like im actingout and shoving two fingers up to convention because of some of the *kitten* my family pulled when i was a kid or some such psychobabble. He did say i calm and become less agitated when my attention is engaged though.

    Hes taken me off quetiapine as it wasnt doing anything and has increased the diazepam to three times a day as it wears off for me otherwise. He thinks i maybe metabolise meds quickly which i guess might explain my high tolerance to painkillers, ive had 100mg trampoline and 10mg intravenous morphine at seperate times in the past without it even making an impact on me. Shame i cant metabolise food as fast. So am now on venlafaxine lithium rispiredone and diazepam though i plan on tellibg him if i am staying on anti anxiety meds im not taking diazepam long term. Its not a stigma thing i hate all benzodiazepines as they are addictive and affect your ability to think straight. I dislike not having a clear mind.

    And thanks for the rest,, appreciated. Fingers crossed for a breakthrough soon. Just waiting for my nurse to call for next weeks appt and ongoing plan
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I'm glad that your hubs stopped and took a breath to realize what it meant that you reached out and admitted you needed him...

    Hmm...that doctor sounds like he sees you more as presenting as a drug addict/drug seeker. I had a friend who had all kinds of torn and jacked up stuff in his knee, but was having to work in his feet while awaiting approval for a surgery, but he was refused any pain medication because the doctor labeled him a drug seeker based on his alternative appearance, and because he knew the name of the pain medication AND the dosage he likely would need, so that sort of knowledge meant that he was a drug seeker, regardless of where he acquired the knowledge - and it was from a friend who was a nurse, and therefore refused a pain medication prescription.

    So, I'm guessing that your appearance put this doctor in to that frame of reference automatically. I really wish people would get with understanding that appearance is a choice of self-expression, not necessarily a reflection of some presumed trauma from one's past...

    Totally lost my train of thought...will write more later!
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    All this talk about meds is hurting my head. Much hugs and love Lise!!!
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    It's not you Lise, It's totally me. I've been agitated and had to up my med. No need to apologize.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Lise, how are you doing with the increased and changed doses? Hopefully at least not any worse... Did you hear from the nurse???

    Kids and hubby and darned dog behaving as much as possible?

  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    The risperidone seems to have really helped with the hallucinating and the agitation plus im guessing the increased lithium. I have basically quit on the diazepam. Yes it helps anxiety but makes me way too drowsy and fuzzy headed to be properly functional for my kids. Am just gonna have to man up and deal with the anxiety but tbh most of that came from being manic and having psychotic symptoms freaking me out. Will mention it to my nurse when i speak to him on friday then i am seeing him monday. Only thing i am watching out for Right now is an ME flare as i have the heavy aching in both legs.

    Family are fine. Girls crack me up, tonight my little one came and snuggled up close to me. Was touched til i felt her break wind on my leg and run away laughing. Little beast. Devil dog is as he is!

    Sorry you are feeling bad Cari
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    You seem to be more settled in your post Lise. That's good. Klonopin works well for me for anxiety/agitation.. I just upped my dosage of it today. Giving it about 1 week to calm things down for me. Not that I "feel" bad. My bff of 28 years and I ended our friendship, mom just started being able to drive on Friday but is feeling worse now than before. I know things need to get done, but I do believe that she forgets I work all day and although I sit all day at work and talk on the phone in a call center, it's draining work.

    Mania does tend to wreck havoc on everything.

    Your daughter is a hoot.

    I truly hope you are on the mend and on an upswing mood wise.

    Love and hugs.
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Thanks Cari. Well i knock the diazepam on the head totally yesterday and feel way more functional. Today movements totally back to normal, only minimal racing head, did spend a bit of Money but probably more because i gave myself leave to than in a manic way. And only a couple of bugs. And i could think and function without the diazepam. Was able to play with the girls and do their homework with them. I think im fit to work but i cant see my nurse til monday and by then id be on leave anyway so if i just stay on the sick note i get the holiday time back and can use it again. Would that be selfish? Sorry about your friend. Sometimes things come to an end naturally because they have run their course but it doesnt make things any easier.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @maoribadger - I know you feel more level, but I think you need to be that level of balance for more than a single day or two before returning to work. I would DEFINITELY use the time, because any ridiculous stress trigger or anything can send you right back into a manic episode. I know you're wanting to get back to things, but you MUST give your body time to heal!
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Lise, use the time you get to help you get settled in. PLEASE. It wouldn't be selfish.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    In fact, I think it would be selfish to go back to work. Trying to force normal on yourself - expecting too much of yourself - and putting work at risk if you are even an iota under 100%. "I think I'm fit to work..." is nowhere near, "goodness, I'm finally feeling like my solid self again. Work is missing out. I so need to get back in there and remind them why I'm awesome." or whatever jazz you'd tell yourself.

    This time is crucial to your mental health and lifelong survival. That is why the sick note was written to cover that time. That's the minimum amount of time your medical team thought you needed before being seen again. And while it hurts, we aren't perfect, we can't be superwoman all the time, and sometimes, we just need someone to remind us that we can't give our best to others if we don't stop and take a breath and care for ourselves sometimes.

    And for folks like us, with the issues we face, the simple task of stopping and having any time to think or be alone is utterly terrifying, but it is so necessary...

    Love and hugs, Lise. Take this time you need, your doctors tell you that you need, and get yourself on solid footing before you step fully back into all the aspects of your juggling life so you can be the best you can be in all aspects, including FOR you. (HUGS)
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Having a total freak about going back to work as it is tbh thanks to the gossip mill
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Sorry hon. I hope you can be protected and safe going back. Hugs.
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Lise, as Carly said, you need to take this time to get back on solid ground. Trust me. Been there, went back too soon and am paying for it dearly now. Take the time to get you right... then the family, then the job.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Make sure you discuss the "gossip mill" with your nurse, too!!! (HUGS)
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Sorry not answered been trying to work things through. So i am due back the third october for a night. I am no longer manic bit still having the odd auditory or tactile hallucinations but nothing i cant cope with. I have to go have a blood test fri or sat.

    Last few days i have gutted my daughters room, a job ive been avoiding so now planning some housework free days as the inevitable ME flare is here. I have also started making a list of topics to discuss with my counsellor and been idly planning some tattoos.

    After some discussion with my husband who took some persuading we have decided to tell the girls i am bipolar. We are gonna do it at the weekend so i have writtten a story i need to ilkustrate and print. Id like to message you both a copy for feedback.

    Lastly ive self harmed a cpl of times. Im looking at coping strategies going forward possibly if i can bring myself to engage with the local service again or not and involving my friends with something called the butterfly project. Some of the stuff i admitted to my best friend last night scared me and i need to find a way to stop